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Jacob Richman edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

The Process

If you are the devtools triage rotation on-call, you are expected to triage issues that appeared/updated during the week (it is ok to triage all of them at the end of the week).

You are also expected to monitor the DevTools discord channel for user questions / concerns.

DevTools Issues


For each new issue that comes in, perform all of these tasks that apply:

Label/project the issue:

  • Add labels for its proper category or categories ( “Inspector page”, “debugger page”, “bug”, etc.)
  • Add label “waiting for customer response” if you requested more details from reporter
  • Add label “fix it friday” if the issue should be fixed and looks easy to fix
  • Add to project go/dart-devtools-ux-issues if the issue is cross-screen issue

Prioritize the issue.

Follow the prioritization rubric here.

Tag the area owner in a comment if the issue requires specific expertise. Assign to an owner if the issue is a work in process or if the issue needs immediate / almost-immediate attention (P0, P1).

Related Flutter Issues

flutter/flutter issues relating to DevTools:

Ping the hackers-devtools discord channel about issues marked “severe: …” or “P0”.

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