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Papersus Wxbot is a WeChat bot with ChatGPT(only Windows)
WeChat robot framework and examples based on wcferry
Disclaimer[mandatory reading]
The author of this tool makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the safety, completeness, reliability, validity, correctness, or suitability of this tool, and assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, liability, claim, demand, or action resulting from the use or misuse of this tool.
The author of this tool reserves the right to modify, update, delete or terminate this tool at any time without prior notice or obligation.
Users of the Tool shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, respect WeChat's copyright and privacy, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of WeChat or other third parties, or engage in any illegal or unethical behavior.
By downloading, installing, running or using the Tool, users of the Tool acknowledge that they have read and agree to this disclaimer. If you have any objection, please stop using the Tool immediately and delete all related files.
Now the bot only supports private chats, and does not support group chats for the time being
- Python
- WeChat
git clone https://github.com/flowerfalling/wxbot.git
Download WeChat version Here
# Update pip
python -m pip install -U pip
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python SusRobot.py
# To stop, press Ctrl+C
Please use the administrator to set users who allow the bot function to reply, see details below (/enable)
The administrator(the default is wechat for bot login) sends /enable username all
in the WeChat private message to enable all functions for the specified user.
The user sends @menu
to get the function list and use the function
@菜单 # get the menu
@一言 # get a sentence
@历史上的今天 # get ten events from today in history
@微博/知乎热搜 # get the ten hot searches on Weibo/Zhihu
@星座运势 xxx # get today's horoscope picture
gpt command:
/xxx # Talk to GPT
/gpt help # Get help
/gpt start # Enable GPT continuous conversation
/gpt end # Disable GPT continuous conversation
/gpt clear # Clear current session records
gemini command:
%xxx # Talk to Gemini
%gemini help # Get help
%gemini start # Enable Gemini continuous conversation
%gemini end # Disable Gemini continuous conversation
%gemini clear # Clear current session records
The following functions are currently available:
- menu
- gpt
- gemini
- hitokoto
Call any of them func
Administrator documentation
/help # Get help
/state # View functions' status
/config # Reload configuration file
/disable|enable name1[,name2[...]] func1[,func2[...]]|all # Enable|Disable someone's permission for some|all functions
/start|stop func1[,func2[,func3[...]] # Start|Stop functions
/admin name # Transfer administrator's identity
/quit # Exit robot
Gimini is not enabled by default, please fill in the token in plugins-info-gemini-token in config.yaml then restart (then enbale it)
I picked up this gpt API, so it could have serious consequences if misused
See at Plugin Development Guide