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Finite linear algebra in C++/OpenCL

Thomas Kaldahl, 2021

This library provides implementations of vectors, matrices, and operations on and between them. It is designed to be run using the GPU to perform parallel computations.



FinLin is called by including the header file finlin.hpp.

Before use in a program, it must be initialized with the initialization function FinLin::init(int platform, int device).

OpenCL platform and device numbers are machine dependent. To determine which platform and device numbers correspond to your preferred device (e.g. CPU, GPU), try using clinfo or a non-Linux equivalent. If in doubt, FinLin::init(0, 0) should get you started.


Vectors can be initialized in a couple ways.

  • Vec(int d) creates a zero-vector of dimension d.
  • Vec(int d, double x) creates a d-dimensional vector populated entirely with components equal to x.
  • Vec(int d, double *components) uses d doubles at the double array at components to set the components of the vector.
  • Vec::randomUniform(int d, double min, double max) creates a d-dimensional vector with random components from min to max.

Vectors have a few accessor methods. Given vector v,

  • int v.dim() returns the dimension of v.
  • double v.comp(int i) returns the ith component of v.
  • char *v.string() gives a string representation of v.
  • double v.norm() returns the magnitude of v.
  • Vec v.normal() creates a unit vector of the same direction as v.

Vectors can be added, negated, and subtracted using standard operations like +, -, +=, and -=. They can also be scaled by doubles with *, /, *=, and /=. The dot product of two vectors is also found with *, but this operation returns a double and not a Vec. The Hadamard (component-wise) product between vectors is found with the operators % and %=.

The ith component of a vector v can be set to value x with double v.setComp(int i, double x). This method returns the previous value of the ith component of v.

There also exists the in-place method Vec v.normalize() which preserves the direction of v while scaling it to a unit vector.

For machine learning purposes, the methods v.setSigmoid() and v.setDsigmoid() apply an in-place sigmoid and sigmoid-derivative function on v respectively. The exact sigmoid function is f(x) = x / (1 + |2x|) + 1/2. The non in-place methods are v.sigmoid() and v.dsigmoid(); they return a new vector with the sigmoid applied, without modifying v.

The static function Vec *gramSchmidt(int n, Vec *vecs) performs the Gram-Schmidt Procedure on the n vectors located at array vecs.

The v.copy() method returns a copy of v.

Finally, the bool v.update() method is a purely technical method which has no effect on calculation results. It performs the expensive operation of transferring memory from the CPU to the GPU in anticipation of a GPU calculation. This needn't be called prior to operations as every operation automatically calls this method if necessary. Calling this method prior to a calculation will make the calculation faster, because the step of transferring memory will have already been performed at calculation time. If nothing is done between the update call and the operation, there is no net speed advantage to calling this method explicitly.


Matrices can be initialized in a couple ways.

  • Mat(int d) creates a d by d identity matrix.
  • Mat(int d, double x) creates a d by d identity matrix, scaled by a factor of x.
  • Mat(int h, int w) creates a zero-matrix of height h and width w.
  • Mat(int h, int w, double *components) creates a h by w matrix, drawing components from the double array, row after row.
  • Mat::randomUniform(int h, int w, double min, double max) creates a h by w matrix with random components from min to max.
  • Mat::fromRowVec(Vec row) takes a d-dimensional vector row and creates a 1 by d matrix from its components.
  • Mat::fromColVec(Vec col) takes a d-dimensional vector col and creates a d by 1 matrix from its components.
  • Mat::fromRowVecs(int n, Vec *rows) takes n d-dimensional vectors from vector array rows and creates a n by d matrix from their components.
  • Mat::fromColVecs(int n, Vec *cols) takes n d-dimensional vectors from vector array cols and creates a d by n matrix from their components.

Matrices have a few accessor methods. Given matrix m,

  • int m.height() returns the height of m.
  • int m.width() returns the width of m.
  • double m.comp(int r, int c) returns the component from the rth row, cth column of m.
  • char *m.string() gives a string representation of m.
  • double m.det() returns the determinant of square matrix m.
  • double m.trace() returns the trace of m.
  • double m.T() returns the transpose of m.
  • double m.inv() returns the inverse of square matrix m.
  • bool m.invertible() returns true if m is invertible.
  • Vec m.rowVec(int r) returns the rth row of m as a vector.
  • Vec m.colVec(int c) returns the cth column of m as a vector.

Matrices can be added, negated, and subtracted using standard operations like +, -, +=, and -=. They can also be scaled by doubles with *, /, *=, and /=. Matrices can be multiplied with *, but not with *=. A matrix can multiply a vector with * as well.

The component in the rth row, cth column of matrix m can be set to value x with double m.setComp(int r, int c, double x). This method returns the previous value of the changed component.

The in-place method m.REFF() reduces m to reduced row echelon form. The implementation of this is a bit limited at the moment and only supports certain matrices.

The m.copy() method returns a copy of m.

Finally, the bool m.update() performs similarly to the corresponding vector method, described above.


This software is licensed under the MIT license.


Finite linear algebra in C++/OpenCL








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