Releases: exasol/script-languages-release
9.4.0: Java 17 standard flavor.
This release adds the Java 17 standard flavor, which is a replacement of the Java 17 template flavor. Furthermore, the UDF client accepts a new argument for the script options parser version for Java. exaslct
was updated to version 3.0.0. Besides, the release provides several dependency updates and internal improvements.
Package Version Comparison between Release 9.3.0 and 9.4.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 3.0.0 of the container tool.
- #1096: Replaced flavor
- #1098: Allow setting script-options-parser version via CLI argument
Security Issues
- #943: Use env variable for ssl dependencies
- #1043: Created a nox session for running OFT
- Updated poetry dependencies
- #1100: Ignore python module
in import test
- #1088: Clear bazel cache in build_run step
9.3.0: Split up standard flavors.
This release provides additionally a standard script languages container per supported language:
- standard-EXASOL-all-java-11
- standard-EXASOL-all-python-3.10
- standard-EXASOL-all-r-4.4
Besides, it provides dependency updates for all flavors.
Package Version Comparison between Release 9.2.0 and 9.3.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 2.0.0 of the container tool.
- #1078: Created Java Standard SLC
- #1072: Created Python Standard SLC
- #1076: Added R Standard SLC Flavor
- #1089: Optionally install build-essential during installation of Python packages
Security Issues
- #1068: Updated Dependencies on top of 9.2.0
- #1075: Updated Dependencies on top of 9.2.0
- #1085: Updated Dependencies on top of 9.2.0
- #1074: Split Up standard SLC Tests
- #1079: Updated user guide
9.2.0: Language-Definitions JSON and exaslct 2.0.0
This release adds the language_definitions.json
to the standard Script-Languages-Container. exaslct
was updated to version 2.0.0. Besides, it contains several package updates.
Package Version Comparison between Release 9.1.0 and 9.2.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 2.0.0 of the container tool.
- #1057: Added language_definitions.json for standard SLC
- #1064: Update script-languages-container-tools to 2.0.0
Security Issues
- #1050: Updated dependencies
- #1054: Updated dependencies
- #1059: Updated Dependencies on top of 9.1.0
- #1065: Update Dependencies on top of 9.1.0
- #1034: Moved activate_conda script to ext and reuse and updated dependencies
- #1060: Fixed Pandas Memory leakage Tests
- Adjusted numbers for pandas dataframe memory leak test
- Added sleep in dataframe_memory_leak test after gc collection
9.1.0: Test-Cuda-ML flavor
This release adds the new Test-Cuda-ML flavor and provides several dependency updates.
Package Version Comparison between Release 9.0.0 and 9.1.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 1.0.0 of the container tool.
- #1026: Created test-Exasol-8-cuda-ml flavor
Security Issues
- #1036: Added pytorch and numba integration test compatible with CPU only VM
9.0.0: New script options parser
This release introduces the new Script Options parser used in the Java UDF's. The new parser provides additional escape syntax which allows a more flexible definition of option values.
Note: In this release, the old options parser is still the default parser, the new parser needs to be activated manually.
Additionally, the release contains several bugfixes for the internal toolchain of building script languages containers, and updates several dependencies.
The flavor template-Exasol-all-python-3.10-cuda-conda
was renamed to template-Exasol-8-python-3.10-cuda-conda
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 1.0.0 of the container tool.
- #962: Add a GH workflow which uploads trivy databases and updated Ubuntu packages
Security Issues
- #956: Updated dependencies
- #1006: Updated Dependencies on top of 8.3.0
- #1019: Update Dependencies on top of 8.3.0
- #950: Refactored existing script-options parser
- #944: Removed exaudfclient_bin_py3
- #967: Added ctpg script options parser
- #972: Refactor exception handling for Script Options parser
- #973: Support new lines and white spaces at the beginning in script options values
- #969: Use new CTPG Parser in Java VM
- #980: Moved flavor template-Exasol-all-java-17 to script-languages repo
- #971: Removed dead code in Java VM
- #982: Added a performance test for ScriptOptions parser for a single line UDF
- #983: Refactor CTPG script options Java parser code
- #986: Added environment variable for new ScriptOptionsLine parser in UDF client
- #990: Forward JAR options without changing order to classpath
- #989: Trim script class and import script options
- #988: Adapted Java integration tests for new ScriptOptions parser
- #878: Fixed jvmoption and parameters containing a space
- #1009: Removed NVIDIA GPU Driver Libraries from template-CUDA SLC
- Bumped version to 9.0.0
- #977: Fixed Trivy update cache workflow
- #993: Added escape sequence for backslash in new Script Options parser
- #1002: Use ECR fallback repository for Trivy caching
- #958: Fix conda version conflict
- #1014: Fixed Push Docker Test Container workflow
- #1017: Implemented a GH workflow which validates correct target branch of PR
- #772: Added check of installation of R packages
- #954: added release checklist
8.3.0: Updated exaslct to 1.0.0 and Exasol manifest
This release uses version 1.0.0 of exasol-script-languages-container-tool, which had removed the starter-scripts and added support for the empty Exasol manifest file in the Script Languages Container.
