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Travel Impact Model 2.0.0


In this document we describe the modeling assumptions and input specifications behind the Travel Impact Model (TIM), a state of the art emission estimation model that Google's Travel Sustainability team has compiled from several external data sources. The TIM predicts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for future flights to help travelers plan their travel.

ISO 14083 defines a user's travel journey from when they leave their origin (point A) to when they arrive at their destination (point B). Figure 11 below illustrates an example of a user's travel journey. To calculate the total emissions of this user's journey, ISO 14083 recommends summing up the emissions produced by each individual piece of the journey. In this example, it includes the emissions created driving to the airport, the emissions to run the origin airport, the flight's emissions, the emissions to run the destination airport, and the train's emissions to the user's destination. The Travel Impact Model only estimates the flight's emissions, highlighted in green.

ISO 14083 defined user journey (car to airport, in airport, flight (green), in airport, train from airport)

(Figure 12)

As shown in Figure 23, the TIM supports two types of flights:

  • multi-class flights with passengers
  • multi-class flights with passengers and cargo

Image of flight splitting into 2 types: flight with passengers only and flight with passengers and cargo

(Figure 24)

Model overview

For each flight, the TIM considers several factors, such as an estimate of the distance flown between the origin and destination airports, and the aircraft type being used for the route. Actual GHG emissions at flight time may vary depending on factors not known at modeling time, such as speed and altitude of the aircraft, the actual flight route, and weather conditions at the time of flight.

Flight level emission estimates

Flight level CO2e estimates

The Travel Impact Model estimates fuel burn based on the Tier 3 methodology for emission estimates from the Annex 1.A.3.a Aviation 2023 published by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

There are several resources about the EEA model available:

Additionally, the Travel Impact Model updates the fuel burn to emissions conversion factor to align with the ISO 14083 Fuel Heat Combustion factor and CORSIA Life Cycle Assessment, and breaks down emissions estimates into Well-to-Tank (WTT) and Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions.

Tank-to-Wake emissions account for emissions produced by burning jet fuel during flying, take-off and landing. Well-to-Tank emissions account for emissions generated during the production, processing, handling and delivery of jet fuel. Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions is the sum of Well-to-Tank (WTT) and Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions.

The EEA model takes the efficiency of the aircraft into account. As shown in Figure 3, a typical flight is modeled in two stages: take off and landing (LTO, yellow) and cruise, climb, and descend (CCD, blue).

Fixed fuel burn allocated during LTO, variable during CCD

(Figure 3)

For each stage, there are aircraft-specific and distance-specific fuel burn estimates. Table 1 shows an example fuel burn forecast for a Boeing 787-9 (B789) aircraft:

Aircraft Distance (NM) LTO fuel forecast (kg) CCD fuel forecast (kg)
B789 500 1638 5852
B789 1000 1638 10874
B789 ... ... ...
B789 5000 1638 52962
B789 5500 1638 58072

(Table 1)

By using these numbers together with linear interpolation or extrapolation, it is possible to deduce the emission estimate for flights of any length on supported aircraft:

  • Interpolation is used for flights that are in between two distance data points. As a theoretical example, a 5250 nautical miles (NM) flight on a Boeing 787-9 will burn approximately 55517 kg of fuel during the CCD phase (where 55517 equals 52962 + (58072 - 52962)/2, with figures for 5000 NM and 5500 NM taken from Table 1).
  • Extrapolation is used for flights that are either shorter than the smallest supported distance, or longer than the longest supported distance for that aircraft type.
  • The Lower Heating Value from ISO 14083 (43.1 MJ/kg averaged over US and EU numbers from source Table K1 and Table K3) and CORSIA Carbon Intensity value (74 gCO2e/MJ from source Table 5) are used to calculate the jet fuel combustion to CO2e conversion factor of 3.1894. The CORSIA Life Cycle Assessment methodology is used to calculate a WTT CO2e emissions factor of 0.6465 (WTT 15g CO2e/MJ added to the TTW 74 gCO2e/MJ Carbon Intensity to total up to the WTW lifecycle Carbon Intensity of 89 gCO2e/MJ from source page 22 and Table 7). The factors used are as follows:
Life Cycle Stage Carbon Intensity Value from CORSIA
(g CO2e/MJ)
Lower Heating Value from ISO 14083
(kg CO2e/kg)
Tank-To-Wake (TTW) 74 43.1 3.1894 (= 74 * 43.1 / 1000)
Well-To-Tank (WTT) 15 (= 89 - 74) 43.1 0.6465 (= 15 * 43.1 / 1000)
Well-To-Wake (WTW) 89 43.1 3.8359 (= 7894 * 43.1 / 1000)

