- Syntax highlighting (Free and Fixed forms)
- Hover support, Signature help and Auto-completion
- GoTo/Peek implementation and Find/Peek references
- Project-wide and Document symbol detection and Renaming
- Native Language Server integration with
- Linting support: GNU's
, Intel'sifort
, NAG'snagfor
- Interactive Debugger with UI
- Formatting with findent or fprettify
- Code snippets (more can be defined by the user see)
The Fortran Language Server fortls
is responsible
for providing a lot of the higher level, IDE functionality. By default,
Modern Fortran
will attempt to use it for hover, autocompletion, symbols and Go to & Peeking into definitions.
Allow for fortls
to be automatically installed with pip
or Anaconda
if the location where fortls
is installed is not in your PATH
point VS Code
to the fortls
location by setting
"fortran.fortls.path": "/custom/path/to/fortls"
For more about the Language Server's capabilities please refer to the
documentation of fortls
Linting allows for compiler error and warning detection while coding without the user having to compile.
Vendor | Compiler |
GNU | gfortran |
Intel | ifort , ifx |
NAG | nagfor |
Using an invalid if expression
Using incorrect type and rank as function argument
๐๏ธ Note | Save your file to generate linting results |
Linting results can be improved by providing additional options to the compiler.
You can control the include paths to be used by the linter with the fortran.linter.includePaths
โ๏ธ Important | For the best linting results linter.includePaths should match the included paths for your project's compilation. |
"fortran.linter.includePaths": ["/usr/include/**", "${workspaceFolder}/include/**"]
โ๏ธ Important | If a glob pattern is used only directories matching the pattern will be included |
More options can be passed to the linter via
"fortran.linter.extraArgs": [
Default value is -Wall
(or -warn all
for ifort).
By default, the linter used is gfortran
, Intel's ifort
and Intel's LLVM based compiler ifx
are also supported.
One can use a different linter compiler via the option
The linter executable is assumed to be found in the PATH
In order to use a different executable or if the executable can't be found in the PATH
you can point the extension to another linter with the fortran.linter.compilerPath
"fortran.linter.compilerPath": "/opt/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.2/linux/bin/intel64/ifort"
The extension uses the debugger from Microsoft's C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code. This allows this extension to use the full functionality of the C/C++ extension for debugging applications: (un)conditional breaking points, expression evaluation, multithreaded debugging, call stack, stepping, watch window.
A minimal launch.json
script, responsible for controlling the debugger, is
provided below. However, Visual Studio Code is also capable of autogenerating
a launch.json
file and the configurations inside the file.
More details about how to set up the debugger can be found in Microsoft's website:
- General information about debugging in VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging
- C/C++ extension debugger information: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/cpp-debug
- Build tasks for easy compiling: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks
Example: Launch.json
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "(gdb) Fortran",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/a.out",
"args": [], // Possible input args for a.out
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true,
Two formatters are supported findent
and fprettify
. Both of them can be
installed with pip
automatically through the extension.
The formatter is controlled by the user option
"fortran.formatting.formatter": "findent" | "fprettify" | "Disabled"
Additional arguments to the formatter can be input using
"fortran.formatting.findentArgs": ["-Cn", "-Rr"],
"fortran.formatting.fprettifyArgs": ["--whitespace-comma", "--enable-decl"]
To check all available arguments to formatters try findent -h
or fprettify -h
in a terminal.
If the formatter is not present in the PATH
its location can be input with
"fortran.formatting.path": "./custom/path/venv/bin"
๐๏ธ Note | findent can also be used to generate dependency files for a project. |
Autocompletion and options validation for fpm.toml
files are provided by the
installing the Even Better TOML Visual Studio Code extension.
Snippets are included by both fortls
Language Server and the Modern Fortran VS Code extension.
Some available snippets can be seen below. Users can define their own snippets
by following these VS Code instructions.
If you think a snippet should be shipped by with the extension feel free to submit a feature request
To show the symbols in the file outline enable provide.symbols
. Symbols can be
served by the fortls, the built-in, both or none. By default
is used.
"fortran.provide.symbols": "fortls" | "Built-in" | "Both" | "Disable"
You can also configure the case for fortran intrinsics auto-complete by using
"fortran.preferredCase": "lowercase" | "uppercase"
For debugging you need to have one of the following debuggers installed:
- Linux: GDB
- macOS: GDB or LLDB
- Windows: GDB or Visual Studio Windows Debugger
You can support further development of the extension by fiscal donations:
to our LFortan project on NumFOCUS
directly sponsoring developers through GitHub Sponsors