Besides, it fixes several security issues by updating dependencies of the Script Languages Container.
Internally, a new version of Bazel is used to build the UDF client.
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 1.0.0 of the container tool.
Security Issues
8.2.0: Package updates.
This release updates some Ubuntu and Python packages. Also, it fixes a bug where a Pip package could be downgraded during the Script-Languages-Container build process.
Package Version Comparison between Release 8.1.0 and 8.2.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 0.19.0 of the container tool.
Bug Fixes
- #794: Fixed might downgrade already installed packages
Features / Enhancements
- #930: Updated Packages
Attention: Kernel CVE's can't be fixed by the container itself, rather need to be addressed by the host system executing them.
8.1.0: Fixed memory leak for Python Dataframe Extension
This release fixes 3 memory related bugs in the Python Dataframe Extension, which were the root cause of a memory leak. Besides,
this version uses the latest version of exaslct
(0.19.0) and Python3.10 as runtime for the CI builds. The security scanner was changed in order to ignore all Linux Kernel related CVE's during the CI and release builds.
Package Version Comparison between Release 8.0.0 and 8.1.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 0.19.0 of the container tool.
Bug Fixes
- #895: Fixed GH Action 'Publish Docker Test Container'
- #902: fixed memory related bugs with emit dataframe
Features / Enhancements
- #889: Upgraded all python template flavors
- #892: Filtered out Linux Kernel related CVE's
- #856: Changed mirror for installing R packages
- #921: Use exasol-python-test-framework 0.5.0
- #898: Ignored new Linux Kernel CVE's
- #904: Ignored Kernel CVE
- #906: Updated APT package
- #910: Updated APT package
- #917: Updated Ubuntu JDK package
Attention: Kernel CVE's can't be fixed by the container itself, rather need to be addressed by the host system executing them.
8.0.0: Single standard container
Standard flavors (7.1 and 8.0) are simplified into a single flavor. The standard flavor now is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and supports Python3.10 and R4.4.
This release fixed the conda-based SLC builds and updated packages. Additionally, new integration tests using a module-based Java UDF have been added.
Package Version Comparison between Release 7.1.0 and 8.0.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 0.18.2 of the container tool.
Bug Fixes
- #870: Added tests for pyexasol export/import and that sys.executable returns a comparable python interpreter to the UDF
Features / Enhancements
- #883: Merged standard flavors
- #877: Add tests using a module-based Java UDF
- #867: Fixed conda-based SLC builds, updated packages and ignore Kernel CVEs
- #879: Updated package
- #891: Ignored Kernel CVE
Attention: The CVE's below can't be fixed by the container itself, rather need to be addressed by the host system executing them.
7.1.0: Template flavor with Python 3.10 support
This release added a new template flavor with Python 3.10 and updated packages.
Package Version Comparison between Release 7.0.0 and 7.1.0
Script-Language-Container-Tool (Exaslct)
This release uses version 0.17.0 of the container tool.
Bug Fixes
Features / Enhancements
- #861: Added flavor template-Exasol-all-python-3.10 with Python 3.10 support
- #861: Updated Packages and ignore CVE-2023-6176, because it only effects the Kernel
Attention: The CVE's below can't be fixed by the container itself, rather need to be addressed by the host system executing them.
(Updated script-languages ref)
- Ignored CVE-2023-6176 because they are kernel issues and not container issues