CO2e is short for CO2 equivalent and includes Kyoto Gases (GHG) as described here. Warming effects produced by short-lived climate pollutants (such as contrail-induced cirrus clouds) are not yet included in CO2e as calculated by the Travel Impact Model.

There is information for most commonly-used aircraft types in the EEA data, but some are missing. For missing aircraft types, one of the following alternatives is applied in ranked order:

  • Supported by winglet/sharklet correction factor: For all aircraft (with a corresponding IATA code) with a winglet or sharklet variant for which no native data exists (see Appendix A), a 3% discount factor will be applied on top of EEA estimates. The correction factor will be applied to the LTO and CCD numbers of the comparable type in the EEA database. We are basing the 3% factor on a literature review as a conservative estimate (Airbus, AviationBenefits, Boeing, Cirium, NASA, SimpleFlying).
  • Supported by fallback to previous generation aircraft type: If there are estimates in the EEA data set for a previous generation aircraft type in the same family, from the same manufacturer, the previous generation aircraft is used for the estimate.
  • Supported by fallback to least efficient aircraft in the family: For umbrella codes that refer to a group of aircraft, the least efficient aircraft in the family will be assumed.
  • Supported by fallback to similar aircraft type: If there are estimates in the EEA data set for a similar aircraft, it is used for the estimate.
  • Not supported: For aircraft types for which none of the cases above apply, there are no emissions estimates available.

See Appendix A for a table with detailed information about aircraft type support status.

Distance adjustment

Actual flight paths are usually longer than the great-circle distance (GCD) between origin and destination airport due to several factors, like the flown route, airport congestion, airspace restrictions, and bad weather avoidance.

The TIM includes distance adjustment factors based on historical flight tracking data from ADS-B. These adjustment factors were developed at Imperial College London by Teoh et al. who found that on average, the actual distance flown is roughly 5% higher than the great-circle distance, and that this percentage varies across regions and routes. The data cleaning approach is described here.

The distance adjustment is performed as follows:

  1. If available, apply the route-based adjustment factor data for the given origin airport and destination airport. This factor represents the ratio between the average flown distance on the route and its great-circle distance.
  2. Otherwise, if available, apply the country-based adjustment factor data for the given origin airport country and destination airport country. This factor represents the ratio between the average flown distance for all flights between the origin airport country and destination airport country and their corresponding great-circle distances.
  3. Otherwise, in the rare case where no adjustment factor is available, apply a factor of 1.052 which represents the mean lateral inefficiency increase (+5.2%) for 2019 data from Teoh et al. (see page 18), which is used for the distance adjustment factor.

Data sources

Used for flight level emissions:

  • EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023 Annex 1 version v1.5_18_09_2024 (link)
  • Teoh et al., The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019 - 2021: Origin-destination statistics (link)
  • CORSIA Eligible Fuels Life Cycle Assessment Methodology (link)
  • ISO 14083 (link)

Breakdown from flight level to individual level

In addition to predicting a flight's emissions, it is possible to estimate the emissions for an individual passenger on that flight. To perform this estimate, it's necessary to perform an individual breakdown based on three relevant factors:

  1. Number of total seats on the plane in each seating class (first, business, premium economy, economy)
  2. Number of occupied seats on the plane
  3. Amount of cargo being carried

The emission estimates are higher for premium economy, business and first seating classes because the seats in these sections take up more space. As a result, those seats account for a larger share of the flight's total emissions. Different space allocations on narrow and wide-body aircraft are considered using separate weighing factors.

