Important Notice! Node-Beautify has been deprecated at the request of the developers of js-beautify. As js-beautify can now be required as a module within a node app and used in a similar way to node-beautify, I have complied with their request. The following documentation is preserved for the sake of those who may already be using node-beautify in their project(s).
Node-Beautify is a node.js module that can be easily required and used to beautify assets from within a Node.js script. It is not meant to be a command-line tool, there are plenty of existing tools for that. The purpose of Node-Beautify is for javascript based build scripts or the like that want to be able to 'require' a beautifier module. Currently it only supports javascript. The original intent was to encapsulate additional syntax support, such as css. I may still do that at some point, but if you would like to add another formatting parser in the meantime, feel free to fork this repo and send a pull request.
npm install node-beautify
to beautify javascript:
require('node-beautify').beautifyJs(source, options);
where source is a string of javascript source code and options (optional) allows overriding the defaults (see below)
- indentSize : 4
- indentChar : ' ' (space character)
- preserveNewlines : true
- bracesOnOwnLine : false
- keepArrayIndentation : false
- spaceAfterAnonFunction: true
- indentLevel : 0
// require the module
var nb = require('node-beautify');
// pass a string of ugly javascript to the beautifyJs method
var prettyJs = nb.beautifyJs("function test(){console.log('test');}");
// the results should be a nicely formatted javascript string
Clone the repository using git, e.g.
git clone
After the repo has been cloned, in the repo directory type
npm install
The tests can be run by typing
npm test
- node.js
The original JS Beautifier is written by Einar Lielmanis.
MIT-License, see LICENSE.txt
- Add support for other asset types
- Integrate into Node Build Tool