The meal planner is a simple diet and calories management web app, this helps users to find a specific amount of calories in daily meals that should intake by the user to maintain their required calories per day.
This is the assignment given by evolv fit - (detail of task updated here when assignment submission period completed).
Visit my app here
- NodeJS
- Mongoose
- Javascript / CSS / HTML
Great!, after cloning & setting up the local project you can push the changes to your github fork and make a pull request.
Fork the repository and then clone the repo locally by -
git clone
jump into the directory
cd meal-planner-API
install all the dependencies
npm install
before starting the development Server
create .env file and add mongoDB url
MONGO_CONNECTION_URL= mongodb+srv://${ username }:${ password }
start the local server by
npm start
or start the local server on nodemon by
npm test
After running the development server the site should be running on https://localhost:3003
Give the project a ⭐ if you liked it.
Made with ❤️ and nodeJS.