Data sources

Used to determine which aircraft type was used for a given flight:

  • Aircraft type from published flight schedules

Used to determine seating configuration and calculate emissions per available seat:

  • Aircraft Configuration/Version (ACV) from published flight schedules
  • Fleet-level aircraft configuration information from the "Seats (Equipment Configuration) File" provided by OAG

Primary fallback for missing seat configuration

If there are no individual seat configuration numbers for a flight available from the published flight schedules, we query the fleet-level seating data for a unique match by carrier and aircraft. This is only possible in cases where a carrier uses the same seating configuration for all their aircraft of a certain aircraft model.

Outlier detection and basic correctness checking

If there are no individual seat configuration numbers for a flight available from the published flight schedules, nor from the fleet-level data, or if they are incorrectly formatted or implausible, the TIM uses aircraft-specific medians derived from the overall dataset instead. Basic correctness checks based on reference seat configurations for the aircraft are performed, specifically:

  • The calculated total seat area for a flight is the total available seating area. This is calculated based on seating data and seating class factors. For example, the total seat area for a wide-body aircraft would be:

    1.0 * num_economy_class_seats +
    1.5 * num_premium_economy_class_seats +
    4.0 * num_business_class_seats +
    5.0 * num_first_class_seats
  • The reference total seat area for an aircraft is roughly the median total seat area.

  • During a comparison step: If the calculated total seat area for a given flight is within certain boundaries of the reference for that aircraft, the filed seating data from published flight schedules is used. Otherwise the reference total seat area is used.

Factors details

Seating class factors

Seating parameters follow IATA RP 1726. An analysis of seat pitch and width in each seating class in typical plane configurations confirmed the accuracy of these factors.

Cabin Class Narrow-body aircraft Wide-body aircraft
Economy 1 1
Premium Economy 1 1.5
Business 1.5 4
First 1.5 5

Cargo mass fraction

Belly cargo carried on passenger flights is a contributor to total emissions. We apportion emissions by mass. The cargo mass fraction (CMF) is defined as the cargo mass divided by total payload, which is defined as the sum of cargo mass and passenger mass. Passenger mass (including passenger's baggage) is approximated by multiplying the number of passengers by 100kg, as defined in ISO 14083, Section A.4.2.

As the cargo mass fraction determines the amount of emissions apportioned to belly cargo, the remainder is apportioned to passengers. The TIM uses a tiered approach to determine cargo mass fraction. High resolution, specific data (i.e. by carrier, route, and aircraft class) is preferred where available, and in the absence of more granular data the model falls back to coarser aggregations when no suitable high resolution options are available.

For consistency with passenger load factors, we also exclude March 2020 to February 2022, due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tier 1: Highly specific cargo mass fraction

  • Where data is available for a given carrier, route, and aircraft class (distinguishing narrowbody and widebody aircraft), use the average cargo mass fraction over the last 6 years.
  • Where data is available for the given route and aircraft class, but not the specific carrier, use the average cargo mass fraction across all carriers over the last 6 years.
  • If fewer than 2000 flights are available for averaging, we do not calculate an average and instead fallback to the "Coarse cargo mass fraction tier" described below.

Tier 2: Coarse cargo mass fraction

  • Where specific data is not available, use average cargo mass fraction data, matching distance band and aircraft class over the last 6 years.

  • Distance bands are defined in 1000 km intervals, i.e. distances 1 km to 1000 km, 1001 km to 2000km, etc., are grouped together. The distance is determined between origin and destination using the great-circle distance.

The TIM uses historical data provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics to determine cargo mass fraction values. The coarse aggregations by distance band and aircraft class are also used to forecast cargo carried for flights outside the United States.

