This is a simple application demonstrating the main components of MMVC as it could be used in a React JS application. With hot-reload.
MMVC is a port of the ActionScript 3 RobotLegs MVC framework with signals and Haxe refinements. It offers a powerful Dependency Injection system for React JS.
MMVC is a "battle tested" library, used since 2012 to build dozens of large Haxe JS applications on all kind of platforms, from browsers to consoles and slow smart TVs.
This application requires NPM and Haxe 3.2.1 or greater
This is a partially implemented Todo application, demonstrating the core elements of MMVC:
- configuring application via a Context (
) - loads a list of Todos from a file via a Command (
) - updating contents of a managed Model (
) - triggering commands via a Signal and listens to responses (
) - instanciating Mediators for registered Views (
) - configuring a "React lifecycle consumer" for the mediated components, allowing
a shared controller (
) to see all the components added/removed.
The application is also hot-reload capable for fast iteration:
- read carefully:
NPM dependencies are bundled into one JS file shared between the Haxe-JS bundles.
Install NPM libraries:
npm install
Install Haxe libraries
haxelib install react
haxelib install react-router
haxelib install mmvc
haxelib install minject 1.6.1
haxelib install msignal
For more information about the libraries:
NPM libraries are referenced in src/libs.js
- add libraries your Haxe code will need.
Compile them into bin/libs.js
for development:
npm run libs:dev
See Adding NPM dependencies for a detailed process.
Any LiveReload-compatible client/server should work but the simplest is livereloadx
npm run serve
Point your browser to http://localhost:35729
(re)Build the Haxe-JS for hot-reload:
haxe build.hxml -debug
That's all - no Webpack dark magic needed.
Note: Modular provides live-reload of React components only.
Release build as a single Haxe-JS bundle:
npm run release
This command does:
- remove JS/MAP files in
- build and minify
- build and minify the Haxe JS bundles
This is obviously a naive setup - you'll probably want to add some SCSS/LESS and assets preprocessors.
The application source contains the following classes:
/mcore // Some observable collections
/mmvc // MMVC+React support classes
Main.hx // main entry point, instantiates application view and context
/app // main application module
ApplicationContext.hx // application Context
ApplicationView.hx // application View
ApplicationViewMediator.hx // application Mediator
FocusManager.hx // application lifecycle listener
LoadTodoListCommand.hx // MMVC Command for loading external TodoList
Todo.hx // todo data object
TodoList.hx // collection of todos
LoadTodoList.hx // signal for loading TodoList and handling responses
TodoListView.hx // View for TodoList
TodoListViewMediator.hx // Mediator for TodoList. Triggers call to LoadTodoList
TodoView.hx // View for individual Todo items
TodoStatsView.hx // Summary of current todo list + button to create new Todo
AboutView.hx // View for About page
This project loads (if needed) core-js
and dom4
libraries to polyfill modern JS and DOM
features (see index.html
Live-reload is implemented very simply, just using the "off the shelf" LiveReload servers and client libraries. LiveReload client API offers hooks to be notified of local file changes.
Haxe JS code-splitting is based on and leverages react-proxy for live-reload without state loss.
The entire setup of splitting by "route" and live-reload can be seen in the
main render
function which directly references the React component classes.
MVC isn't an approach which normally should be friendly with live-reload, but thanks to a good dose of Haxe macros magic, mediators can become live-reloadable!
- Mediator-view mappings are "extracted" from the monolithic context by the
, - Mediation is provided through a wrapper React component
(see classReactApplication
) and logic injected in React components by theMediateMacro
. - Mediator is "shipped" with the view (as a generated static reference) so it can be lazily loaded, and thus live-reloaded!
It's quite easy, follow the explanations here: