adds new features and capabilities to wildmenu
- Automatically provides suggestions as you type
cmdline support - autocomplete commands, expressions, filenames, etc./
search support - get search suggestions from the current buffer
- High level of customisation
- build your own custom pipeline to suit your needs
- customisable look and appearance
- Vim 8.1+ or Neovim 0.3+
- To use the optional Python features, Neovim or Vim with
is needed
With Shougo/dein.nvim
call dein#add('gelguy/wilder.nvim')
" To use Python remote plugin features in Vim, can be skipped
if !has('nvim')
call dein#add('roxma/nvim-yarp')
call dein#add('roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
With junegunn/vim-plug
if has('nvim')
function! UpdateRemotePlugins(...)
" Needed to refresh runtime files
let &rtp=&rtp
Plug 'gelguy/wilder.nvim', { 'do': function('UpdateRemotePlugins') }
Plug 'gelguy/wilder.nvim'
" To use Python remote plugin features in Vim, can be skipped
Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'
use {
config = function()
-- config goes here
Start with the following minimal configuration in your init.vim
or .vimrc
" Key bindings can be changed, see below
call wilder#setup({'modes': [':', '/', '?']})
Be aware that call wilder#setup
should be after call plug#end()
if you use vim-plug.
When in :
cmdline mode, wildmenu
suggestions will be automatically provided.
When searching using /
, suggestions from the current buffer will be provided. Substring matching is used by default.
Use <Tab>
to cycle through the list forwards, and <S-Tab>
to move backwards.
The keybinds can be changed:
" Default keys
call wilder#setup({
\ 'modes': [':', '/', '?'],
\ 'next_key': '<Tab>',
\ 'previous_key': '<S-Tab>',
\ 'accept_key': '<Down>',
\ 'reject_key': '<Up>',
\ })
Ideally next_key
should be set to be the same as &wildchar
Otherwise there might be a conflict when wildmenu
is active at the same time as wilder
To change the behavior so wilder
does not activate automatically, set the enable_cmdline_enter
option in wilder#setup()
to 0
call wilder#setup({
\ 'modes': [':', '/', '?'],
\ 'enable_cmdline_enter': 0,
\ })
Pressing <Tab>
(or whichever key next_key
is set to) will activate wilder
For Neovim 0.5+, configuration in Lua is also supported. Note that this is experimental.
local wilder = require('wilder')
wilder.setup({modes = {':', '/', '?'}})
For every wilder#foo()
method, the wilder
Lua module exposes a wilder.foo()
method in Lua.
All function arguments are the same and only needs to be translated to the Lua equivalent.
Note: this is achieved by using a Vim Script to Lua wrapper shim which introduces some overhead. The core logic is still written in Vim Script so a Lua configuration is in general not more performant than a Vim Script configuration.
Use wilder#set_option('pipeline', <pipeline>)
to customise the pipeline.
The pipeline is a list of functions (referred to as pipes) which are executed
in order, passing the result of the previous function to the next one.
For example, in Neovim or Vim with yarp
, to use fuzzy matching instead of substring matching:
Vim Script
" For Neovim or Vim with yarp
" For wild#cmdline_pipeline():
" 'language' : set to 'python' to use python
" 'fuzzy' : 0 - turns off fuzzy matching
" : 1 - turns on fuzzy matching
" : 2 - partial fuzzy matching (match does not have to begin with the same first letter)
" For wild#python_search_pipeline():
" 'pattern' : can be set to wilder#python_fuzzy_delimiter_pattern() for stricter fuzzy matching
" 'sorter' : omit to get results in the order they appear in the buffer
" 'engine' : can be set to 're2' for performance, requires pyre2 to be installed
" : see :h wilder#python_search() for more details
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'language': 'python',
\ 'fuzzy': 1,
\ }),
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern(),
\ 'sorter': wilder#python_difflib_sorter(),
\ 'engine': 're',
\ }),
\ ),
\ ])
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
-- sets the language to use, 'vim' and 'python' are supported
language = 'python',
-- 0 turns off fuzzy matching
-- 1 turns on fuzzy matching
-- 2 partial fuzzy matching (match does not have to begin with the same first letter)
fuzzy = 1,
-- can be set to wilder#python_fuzzy_delimiter_pattern() for stricter fuzzy matching
pattern = wilder.python_fuzzy_pattern(),
-- omit to get results in the order they appear in the buffer
sorter = wilder.python_difflib_sorter(),
-- can be set to 're2' for performance, requires pyre2 to be installed
-- see :h wilder#python_search() for more details
engine = 're',
is a higher-order pipe which is able to provide control flow given its own lists of pipelines.
Note: For Lua, wilder.branch()
takes a variadic list of arguments and so cannot have a trailing comma.
See the docs at :h wilder-pipeline
for a more details.
When getting file completions, fuzzily search and match through all files under the project directory.
Has to be placed above wilder#cmdline_pipeline()
Vim Script
" 'file_command' : for ripgrep : ['rg', '--files']
" : for fd : ['fd', '-tf']
" 'dir_command' : for fd : ['fd', '-td']
" 'filters' : use ['cpsm_filter'] for performance, requires cpsm vim plugin
" found at https://github.com/nixprime/cpsm
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline({
\ 'file_command': ['find', '.', '-type', 'f', '-printf', '%P\n'],
\ 'dir_command': ['find', '.', '-type', 'd', '-printf', '%P\n'],
\ 'filters': ['fuzzy_filter', 'difflib_sorter'],
\ }),
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline(),
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline(),
\ ),
\ ])
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
-- to use ripgrep : {'rg', '--files'}
-- to use fd : {'fd', '-tf'}
file_command = {'find', '.', '-type', 'f', '-printf', '%P\n'},
-- to use fd : {'fd', '-td'}
dir_command = {'find', '.', '-type', 'd', '-printf', '%P\n'},
-- use {'cpsm_filter'} for performance, requires cpsm vim plugin
-- found at https://github.com/nixprime/cpsm
filters = {'fuzzy_filter', 'difflib_sorter'},
To optimise for performance, the file_command
, dir_command
and filters
options can be customised.
See :h wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline()
for more details.
Use wilder#set_option('renderer', <renderer>)
to change how wilder
draws the results.
By default, wilder
tries its best to look like the default wildmenu.
draws the candidates above the cmdline.
For Neovim 0.4+, a floating window is used. For Vim 8.1+ with popup support, a popup window is used.
Otherwise the statusline is used. Note: When using the statusline, the wildmenu will only show on the statusline of the current window.
Vim Script
" 'highlighter' : applies highlighting to the candidates
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
-- highlighter applies highlighting to the candidates
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
An alternative theme which shows a spinner and the current number of items:
Vim Script
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'separator': ' · ',
\ 'left': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_spinner(), ' '],
\ 'right': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_index()],
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
separator = ' · ',
left = {' ', wilder.wildmenu_spinner(), ' '},
right = {' ', wilder.wildmenu_index()},
For Airline and Lightline users, wilder#wildmenu_airline_theme()
and wilder#wildmenu_lightline_theme()
can be used.
Vim Script
" Use wilder#wildmenu_lightline_theme() if using Lightline
" 'highlights' : can be overriden, see :h wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer(
\ wilder#wildmenu_airline_theme({
\ 'highlights': {},
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'separator': ' · ',
\ })))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.wildmenu_renderer(
-- use wilder.wildmenu_lightline_theme() if using Lightline
-- highlights can be overriden, see :h wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
highlights = {default = 'StatusLine'},
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
separator = ' · ',
For Neovim 0.4+ or Vim 8.1+ with popup support,
can be used to draw the results on a popupmenu, similar to wildoptions+=pum
The implementation for Vim is still experimental.
Vim Script
" 'highlighter' : applies highlighting to the candidates
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
-- highlighter applies highlighting to the candidates
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
Use wilder#renderer_mux()
to choose which renderer to use for different cmdline modes.
This is helpful since the popupmenu might overlap the current window when searching with /
Vim Script
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#renderer_mux({
\ ':': wilder#popupmenu_renderer(),
\ '/': wilder#wildmenu_renderer(),
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.renderer_mux({
[':'] = wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
['/'] = wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
For Neovim, the pumblend
option can be set to change the transparency of the popupmenu. By default, the value of the &pumblend
option is used.