Load factors

Passenger load factors are predicted based on historical passenger statistics. The TIM uses a tiered approach to determine passenger load factors. High resolution, specific data (i.e. by route) is preferred where available, and in the absence of more granular data, the model falls back to a generic value (i.e. global default).

Tier 1: Highly specific passenger load factors

  1. For flights within, to, and from the United States and its territories, we consider the T-100 historical dataset from the US Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics (see below for more details).

    • When the data is available for a given carrier, route, and month of travel, we calculate the aggregate passenger load factors, looking back up to six years.
    • When the data is available for a given carrier and month of travel, but not the specific route, we use the average passenger load factor across all the routes, up to six years back.
    • If fewer than three years of data are available, we consider ch-aviation load factors described below.
  2. For all other flights, we consider the historical load factor data provided by ch-aviation:

    • When the data is available for a given carrier and month of travel, we calculate the aggregate passenger load factors, looking back up to six years.
    • If fewer than three years of data are available, we use the global average fallback value instead as described below ("Global default passenger load factor").

Tier 2: Global default passenger load factor

  • For all other flights for which an equivalent public-domain dataset with similar granularity is not currently available, the TIM falls back to use a load factor value of 84.5%. This value is derived from historical data for the U.S. from 2019.
  • An analysis of load factors sourced from publicly available airline investor reports indicates that this value is a good approximation for the passenger load factor globally.

Load factor data source specifics

T-100 from U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics and ch-aviation

  • Only data from the last six years is used.
  • Data is updated on a monthly basis (TIM version number will not increase).
  • Any month of data for which the overall load factor (aggregated over all airlines and routes) differs more than 10% from the average load factor since 2017 is removed as an outlier month. March 2020–February 2022 (inclusive) are removed from the data as a result.
  • To account for patterns of seasonality that do not correspond with the exact month of travel (e.g. public holidays), the previous and next month are taken into account for the average load factor of any given month of travel. E.g. For future flights in March, we aggregate over all flights in February, March, and April.

Example emission estimation

For this example, we'll use a flight from Zurich (ZRH) to San Francisco (SFO) on a Boeing 787-9 aircraft with the following seating configuration.

Cabin Class Seats
Economy 188
Premium Economy 21
Business 48
First 0

To get the total emissions for the flight, let's follow the process below:

  1. Calculate great-circle distance between ZRH and SFO: 9369 km (= 5058.9 nautical miles (NM))

  2. Look up the static LTO numbers and the distance-based CCD number from aircraft performance data (see Table 1), and interpolate fuel burn for a 9369 km long flight:

    • LTO 1638 kg of fuel burn
    • CCD 54802 kg of fuel burn calculated like this and rounded:
      • Apply distance adjustment factor as described here to determine adjusted distance: 5058.9 * 1.0273 = 5197.00797 NM
      • The EEA model assumes that the aircraft travels 17 NM of the complete distance of the flight during the LTO cycle. Subtract 17 NM from the adjusted distance to account for the distance travelled in the LTO phase: 5197.00797 - 17 = 5180.00797 NM = 5180 NM (rounded)
      • Calculate the fuel burn for 5180 NM by interpolating between the known fuel burn values at 5000 NM (52962 kg) and 5500 NM (58072 kg): 52962 kg + (5180 NM - 5000 NM) * (58072 kg - 52962 kg) / (5500 NM - 5000 NM) = 54801.6 kg
  3. Sum LTO and CCD number for total flight-level result (rounded): 1638 kg + 54802 kg = 56440 kg of fuel burn

  4. Convert from fuel burn to CO2e emissions for total flight-level result:

    • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e (rounded): 56440 * 0.6465 = 36488
    • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e (rounded): 56440 * 3.1894 = 180010
    • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e (rounded): (56440 * 0.6465) + (56440 * 3.1894) = 216498

Once the total flight emissions are computed, we apportion emissions between belly cargo and passengers:

