Theme "design material" for nginx-fancyindex module
use icon from
The fancyindex module can be found here (by @aperezdc).
On debian
apt-get install git nginx-extras
sample of configuration of nginx
server {
listen 80 default_server;
client_max_body_size 1G;
location / {
root /<path_nginx_root>;
fancyindex on;
fancyindex_localtime on;
fancyindex_name_length 255; # Maximum file name length in bytes, change as you like.
# theme
fancyindex_header "/fancyindex/header.html";
fancyindex_footer "/fancyindex/footer.html";
fancyindex_ignore "fancyindex";
auth_basic "Access restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
you can clone project an copy file in your root path nginx
git clone
mkdir /<path_nginx_root>/fancyindex
cd Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme
cp -R * /<path_nginx_root>/fancyindex
you can change color of interface
cd /<path_nginx_root>/fancyindex/mdl
rm material.min.css
cp color/<your-color>.min.css material.min.css
optimize code