To disable transparency, set the value to 0
Vim Script
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'pumblend': 20,
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
pumblend = 20,
Use wilder#popupmenu_border_theme()
to add a border around the popup menu.
Vim Script
" 'border' : 'single', 'double', 'rounded' or 'solid'
" : can also be a list of 8 characters,
" : see :h wilder#popupmenu_border_theme() for more details
" 'highlights.border' : highlight to use for the border`
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer(wilder#popupmenu_border_theme({
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'border': 'Normal',
\ },
\ 'border': 'rounded',
\ })))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer(
highlights = {
border = 'Normal', -- highlight to use for the border
-- 'single', 'double', 'rounded' or 'solid'
-- can also be a list of 8 characters, see :h wilder#popupmenu_border_theme() for more details
border = 'rounded',
Set the min_width
option to 100%
Vim Script
" wilder#popupmenu_border_theme() is optional.
" 'min_height' : sets the minimum height of the popupmenu
" : can also be a number
" 'max_height' : set to the same as 'min_height' to set the popupmenu to a fixed height
" 'reverse' : if 1, shows the candidates from bottom to top
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer(wilder#popupmenu_border_theme({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'min_width': '100%',
\ 'min_height': '50%',
\ 'reverse': 0,
\ })))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer(
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
min_width = '100%', -- minimum height of the popupmenu, can also be a number
min_height = '50%', -- to set a fixed height, set max_height to the same value
reverse = 0, -- if 1, shows the candidates from bottom to top
Supports ryanoasis/vim-devicons
, kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons
and lambdalisue/nerdfont.vim
by default.
To use other plugins, the get_icon
option can be changed.
See :h wilder#popupmenu_devicons
for more details.
Vim Script
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'left': [
\ ' ', wilder#popupmenu_devicons(),
\ ],
\ 'right': [
\ ' ', wilder#popupmenu_scrollbar(),
\ ],
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
left = {' ', wilder.popupmenu_devicons()},
right = {' ', wilder.popupmenu_scrollbar()},
can be used to draw the popupmenu in the middle of the screen, similar to a command palette.
Vim Script
" 'border' : 'single', 'double', 'rounded' or 'solid'
" : can also be a list of 8 characters,
" : see :h wilder#popupmenu_palette_theme() for more details
" 'max_height' : max height of the palette
" 'min_height' : set to the same as 'max_height' for a fixed height window
" 'prompt_position' : 'top' or 'bottom' to set the location of the prompt
" 'reverse' : set to 1 to reverse the order of the list
" : use in combination with 'prompt_position'
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer(wilder#popupmenu_palette_theme({
\ 'border': 'rounded',
\ 'max_height': '75%',
\ 'min_height': 0,
\ 'prompt_position': 'top',
\ 'reverse': 0,
\ })))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer(
-- 'single', 'double', 'rounded' or 'solid'
-- can also be a list of 8 characters, see :h wilder#popupmenu_palette_theme() for more details
border = 'rounded',
max_height = '75%', -- max height of the palette
min_height = 0, -- set to the same as 'max_height' for a fixed height window
prompt_position = 'top', -- 'top' or 'bottom' to set the location of the prompt
reverse = 0, -- set to 1 to reverse the order of the list, use in combination with 'prompt_position'
The highlighter
option for both wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
and wilder#popupmenu_renderer()
can be changed for better fuzzy highlighting.
The highlights.accent
option sets the highlight group to use for the matched characters.
is a helper method which creates a new highlight group based on the attributes of an existing one.