  1. Use the cargo mass fraction of 8% to apportion 8% of the emissions to belly cargo, and correspondingly 92% of emissions to passengers. All values rounded to kg.
    • Well-to-Tank (WTT) cargo emissions in kg of CO2e: 36488 * 0.08 = 2919
    • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) cargo emissions in kg of CO2e: 180010 * 0.08 = 14401
    • Well-to-Wake (WTW) cargo emissions in kg of CO2e: 216498 * 0.08 = 17320
    • Well-to-Tank (WTT) passenger emissions in kg of CO2e: 36488 * 0.92 = 33569
    • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) passenger emissions in kg of CO2e: 180010 * 0.92 = 165609
    • Well-to-Wake (WTW) passenger emissions in kg of CO2e: 216498 * 0.92 = 199178

Once the total flight emissions are computed, let's compute the per passenger break down:

  1. Determine which seating class factors to use for the given flight. In the ZRH-SFO example, we will use the wide-body factors (Boeing 787-9).

  2. Calculate the equivalent capacity of the aircraft according to the following

    C = first_class_seats * first_class_multiplier +
        business_class_seats * business_class_multiplier + …

    In this specific example, the estimated area is:

    0 * 5 + 48 * 4 + 1.5 * 21 + 188 * 1 = 411.5
  3. Divide the total CO2e emissions by the equivalent capacity calculated above to get the CO2e emissions per economy seat.

    • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 33569 / 411.5 = 81.577
    • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 165609 / 411.5 = 402.452
    • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577 + 402.452 = 484.029
  4. Emissions per seat for other cabins can be derived by multiplying by the corresponding cabin factor.

    • First:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577 * 5 = 407.885
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 402.452 * 5 = 2012.26
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 484.029 * 5 = 2420.145
    • Business:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577 * 4 = 326.308
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 402.452 * 4 = 1609.808
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 484.029 * 4 = 1936.116
    • Premium Economy:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577 * 1.5 = 122.366
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 402.452 * 1.5 = 603.678
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 484.029 * 1.5 = 726.044
    • Economy:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 402.452
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 484.029
  5. Scale to estimated load factor 0.845 by apportioning emissions to occupied seats. This results in per-passenger emissions:

    • First:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 407.885 kg / 0.845 = 482.704 kg
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 2012.26 kg / 0.845 = 2381.373 kg
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 2420.145 kg / 0.845 = 2864.077 kg
    • Business:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 326.308 kg / 0.845 = 386.163 kg
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 1609.808 kg / 0.845 = 1905.098 kg
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 1936.116 kg / 0.845 = 2291.262 kg
    • Premium Economy:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 122.366 kg / 0.845 = 144.812 kg
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 603.678 kg / 0.845 = 714.412 kg
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 726.044 kg / 0.845 = 859.224 kg
    • Economy:
      • Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions in kg of CO2e: 81.577 kg / 0.845 = 96.541 kg
      • Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 402.452 kg / 0.845 = 476.275 kg
      • Well-to-Wake (WTW) emissions in kg of CO2e: 484.029 kg / 0.845 = 572.815 kg

Note that the model generates emission estimates for all cabin classes, including cabin classes where the seat count is zero, as cabin classifications are not always consistent across data providers. Therefore, providing estimates for all cabin classes simplifies integration of the TIM's data with other datasets.

Legal base for model data sharing

The GHG emission estimate data are available via API under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA 4.0 open source license (legal code).

API access

Developer documentation is available on the Google Developers site for the Travel Impact Model API.

For non-developers, access to the Travel Impact Model API is also available via the Google Sheets Add-on.


The model will be developed further over time, e.g. with improved load factors methodology or more fine grained seat area ratios calculation. New versions will be published.

A full model version will have four components: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.DATE, e.g. The four tiers of change tracking are handled differently:

  • Major versions: Changes to the model that would break existing client implementations if not addressed (e.g. changes in data types or schema) or major methodology changes (e.g. adding new data sources to the model that lead to major output changes). We expect these to be infrequent but they need to be managed with special care.
  • Minor versions: Changes to the model that, while being consistent across schema versions, change the model parameters or implementation.
  • Patch versions: Implementation changes meant to address bugs or inaccuracies in the model implementation.
  • Dated versions: Model datasets are recreated with refreshed input data but no change to the algorithms regularly.



