My Emacs configuration file.
Main focus on SystemVerilog, VHDL, scripting and compilation for elaboration/synthesis/simulations.
Root config file is init.el. Symbolic links at ~/.emacs.d/init.el and ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el are required for configuration to be loaded. This file loads configuration from other files in a modular way.
EXWM is set as the default configuration display manager. If you want to use it read the documentation and customize exwm-config.el with the proper xrandr resolution of your screen. Besides, other display managers might be disabled first and .xinitrc file should look similar to the following:
# Disable access control xhost +SI:localuser:$USER # Keyboard repeat rate xset r rate 200 60 # Keyboard layout setxkbmap us # Switch Caps/Ctrl setxkbmap -option "ctrl:swapcaps" # Disable bell for terminal xset b off # Start Emacs exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs
NOTE: This configuration is intended to be shared among different machines and expects a machine-specific configuration to be placed at "~/.elisp_private/". Here you can enable/disable EXWM and some other machine-dependent settings.
lisp: core files of the configuration.
lisp_prog: programming languages related files.
scripts: auxiliary files for CI.