Basic configuration for both Vim and Neovim:
Vim Script
" Create the WilderAccent highlight by overriding the guifg attribute of Pmenu
" and return the name of the highlight
let l:hl = wilder#make_hl('WilderAccent', 'Pmenu', [{}, {}, {'foreground': '#f4468f'}]),
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'accent': l:hl,
\ },
\ }))
" Can also be passed to the 'highlights' option
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'accent': wilder#make_hl('WilderAccent', 'Pmenu', [{}, {}, {'foreground': '#f4468f'}]),
\ },
\ }))
For Neovim or Vim with yarp
Vim Script
" For python_cpsm_highlighter : requires cpsm vim plugin found at
" https://github.com/nixprime/cpsm
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': [
\ wilder#pcre2_highlighter(),
\ wilder#python_cpsm_highlighter(),
\ ],
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'accent': wilder#make_hl('WilderAccent', 'Pmenu', [{}, {}, {'foreground': '#f4468f'}]),
\ },
\ }))
For Neovim:
Vim Script
" For lua_pcre2_highlighter : requires `luarocks install pcre2`
" For lua_fzy_highlighter : requires fzy-lua-native vim plugin found
" at https://github.com/romgrk/fzy-lua-native
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': [
\ wilder#lua_pcre2_highlighter(),
\ wilder#lua_fzy_highlighter(),
\ ],
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'accent': wilder#make_hl('WilderAccent', 'Pmenu', [{}, {}, {'foreground': '#f4468f'}]),
\ },
\ }))
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlighter = {
wilder.lua_pcre2_highlighter(), -- requires `luarocks install pcre2`
wilder.lua_fzy_highlighter(), -- requires fzy-lua-native vim plugin found
-- at https://github.com/romgrk/fzy-lua-native
highlights = {
accent = wilder.make_hl('WilderAccent', 'Pmenu', {{a = 1}, {a = 1}, {foreground = '#f4468f'}}),
wraps other highlighters and applies a gradient highlight.
Vim Script
let s:scale = ['#f4468f', '#fd4a85', '#ff507a', '#ff566f', '#ff5e63',
\ '#ff6658', '#ff704e', '#ff7a45', '#ff843d', '#ff9036',
\ '#f89b31', '#efa72f', '#e6b32e', '#dcbe30', '#d2c934',
\ '#c8d43a', '#bfde43', '#b6e84e', '#aff05b']
let s:gradient = map(s:scale, {i, fg -> wilder#make_hl(
\ 'WilderGradient' . i, 'Pmenu', [{}, {}, {'foreground': fg}]
\ )})
" Pass the highlighters as the argument to wilder#highlighter_with_gradient()
" 'highlights.gradient' : must be set.
" 'highlights.selected_gradient' : can be set to apply gradient highlighting for the selected candidate.
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlights': {
\ 'gradient': s:gradient,
\ },
\ 'highlighter': wilder#highlighter_with_gradient([
\ ... highlighters ...
\ ]),
\ }))
local gradient = {
'#f4468f', '#fd4a85', '#ff507a', '#ff566f', '#ff5e63',
'#ff6658', '#ff704e', '#ff7a45', '#ff843d', '#ff9036',
'#f89b31', '#efa72f', '#e6b32e', '#dcbe30', '#d2c934',
'#c8d43a', '#bfde43', '#b6e84e', '#aff05b'
for i, fg in ipairs(gradient) do
gradient[i] = wilder.make_hl('WilderGradient' .. i, 'Pmenu', {{a = 1}, {a = 1}, {foreground = fg}})
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlights = {
gradient = gradient, -- must be set
-- selected_gradient key can be set to apply gradient highlighting for the selected candidate.
highlighter = wilder.highlighter_with_gradient({
wilder.basic_highlighter(), -- or wilder.lua_fzy_highlighter(),
A nice set of color scales can be found at d3-scale-chromatic.
Use the dropdown to select discrete(<x>)
for a smaller list of colors.
Click on a scale to copy it as a string.
Note: Gradient highlighting slows down performance by a lot.