Updating base model data to EEA 2023, adding support for cargo mass fraction, and introducing distance adjustment.


Migrating data sources for aircraft performance for some aircraft models.


Expanding T-100 coverage to include US territories. See section on load factors for information on the T-100 dataset.


Adding carrier-level passenger load factors from ch-aviation for flights that are not already covered by the T-100 dataset from the US Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Also adjusting the load factors outlier exclusion criteria from 20% to 10% deviation from average load factor since 2017, resulting in removing March 2020–February 2022 (inclusive) (previously March 2020–February 2021). See the section on load factors for more details.


Adding Well-to-Tank (WTT) and Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions break-downs to all flight emissions. Updating the jet fuel combustion to CO2 conversion factor from the minimum value of 3.1672 to the value of 3.1894 (using Lower Heating Value from ISO 14083 and CORSIA Carbon Intensity value), and using the CORSIA Life Cycle Assessment methodology to implement a WTT CO2e emissions factor 0.6465. Reference: ISO, CORSIA.


Updating the jet fuel combustion to CO2 conversion factor from 3.15 based on the EEA methodology to 3.1672 to align with the CORSIA methodology's recommended factor.


Adding carrier and route specific passenger load factors for flights from, to, and within the U.S., taking seasonality patterns into account. We are using data from the U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics. For more details, see the section on load factors.


Adding a fleet-level source for seating configuration data. For airlines that don't file seating configuration information in flight schedules but use the same seating configuration for all their aircraft of a certain model, a fall back to the "Seats (Equipment Configuration) File" provided by OAG is performed.


Following recent discussions with academic and industry partners, we are adjusting the TIM to focus on CO2 emissions. While we strongly believe in including non-CO2 effects in the model long-term, the details of how and when to include these factors requires more input from our stakeholders as part of a governance model that's in development. With this change, we are provisionally removing contrails effects from our CO2e estimates but will keep the labeling as “CO2e” in the model to ensure future compatibility.

We believe CO2e factors are critical to include in the model, given the emphasis on them in the IPCC's AR6 report. We want to make sure that when we do incorporate them into the model, we have a strong plan to account for time of day and regional variations in contrails' warming impact. We are committed to providing consumers the most accurate information as they make informed choices about their travel options.

We continue to invest into research and collaborate with leading scientists, NGOs, and partners to better incorporate contrails and other non-GHG impact into our model, and we look forward to sharing updates at a later date.


Initial public version of the Travel Impact Model.


The model described in this document produces estimates of GHG emissions. Emission estimates aim to be representative of what the typical emissions for a flight matching the model inputs would be. Estimates might differ from actual emissions based on a number of factors.

Aircraft types: The emissions model accounts for the equipment type as published in the flight schedules. The majority of aircraft types in use are covered. See Appendix A for a list of supported aircraft types.

Some aircraft types are supported by falling back to a related model thought to have comparable emissions. See Flight level emission estimates for more details.

If no reasonable approximation is available for a given aircraft, the model will not produce estimates for it.

Engine information: Beyond the aircraft type, there are other aircraft characteristics that can have an effect on the flight emissions (e.g. engine type, engine age, etc.) that are not currently included when computing emission estimates.

Fuel type: The emissions model assumes that all flights operate on 100% conventional fuel. Alternative fuel types (e.g. Sustainable Aviation Fuel) are not supported.

Seat configurations: If there are no seat configurations individual numbers for a flight available from published flight schedules, or if they are incorrectly formatted or implausible, aircraft specific medians derived from the overall dataset are employed.

Contrail-induced cirrus clouds: Warming effects produced by short-lived climate pollutants such as contrail-induced cirrus clouds are not yet included in emissions as calculated by the Travel Impact Model.

Data quality

See technical brief on TIM base model selection.

