Encrypted plain file keyring backend for use with the keyring package.
The project is mainly targeted on a sufficiently secure storage for plain text passwords (keyring) in a simple portable file, where the default keyring storage implementation of a usual desktop environment doesn't fit.
The keyring is secured with a keyring password. A raw
hash is generated from the keyring
password, which is used as a key for encryption of plaintext passwords in one of
the supported authenticated AES encryption schemes (CCM, EAX, GCM, OCB), where
GCM is the default. The resulting encrypted data is persisted, together with the
Argon2 salt, nonce and MAC. This value is stored with a service/userid reference
in a text file (.ini format). The service/userid is taken into account as
associated data for MAC calculation.
Initially, a static reference value, treated as a password is stored as well, and this value is used for verification of the keyring password in subsequent accesses.
The static reference value allow some form of attack, as it encrypts a well known value. Hopefully, the Argon2 hash, combined with the authenticated AES encryption scheme raises the effort to break the key sufficiently high.
The Argon2 parameterization is chosen in a way, that usual desktop and server systems as of today (2017) have to process a significant CPU and Memory load in order to calculate the hashes, which renders brute force attacks impractical.
The authenticated AES encryption scheme prevents tampering with the encrypted data as well as its reference (service/userid).
In order to get you started, you will need to have a python3
and git
available (preferably on a linux system).
You might want to provide the python packages argon2-cffi, keyring, pycryptodome
and their dependencies (most notably SecretStorage and cryptography) with your
system package management, or use a local venv, but that will depend on a
properly working C compiler and some development packages installed
and openssl-devel
at least).
$ git clone https://github.com/frispete/keyrings.cryptfile
$ cd keyrings.cryptfile
$ pyvenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -e .
The last command should succeed without errors, some development packages might be missing otherwise.
Create an encrypted keyring, and store a test password into it. The process asks for the keyring password itself, that protects your stored keyring values.
(env) $ python3
Python 3.4.5 (default, Jul 03 2016, 12:57:15) [GCC] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring
>>> kr = CryptFileKeyring()
>>> kr.set_password("service", "user", "secret")
Please set a password for your new keyring: ******
Please confirm the password: ******
>>> ^d
Now retrieve the stored secret from the keyring again:
(env) $ python3
Python 3.4.5 (default, Jul 03 2016, 12:57:15) [GCC] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring
>>> kr = CryptFileKeyring()
>>> kr.get_password("service", "user")
Please enter password for encrypted keyring: ******
>>> ^d
Note, that the KDF delays the {set,get}_password()
operations for a few seconds
(~1 sec. on a capable system).
The resulting file might look similar to:
(env) $ cat ~/.local/share/python_keyring/cryptfile_pass.cfg
password_20reference =
scheme = [Argon2] AES128.GCM
version = 1.0
user =
The values can be decoded like this:
(env) $ python3
>>> import base64
>>> base64.decodebytes(b"""
... eyJtYWMiOiAiaTJ4MWhNVGJ1S0pTZExYSXQwR0dqUT09IiwgIm5vbmNlIjogIlJ5YU1DZmkyZ0JE
... IjogImhNVC9LaTRYIn0=""")
b'{"mac": "i2x1hMTbuKJSdLXIt0GGjQ==",
"nonce": "RyaMCfi2gBD5+e4sz0jPEg==",
"salt": "9H3XIl5afdYiXdMFrMcNWg==",
"data": "hMT/Ki4X"}'
The items of the json dict constitute the encryption parameters and value. In
theory, it should be sufficiently hard to get back to the plain value of
data without knowledge of the password. Due to the association of the values
reference (service
and user
here) with the authenticated encryption,
modifications of values reference are detected/rejected as well.
The class hierarchy is inherited from the keyrings.alt project, which is not exactly easy to follow. The most interesting parts are in keyrings/cryptfile/cryptfile.py, which is quite concise itself, even if you're not fluent in python.
In order to control this process any further, you might want to subclass
and/or PlaintextKeyring
You can avoid the interactive getpass() request for the keyring password by
supplying kr.keyring_key = "your keyring password"
before calling any other
methods on the keyring.
from getpass import getpass
from os import getenv
from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring
kr = CryptFileKeyring()
kr.keyring_key = getpass()
or the keyring password can be provided via an environment variable
from getpass import getpass
from os import getenv
from keyrings.cryptfile.cryptfile import CryptFileKeyring
kr = CryptFileKeyring()
can be used to customize the location of the encrypted file config
can be used to provide the password for the encrypted keyring database
Testing is done with pytest as usual. Just executing pytest
should do the trick.
A verbose test run is performed with pytest -v
, while a single test is selected
with pytest -vk test_wrong_password
Feedback is always welcome.