Vim Script
call wilder#setup({'modes': [':', '/', '?']})
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline(),
\ wilder#search_pipeline(),
\ ),
\ ])
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ }))
local wilder = require('wilder')
wilder.setup({modes = {':', '/', '?'}})
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.basic_highlighter(),
Vim Script
call wilder#setup({'modes': [':', '/', '?']})
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'fuzzy': 1,
\ 'set_pcre2_pattern': 1,
\ }),
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'pattern': 'fuzzy',
\ }),
\ ),
\ ])
let s:highlighters = [
\ wilder#pcre2_highlighter(),
\ wilder#basic_highlighter(),
\ ]
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#renderer_mux({
\ ':': wilder#popupmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ }),
\ '/': wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ }),
\ }))
local wilder = require('wilder')
wilder.setup({modes = {':', '/', '?'}})
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
fuzzy = 1,
set_pcre2_pattern = 1,
pattern = 'fuzzy',
local highlighters = {
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.renderer_mux({
[':'] = wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlighter = highlighters,
['/'] = wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = highlighters,
- Requires
from romgrk/fzy-lua-native
local wilder = require('wilder')
wilder.setup({modes = {':', '/', '?'}})
-- Disable Python remote plugin
wilder.set_option('use_python_remote_plugin', 0)
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
fuzzy = 1,
fuzzy_filter = wilder.lua_fzy_filter(),
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.renderer_mux({
[':'] = wilder.popupmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.lua_fzy_highlighter(),
left = {
' ',
right = {
' ',
['/'] = wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = wilder.lua_fzy_highlighter(),
This is a good approximatiton of the configuration used in the GIF from the beginning of the README. The colorscheme used if tokyonight
- Requires
from sharkdp/fd (see:h wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline()
on using other commands) - Requires
from nixprime/cpsm - Requires
from romgrk/fzy-lua-native - Requires
from kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons orvim-devicons
from ryanoasis/vim-devicons ornerdfont.vim
from lambdalisue/nerdfont.vim
Vim Script
call wilder#setup({'modes': [':', '/', '?']})
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline({
\ 'file_command': {_, arg -> stridx(arg, '.') != -1 ? ['fd', '-tf', '-H'] : ['fd', '-tf']},
\ 'dir_command': ['fd', '-td'],
\ 'filters': ['cpsm_filter'],
\ }),
\ wilder#substitute_pipeline({
\ 'pipeline': wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'skip_cmdtype_check': 1,
\ 'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern({
\ 'start_at_boundary': 0,
\ }),
\ }),
\ }),
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'fuzzy': 2,
\ 'fuzzy_filter': has('nvim') ? wilder#lua_fzy_filter() : wilder#vim_fuzzy_filter(),
\ }),
\ [
\ wilder#check({_, x -> empty(x)}),
\ wilder#history(),
\ ],
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline({
\ 'pattern': wilder#python_fuzzy_pattern({
\ 'start_at_boundary': 0,
\ }),
\ }),
\ ),
\ ])
let s:highlighters = [
\ wilder#pcre2_highlighter(),
\ has('nvim') ? wilder#lua_fzy_highlighter() : wilder#cpsm_highlighter(),
\ ]
let s:popupmenu_renderer = wilder#popupmenu_renderer(wilder#popupmenu_border_theme({
\ 'border': 'rounded',
\ 'empty_message': wilder#popupmenu_empty_message_with_spinner(),
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ 'left': [
\ ' ',
\ wilder#popupmenu_devicons(),
\ wilder#popupmenu_buffer_flags({
\ 'flags': ' a + ',
\ 'icons': {'+': '', 'a': '', 'h': ''},
\ }),
\ ],
\ 'right': [
\ ' ',
\ wilder#popupmenu_scrollbar(),
\ ],
\ }))
let s:wildmenu_renderer = wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'highlighter': s:highlighters,
\ 'separator': ' · ',
\ 'left': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_spinner(), ' '],
\ 'right': [' ', wilder#wildmenu_index()],
\ })
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#renderer_mux({
\ ':': s:popupmenu_renderer,
\ '/': s:wildmenu_renderer,
\ 'substitute': s:wildmenu_renderer,
\ }))
local wilder = require('wilder')
wilder.setup({modes = {':', '/', '?'}})
wilder.set_option('pipeline', {
file_command = function(ctx, arg)
if string.find(arg, '.') ~= nil then
return {'fdfind', '-tf', '-H'}
return {'fdfind', '-tf'}
dir_command = {'fd', '-td'},
filters = {'cpsm_filter'},
pipeline = wilder.python_search_pipeline({
skip_cmdtype_check = 1,
pattern = wilder.python_fuzzy_pattern({
start_at_boundary = 0,
fuzzy = 2,
fuzzy_filter = wilder.lua_fzy_filter(),
wilder.check(function(ctx, x) return x == '' end),
pattern = wilder.python_fuzzy_pattern({
start_at_boundary = 0,
local highlighters = {
local popupmenu_renderer = wilder.popupmenu_renderer(
border = 'rounded',
empty_message = wilder.popupmenu_empty_message_with_spinner(),
highlighter = highlighters,
left = {
' ',
flags = ' a + ',
icons = {['+'] = '', a = '', h = ''},
right = {
' ',
local wildmenu_renderer = wilder.wildmenu_renderer({
highlighter = highlighters,
separator = ' · ',
left = {' ', wilder.wildmenu_spinner(), ' '},
right = {' ', wilder.wildmenu_index()},
wilder.set_option('renderer', wilder.renderer_mux({
[':'] = popupmenu_renderer,
['/'] = wildmenu_renderer,
substitute = wildmenu_renderer,
Input latency when typing in the cmdline is due to wilder
rendering synchronously.
