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Firebase-stripe integration

The integration works by listening for checkout.session.completed events via a webhook which Stripe calls. This event (and only this event) contains a mapping of customer (customer id) to client_reference_id.

The integration does not assume a 1-2-1 mapping between login email and the email used during Stripe checkout. Instead, Stripe subscriptions are associated with an "account" (which you can define as 1-2-1 (single user) or 1-2-n (team of users)).

For the integration to work, you must make sure that the client_reference_id of your checkout event is account id for the resulting subscription.

One way to accomplish this is to configure the "no-code" Stripe pricing table web component's client-reference-id attribute with the account id:

<script async src=""></script>
<stripe-pricing-table pricing-table-id="prctbl_1M2dY . . .75R" publishable-key="pk_test_51M1oxtJ. . . ZC0">
    document.querySelector("stripe-pricing-table").setAttribute("client-reference-id", accountId);

Steps to set up the needed Firebase functions:

Install library

  1. Install Stripe's node library (
  2. Download the single file functions code (stripe-integration.js) from the releases folder ( and place it in your firebase functions directory.

Configure the integration:

Needed API key scopes:

  • Products (Read)

Webhook events needed:

  • checkout.session.completed
  • customer.subscription.created
  • customer.subscription.updated
  • customer.subscription.deleted
// config
const stripeAPIKey = defineSecret("STRIPE_API_KEY");
const stripeWebhookSecret = defineSecret("STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET");

// stripe integration
const stripeIntegrationConfig = {

    key: stripeAPIKey,
    secret: stripeWebhookSecret,
    events: firestore.collection("stripe-events"),
    customers: firestore.collection("stripe-customers"),
    products: firestore.collection("stripe-products"),
    errors: firestore.collection("stripe-event-errors"),
    accounts: firestore.collection("accounts"),
    logger: functions.logger

const { processStripeEvent, getActiveSubscriptions, 
  1. Define secrets in Firebase to hold your Stripe API key and webhook secret
  2. Define the name of collections in Firestore which will be populated by the library:
    • events: a record of events received from Stripe
    • customers: a mapping of Stripe customer ids to your account ids
    • products: downloaded details of products in Stripe
    • errors: where to record errors which occur when processing events
    • accounts: where to record processed events and current subscriptions
    • logger: firebase's logger

Create a publicly accessible https function

// incoming webhook
exports.stripeWebhook = functions
    .runWith({ secrets: [stripeAPIKey, stripeWebhookSecret] })
    .https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
        try {
            // process
            await processStripeEvent({ request, ...stripeIntegrationConfig });
            // respond
            response.send("stripeWebhook: Ok");
        } catch (err) {
            // warn
            // respond
            const code = err.type ? 400 : 500;
            response.status(code).send("stripeWebhook: Invalid request");


(Optional) Create a function to fetch the active subscriptions

exports.fetchUserSubscriptions = functions
    .runWith({ secrets: [stripeAPIKey, stripeWebhookSecret] })
    .https.onCall(async (_, context) => {

        const account = context.auth.uid;
        return await getActiveSubscriptions({ account, ...stripeIntegrationConfig });

(Optional) Create a utility function to replay events

exports.replayEventDatabase = functions
    .runWith({ secrets: [stripeAPIKey, stripeWebhookSecret] })
    .https.onCall(async (_, context) => {

        await replayEvents({ ...stripeIntegrationConfig });
        return "Ok";


Process flow

    User->>App: I want to buy
    App->>User: Go to check-out (with account id as client reference)
    User->>Stripe: Check-out
    Stripe-->>User: OK
    Stripe->>App: Check-out complete (with account id as client reference, customer id)
    App->>App: Account is Customer
    Stripe-->>App: Subscription created/updated (with customer, product)
    App->>App: Subscription is Account
    App->>App: Account has Subscription id
    App->>App: Update account subscriptions
    opt If not fresh record of product exists
        App->>Stripe: Fetch product for subscription
        Stripe-->>App: Product



Firebase - Stripe simple integration







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