Gerard is a skilled professional in software development practices and methodologies, with extensive experience in facilitating the transition of companies towards an Open Source support and service business model.
He has demonstrated expertise in managing projects and is recognized by his colleagues as a proficient full-stack engineer. By prioritizing the delivery of secure and high-quality solutions, he has successfully provided tailored solutions to customers ranging from small-scale to enterprise-level.
- Red Hat - Manager, Software Engineering
January 2017 - Present ยท 8+ years - UnitedStack - Technical Director
November 2015 - December 2016 ยท 1 yr 2 mos - ThoughtWorks - Senior Full-stack Engineer
November 2013 - September 2015 ยท 1 yr 10 mos - ...
RC cars
Magic TCG
(Red Hat)
Principal Software Engineer
Engineering Manager
(Open Source)
- spotsnel - Networking and hosting projects
- spotsnel-apps - application related repositories
- spotsnel-fedora - Fedora and EL related network projects
- spotsnel-gaming - gaming related hosting projects
- spotsnel-services - service related hosting projects
- gbraad-actions - actions and workflow related repositories
- gbraad-apps - application related repositories
- gbraad-docs - documentation related repositories
- gbraad-dotfiles - dotfiles related projects
- gbraad-fedora - generic Fedora related projects
- gbraad-devenv - instant development environments
- gbraad-gaming - gaming related repositories
- gbraad-teaching - teaching related material
- gbraad-homelab - homelab related material
- crc-org - Development of CRC/OpenShift Local
- containers - Containers
- jkube - Management of JKube team
- machine-drivers - Machine drivers