Rendering time increases for each wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
item, wilder#popupmenu_renderer()
or by having a slow highlighter
The fastest configuration for wilder
is to use the non-fuzzy pipelines and the default renderers.
For Vim, the Python cmdline pipeline might be slow due to the overhead of the remote plugin.
For searching, the Python pipeline is faster as it is non-blocking and Python's regex is faster than Vim's.
" Neovim or Vim with yarp
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({'language': has('nvim') ? 'python' : 'vim'}),
\ wilder#python_search_pipeline(),
\ ),
\ ])
" The wildmenu renderer is faster than the popupmenu renderer.
" By default no highlighting is applied.
" call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#popupmenu_renderer())
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer())
If this configuration is still not fast enough, the available options are to implement a faster renderer e.g. using Lua or to improve the current rendering code.
If highlighting is important, use the Lua highlighters for best performance.
For Vim, avoid using the python highlighers (e.g.
) due to the overhead introduced by the
remote plugin.
Avoid wilder#wildmenu_spinner()
and wilder#popupmenu_spinner()
as they cause frequent re-renders.
Use wilder#debounce()
or the debounce
option in pipelines to avoid rendering too often.
The debounce
option is currently supported by wilder#search_pipeline()
and wilder#python_file_finder_pipeline()
The debounce interval is in milliseconds.
There is a tradeoff in increased latency for the final result due to the debounce versus the increased input latency per character typed due to the rendering of intermediate results.
" Debounce the whole pipeline
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#debounce(10),
\ wilder#branch(
\ ...
\ ),
\ ])
" Or debounce individual pipelines
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'debounce': 10,
\ }),
\ wilder#search_pipeline({
\ 'debounce': 10,
\ }),
\ ),
\ ])
Set up an autocmd
to defer initialisation to the first CmdlineEnter
" ++once supported in Nvim 0.4+ and Vim 8.1+
autocmd CmdlineEnter * ++once call s:wilder_init() | call wilder#main#start()
function! s:wilder_init() abort
call wilder#setup(...)
call wilder#set_option(..., ...)
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', ...)
call wilder#set_option('renderer', ...)
Using the Python remote plugin is slow, which may cause latency when getting cmdline completions.
should be performant enough as long as the number of candidates is not too large.
call wilder#set_option('pipeline', [
\ wilder#branch(
\ wilder#cmdline_pipeline({
\ 'language': 'vim',
\ 'fuzzy': 1,
\ 'fuzzy_filter': wilder#vim_fuzzy_filter(),
\ }),
\ ...
\ ),
\ ])
Avoid using the Python highlighters e.g. wilder#cpsm_highlighter()
or wilder#pcre2_highlighter()
Use q:
to open the cmdline-window
and enter the following command
call wilder#disable()
Alternatively, define a mapping in your init.vim
or .vimrc
nnoremap <Leader>w :call wilder#toggle()<CR>
A workaround was added for #30.
This workaround breaks the /
history when using the wilder#wildmenu_renderer()
The workaround can be disabled by setting:
call wilder#set_option('renderer', wilder#wildmenu_renderer({
\ 'apply_incsearch_fix': 0,
\ }))
If you have g:dein#lazy_rplugins
set to true, the remote plugin will not load until the plugin is sourced.
call dein#add('gelguy/wilder.nvim', {
\ 'lazy': 1,
\ 'on_event' : 'CmdlineEnter',
\ })
Many thanks to the following codebases for providing ideas and reference:
and many more!