This docker image is for enumivo producer.
- docker
- docker-compose
open a bash terminal, and run following command
git clone
change current directory to project
cd docker-enumivo-producer
If your haven't register producer, you should register producer first.
The script is and you should config config_producer.js file first. The first 3 lines which params start with xxxx shold config to your own information. then run following command. This command depends on nodejs
The up command is depends on nodejs and enujs. If your didn't install it run this:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
Then install enujs:
npm install -g enujs
The ini file is enu/config/config.ini and find the config region which params start with xxxx, change it to your own information.
Just run next command, your would start your bp, and it has been set up autorun if you reboot your computer.(All following code should run under docker-enumivo-producer directory.)
sudo docker-compose up -d
If your want to stop your bp, run this:
sudo docker-compose stop
IF your want to start your bp, run this:
sudo docker-compose start
If your want to see pb log, run this:
sudo docker-compose logs
Change current directory to git project dir, then run following code:
Change current directory to git project dir, then run following code:
If you like my repo, your can run the following command and vote for me (williamfouvy). Next command depends some programs: nodejs and enujs, which I have describe in the section Register producer(optional)
Thank you.