IRMF Shader Editor
This is work-in-progress - the editor is not fully functional yet.
Note that nothing is saved in the editor! You must copy/paste your shader source and save it locally or all edits will be lost!
IRMF is a file format used to describe GLSL ES shaders that define the materials in a 3D object with infinite resolution. IRMF completely eliminates the need for software slicers, STL, and G-code files used in 3D printers.
I believe that IRMF shaders will some day revolutionize the 3D-printing industry.
See for more details.
As of 2022-10-26, support has been added for using the LYGIA Shader Library at: !
This means that you can add lines to your IRMF shaders like this:
#include "lygia/math/decimation.glsl"
and the source will be retrieved (and cached) from the LYGIA server.
Congratulations and thanks go to Patricio Gonzalez Vivo for making the LYGIA server available for anyone to use, and also for the amazing tool glslViewer!
This is the very start of the in-browser IRMF shader editor, built on Microsoft's amazing open-source Monaco Editor.
The technology stack used is Go compiled to WebAssembly using the extremely handy tool go-wasm-cli.
Easy installation: npm i -g go-wasm-cli
The goal is to allow people to easily design their IRMF shaders and visualize the models in real time from this static web app. All processing will be done with WebGL within the client browser. People will edit their model, then copy/paste the code to their local filesystem to save it offline. This keeps the app super-simple and prevents abuse by not storing anything on the server.
This editor dices up your model (the IRMF shader) into slices (planes) that are perpendicular (normal) to your eye (the camera). Because the planes are all stacked together and render the model at different depths from your eye, it appears that you are being shown a solid, when in actuality, you are being shown a lot of very thin slices of your model all stacked together.
Here is a picture showing what is happening:
The camera is "above" the slicing planes (on the +Z axis) looking "down" through the stacked planes. As the camera rotates around, the planes also rotate to always face the camera, but slice through the model at different locations.
"I thought this thing had infinite resolution... what's up?"
The IRMF shader itself has infinite resolution because it is just math, but we have to dice up the design in order to display it. We also need to keep it performant, so we need to limit the number of slices to render. But as a result of slicing the model, high detail models (especially those with curves) will show more jaggies than others.
Here is a picture demonstrating the jaggies:
The bottom line is that I haven't figured out how to render the object yet without jaggies. This too, will be the art that the 3D printer manufacturers will be providing. They will figure out how to best slice your model at the highest resolutions possible so that you don't get jaggies in the resulting model.
Copyright 2019 Glenn M. Lewis. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.