In the accompanying talk and demonstration I introduce what Machine Learning (ML) is using simple linear regression as a first example, then expand into other examples of unsupervised and supervised learning. Next I show how ML may be applied to musical tasks using Max, specifically using externals for Max to accomplish the tasks of 1) mapping between a gesture and synthesizer presets in real-time, 2) mapping between an input sound and a corpus of audio in real-time using concatenative synthesis, and 3) using neural networks trained on corpuses of audio to morph the timbre of a sound at the sample level in real-time.
- You're interested in incorporating ML into your art-making practice
- You're not deeply knowledgeable about ML (yet!)
- You're comfortable programming in Max
- You're aware of how to install packages (File -> Show Package Manager)
Package | Developer | Features | Source | Release Date | Development Status | Install Notes |
MuBu + PiPo | ISMM Team @ IRCAM | many different ML algorithms, focused on audio feature extraction and sound organization, somewhat steep learning curve | Closed Source | 2010 | In Development | via Max Package Manager |
nn~ | Acids Team @ IRCAM | deep learning neural network model in Max | Open Source | 2022 | In Development | via this link if on Mac, build from source on Windows, works with RAVE trained models |
FluCoMa | FluCoMa Team | many different ML algorithms, well organized, some example patches assume knowledge of ML | Closed Source | 2018 | Just Stopped Development | via Max Package Manager | | Benjamin D. Smith | a number of different ML algorithms, with nice example patches, although some dated, a good entry point | Closed Source | 2011 | Not in Development | via Max Package Manager |
ml-lib | IRL Labs | a direct implenentation of the Gesture Recognition Toolkit by Nick Gillian in Max, very barebones, data type agnostic, data as lists | Open Source | 2013 | In Development | via Max Package Manager |
- linearregression.maxpat - demonstrates simple linear regression
- supervised.maxpat - demonstrates supervised learning using the support-vector machine algorithm, requires ml-lib externals
- unsupervised.maxpat - demonstrates unsupervised learning using the Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, requires ml.* externals
- shapetosoundmapping.maxpat - using ML (supervised learning) to learn mappings between a shape and a parametric space, requires ml-lib externals
- concantenativesynthesis.maxpat - using ML (unsupervised learning) to map between one corpus of audio and another at the grain level, requires MUBU externals
- deeplearning.maxpat - using Deep ML (neural network) to map between an input sound and a trained sound model in real-time, requires nn~ external
- Incorporate
- Incorporate other ML Max tools
- Link to my own ML-related work (Murmurator, EcoBobbles, others)
RNBO is a new Max feature that allows you to write RNBO patches (similar to Max patches) that can then be exported to five different targets, three of which I'll demo.:
- C++ Source
- JS Web Export - see this Template for a great starting point.
- Raspberry Pi - see here for a step-by-step guide
- Audio Plug-in - click here for a step-by-step guide
- Max External
Remember: RNBO is NOT Max. Most notably, you can't have symbols (e.g. (parameter $1)) and you also can't incorporate Max externals (as of this writing).