upgrades an Elastic Path Self-Managed Commerce codebase to a given version.
It has the following benefits:
- Ensures the upgrade is performed via the approach recommended by Elastic Path.
- Can upgrade from and to any version of Elastic Path Self-Managed Commerce.
- Reconciles conflicts caused by the presence of Elastic Path post-release patches.
The following section describes how to install and build smc-upgrader
To successfully install and use smc-upgrader
, you will need the java
command available on the PATH (Java 8 JRE or later).
Tap the
's formula repository:brew tap elasticpath/smc-upgrader
:brew install smc-upgrader
Validate the installation by checking the version:
smc-upgrader --help
Go to
releases and check for currently available releases. -
Download the required zip file and place it into a folder, such as
. -
Extract the downloaded file:
Set up alias/shortcut:
- On a
running bash, including Mac, create an alias in your terminal.
Note: This can also be made for permanent use, by adding it to your
.alias smc-upgrader='java -jar ~/tools/smc-upgrader/smc-upgrader-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'
- On Windows you will likely want to create a
file on your PATH that looks like this:
@echo off set SMC_UPGRADER_JAR=C:\path\to\smc-upgrader\smc-upgrader-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -jar "%SMC_UPGRADER_JAR%" %*
- On a
smc-upgrader --help
to verify the installation.
Clone and build the project source as shown in the following example:
cd ~/git git clone [email protected]:elasticpath/smc-upgrader.git cd smc-upgrader ./smc-upgraderw clean install
Set up alias/shortcut:
- On a
running bash, including Mac, create an alias in your terminal.
Note: This can also be made for permanent use, by adding it to your
.alias smc-upgrader='java -jar ~/git/smc-upgrader/target/smc-upgrader-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'
- On Windows you will likely want to create a
file on your PATH that looks like this:
@echo off set SMC_UPGRADER_JAR=C:\path\to\git\smc-upgrader\target\smc-upgrader-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -jar "%SMC_UPGRADER_JAR%" %*
- On a
smc-upgrader --help
to verify the installation.
The following section describes the different usage and examples for smc-upgrader
Usage: smc-upgrader [-dhmrvV] [-C=<workingDir>]
[-u=<upstreamRemoteRepositoryUrl>] <version>
Utility to apply Elastic Path Self-Managed Commerce updates to a codebase.
<version> The version of Elastic Path Self-Managed Commerce to upgrade to.
-C=<workingDir> The working directory containing the git repo to be upgraded. Defaults to the current working directory.
-d, --[no-]do-resolve-diffs
Toggles whether to reconcile diffs between the merged branch and the upstream contents. Enabled by default.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-m, --[no-]do-merge Toggles whether to perform a merge. Enabled by default.
-r, --[no-]do-resolve-conflicts
Toggles whether to resolve merge conflicts. Enabled by default.
-u, --upstream-repository-url=<upstreamRemoteRepositoryUrl>
The URL of the upstream repository containing upgrade commits.
-v, --verbose Enables debug logging.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Before running the application for the first time, ensure the Elastic Path Self-Managed Commerce repository has been added to the git repository as a remote:
git remote add smc-upgrades [email protected]:ep-commerce/ep-commerce.git
For best results, update the local git repository with the latest changes from the upstream repository before each time the application is run:
git fetch --all
The primary usage for smc-upgrader
is to upgrade an existing codebase to a specified release version by executing these steps:
- Merge step: Merges the
into the current branch. - Resolve conflicts step: Iterates across each file with conflicts, checking to see if any commits to the file were made by the project development team. If not, it resolves the conflict using the
version of the file. - Resolve diffs step: Iterates across each file in the repo, checking to see if any commits to the file were made by the project development team. If not, it overwrites the file contents with the
file contents.
This can be started by running:
smc-upgrader 8.5.x
Once you have finished resolving all conflicts, you can complete the merge by running:
git merge --continue
Alternately, you can cancel the merge with:
git merge --abort
If you prefer to start the merge manually, and then only have smc-upgrader
attempt to resolve conflicts automatically, use this command:
smc-upgrader --no-do-merge 8.5.x
Git merge failed. Usually this means that Git could not find a common ancestor commit between your branch and the Self Managed Commerce release branch.
If smc-upgrader
shows this error, it usually means that your Git repository was initialized using a snapshot of the source code, rather than by cloning from
. This will be the case if your project team started with SMC 7.0.1 or earlier, before the
public repository was available.
Follow these steps to create a common ancestor in your Git repository:
- Browse to the
repository and make note of the SHA of the commit representing your current version of Self-Managed Commerce. For example, the SHA for SMC 8.5 is08d434d4b7bc577c0b15f3b600dba4e6dc4a63fd
. - Ensure that you have followed the Setup steps and have a terminal window open in your source code folder.
- Create a temporary branch containing the
release source code. Replace${SHA}
with the SHA that you identified in step 1.
git checkout -b temp-branch ${SHA}
- Switch back to your
git checkout main
- Create a feature branch for the upgrade:
git checkout -b smc-upgrade
- Merge from the
, but throw away all the changes:
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -s ours temp-branch
- Delete the
git branch -D temp-branch
- Follow the upgrading steps normally.
You should only have to do this once; future uses of the tool should work without issue.