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Brenna's Food Software API

Do you use food? Do you use software? Brenna's Food Software is for you!

Your face is a cookbook food software!

Build and Test

You'll need Java 17 to build. A more specific version may be stipulated at some point:

./mvnw package

Now you'll have a nice self-running JAR file in the target directory. Which we'll immediately forget about, because it's for deployment, not development. However, you did just run the full regression suite!

Run (For Development)

You'll need a Postgres 15 database to run against. If you're using a decent OS - or Mac w/ Docker Desktop; 🙄 - you'll have docker available, which is a great choice:

docker run -d --name pg -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=passwd postgres:15

If you already have existing PG infrastructure, create a new database (unless you want to use your - still pristine - postgres database).

Upgrading from PG 10

First, dump your current database:

pg_dump -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres --no-owner > gobrennas.sql

Stop your Postgres 10 container/server, start up Postgres 15, and restore:

psql -h localhost -U postgres -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 < gobrennas.sql

To run:

DB_HOST=localhost \
DB_NAME=postgres \
DB_USER=postgres \
DB_PASS=passwd \
./mvnw spring-boot:run

You might create a src/main/resources/application-default.yml with your settings (look to the other application*.yml in that directory for inspiration) instead of using environment variables. They're equivalent.

Open http://localhost:5000/ in your browser and ... see a 404 error. You have an API without a client, which isn't very useful. Check out, a local instance of which is where the error's link wants to bring you.

NB: By default, you're using Folded Ear's development OAuth 2.0 client ID. Its keys are hard coded in application.yml, and it's locked to localhost. We deemed this "secure enough" to lubricate the developer experience, particularly during bootstrap. We promise not to use demo accounts for anything nefarious. You can decide whether to trust us or not. If "or not", create an app and configure your id and secret in application-default.yml to override the defaults.

Run (For Production)

That self-running JAR from the "Build and Test" section is perfect! Except you also need Google Auth and AWS secrets, DNS configuration, the right hostnames, a matched client, and a bunch of mess. All of which is normal "host this thing" boilerplate. So figure it out. :) You may find application-production.yml useful, illustrating one way to parameterize things.

You can hit to see it in action.