- Chicago, IL
- ejw-data.github.io
- @ErinWills
devops-setup Public
This repo shows the process of automating common repository tasks like formatting code, performing linting tasks before merging, applying unit testing, and other automations through git and github …
proj-iou Public
I Owe You (U) app that keeps track of ongoing transactions between pairs of people. Essentially, this helps me track who has paid for meetings at restaurants but this could be used for other transa…
HTML UpdatedJun 23, 2024 -
stats-guide Public
Repo held on my local machine of useful Python stats and visualizaton tools. Tutorials being developed for DS Class.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 21, 2024 -
Examples of Linear Programming (LP) optimizations
proj-key-inventory Public
Flask application that manages door access from requesting to receiving the key including the administrative roles involved in approving, fabricating, and distributing
Python UpdatedJan 20, 2024 -
proj-scheduler-app Public
Scoping a future cloud application that will intelligently assign users to meetings
HTML UpdatedNov 3, 2023 -
proj-world-conflicts Public
Python/Pandas project to data munge world civil conflict data
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
proj-food-inspections Public
Analyzing Chicago Food Inspection data for interesting insights by combining multiple data resources and performing feature engineering.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 17, 2023 -
ml-classification-alarms Public
Example of using clustering and classification in conjunction to to determine a boundary line between data and normal deviations and outliers.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
pandas-adv-groupby Public
Example of advanced applications of python groupby method. Advanced aggregation and filter was applied to a song dataset.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 24, 2023 -
ejw-data.github.io Public
Static website (HTML5, CSS3, JS) displaying portfolio content generated from Jekyll static website generator. The Hydejack theme was used but modified.
leaflet-citibike Public
Leaflet map showcasing the use of custom markers associated with layers
JavaScript UpdatedSep 20, 2023 -
webdev-gitgraph-career Public
Testing the capabilities of the gitgraph.js library. The library is very customizable and has potential to have diagrams dynamically generated by restructuring the data.
HTML UpdatedSep 18, 2023 -
python-dictionaries Public
Code used to demonstrate how a python dictionary works. Written in parts to explain the coding process.
Python UpdatedSep 15, 2023 -
ml-playground Public
Testing the limitations, inabilities, and strengths of models with synthetic data
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 14, 2023 -
proj-election-dashboard Public
Heroku Flask App with Postgres Database that provides interactive graphics
proj-nfl-etl Public
ETL project where multiple data sources were data munged and merged into a PostgresSQL database
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 9, 2023 -
ml-rideshare-dev Public
Exploration of Chicago rideshare data. The repo was repurposed from a model deployment example to include in later versions to include data preprocessing and model training.
ejw-data Public
Github profile readme including biography and current and upcoming projects
UpdatedAug 9, 2023 -
Using Spark and Amazon RDS to clean and summarize amazon reviews to determine usefulness of product feedback
algo-neh Public
Example of NEH (Nawaz, Enscore, Ham) heuristic - a heuristic algorithm that suggests giving higher priority to jobs with longer total processing time
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 26, 2023 -
excel-time-series-regression Public
Example showcasing how to incorporate time dependent data into a multiregression.
UpdatedJul 24, 2023 -
algo-optimum-path Public
Exploring algorithms used for finding routes
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 19, 2023 -
webdev-AB-testing Public
Flask app that tracks webpage interactions for A/B testing
Python UpdatedJul 4, 2023 -
leaflet-transportation Public
Analysis of populations centers that could support high speed rail
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 2, 2023 -
algo-data-structures Public
Exploring fundamental computer science data structures
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 2, 2023 -
algo-permutation-recursion Public
Using recursion to calculate the permutations of an iterable object
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 28, 2023 -
python-cryptography Public
Explores the mathematical processes involved in cryptography by implementing a simple Diffie-Hellman Key and creates a terminal program for sending encrypted information.