KineticJS canvas library using React components.
Click on rectangles at A more elaborate example at
An attempt to make React work with the KineticJS HTML5 canvas library. The goal is to have similar declarative markup as normal React and to have similar data-flow model.
Currently you can use all Kinetic components as React components and all Kinetic events are supported on them in same way as normal browser events are supported.
You can even inspect the components in React dev tools.
If you use browserify or webpack
npm install react kinetic react-kinetic
Then just require it
If you use require.js or want to use it standalone, then standalone version is available in Releases.
If you want to build from source
git clone
cd react-kinetic
npm run umd
will be a standalone dist, you can require
react and react-kinetic from there.
Note that in all cases you need to have react and kinetic available, so have
them included in <script>
tag (or available to RequireJS if you use AMD).
Minimal example:
/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React = require('react');
var ReactKinetic = require('react-kinetic');
var TestingComponent = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<ReactKinetic.Stage height={300} width={300}>
<ReactKinetic.Rect x={100} y={100} width={50} height={50} fill="black" />
<TestingComponent />,
All react-kinetic components correspond to KineticJS components of the same name. All the parameters available for Kinetic objects are valid props for corresponding react-kinetic components, unless otherwise noted.
Every react-kinetic component (or components that use react-kinetic components)
must be wrappe in Stage
. Stage
is the only react-kinetic element that has
actual DOM representation. Unlike Kinetic.Stage
, Stage
will ignore
passed to it, because it constructs container by itself.
's only valid children are Layer
components. Layer
s are currently
only components that handle redrawing and currently they redraw on all changes
of props or children.
s can have all the other react-kinetic components inside. The supported
elements are: Container
, Layer
, Group
, Label
, Shape
, Rect
, Circle
, Ring
, Wedge
, Arc
, Image
, Text
, Line
, Sprite
, Path
, RegularPolygon
, Star
and Tag
. See KineticJS
API docs for valid props.
Currently there is no API to add react-kinetic components for custom KineticJS nodes, but I'm planning to add it in the future. See KineticComponent.js and KineticFactory.js.
react-kinetic supports all KineticJS events. The names are done 'react-style',
so onCamelCased
. Full mapping:
var KineticEvents = {
onMouseOver: "mouseover",
onMouseOut: "mouseout",
onMouseEnter: "mouseenter",
onMouseLeave: "mouseleave",
onMouseMove: "mousemove",
onMouseDown: "mousedown",
onMouseUp: "mouseup",
onClick: "click",
onDblClick: "dblclick",
onDragStar: "dragstart",
onDragEnd: "dragend",
onTouchStart: "touchstart",
onTouchMove: "touchmove",
onTouchEnd: "touchend",
onTap: "tap",
onDblTap: "dbltap",
onDragMove: "dragmove"
Events work in similar way as they work in normal React. See demo/rectangles.js for examples.
Internally, events use the .react
namespace for Kinetic events,
so this namespace shouldn't be used if you manually bind events,
e.g. in componentDidMount
To get raw Kinetic node object, use the getKineticNode
method which all
react-kinetic components have.