How to cite TIM in publications

You are welcome to use the Travel Impact Model (TIM) in your publications. When referencing the TIM, please cite it as in the following example:

Google. (2022, April). Travel Impact Model (TIM) (Version A.B.C.YYYYMMDD) [Computer software]. Retrieved September 28, 2024 via API,

The TIM is a dynamic model that is regularly updated with new data and methodologies. To ensure that others can access the same data and calculations you used, it is essential to include the version number and retrieval date in your citation.

BibTeX example:

  institution = {Google},
  title = {Travel Impact Model (TIM)},
  year = {2022},
  month = {April},
  note = {Version A.B.C.YYYYMMDD. Retrieved September 28, 2024},
  url = {}

If you access the TIM programmatically through the API, please mention this in your citation as well.


We welcome feedback and enquiries. Please get in touch using this form.


CCD: The flight phases Climb, Cruise, and Descend occur above a flight altitude of 3,000 feet.

CO2: Carbon dioxide is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution anthropogenic emissions – primarily from use of fossil fuels and deforestation – have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming.

CO2e: CO2e is short for CO2 equivalent, and is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential (source).

Contrail-induced cirrus clouds: Cirrus clouds are atmospheric clouds that look like thin strands. There are natural cirrus clouds, and also contrail induced cirrus clouds that under certain conditions occur as the result of a contrail formation from aircraft engine exhaust.

CORSIA: Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, a carbon offset and reduction scheme to curb the aviation impact on climate change developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Effective Radiative Forcing (ERF): Radiative forcing effects can create rapid responses in the troposphere, which can either enhance or reduce the flux over time, and makes RF a difficult proxy for calculating long-term climate effects. ERF attempts to capture long-term climate forcing, and represents the change in net radiative flux after allowing for short-term responses in atmospheric temperatures, water vapor and clouds.

European Environment Agency (EEA): An agency of the European Union whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment.

Google's Travel Sustainability team: A team at Google focusing on travel sustainability, based in Zurich (Switzerland) and Cambridge (U.S.), with the goal to enable users to make more sustainable travel choices.

Great-circle Distance: Defined as the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere when measured along the surface of the sphere.

ICAO: The International Civil Aviation Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations.

ISO 14083: The international standard that establishes a common methodology for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from the operation of transport chains of passengers and freight (source), published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

LTO: The flight phases Take Off and Landing occur below a flight altitude of 3000 feet at the beginning and the end of a flight. They include the following phases: taxi-out, taxi-in (idle), take-off, climb-out, approach and landing.

Radiative Forcing (RF): Radiative Forcing is the instantaneous difference in radiative energy flux stemming from a climate perturbation, measured at the top of the atmosphere.

Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs): Pollutants that stay in the atmosphere for a short time (e.g. weeks) in comparison to Long Lived Climate Pollutants such as CO2 that stay in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

Tank-to-Wake (TTW): Emissions produced by burning jet fuel during takeoff, flight, and landing of an aircraft.

TIM: The Travel Impact Model described in this document.

Well-to-Tank (WTT): Emissions generated during the production, processing, handling, and delivery of jet fuel.

Well-to-Wake (WTW): The sum of Well-to-Tank (WTT) and Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions.


Appendix A: Aircraft type support

Aircraft full name IATA aircraft code Mapping (ICAO aircraft code) Support status
Airbus A220 220 BCS3 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A220-100 221 BCS1 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A220-300 223 BCS3 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A300-600 AB6 A306 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A300B2/B4 AB4 A30B Direct match in EEA
Airbus A310 310 A310 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A310-300 313 A310 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A318 318 A318 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A318 (Sharklets) 31A A318 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Airbus A318/319/320/321 32S A321 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A319 319 A319 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A319neo 31N A321 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A319 (Sharklets) 31B A319 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Airbus A320 320 A320 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A320neo 32N A20N Direct match in EEA
Airbus A320 (Sharklets) 32A A320 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Airbus A321 321 A321 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A321neo 32Q A21N Direct match in EEA
Airbus A321 (Sharklets) 32B A321 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Airbus A330 330 A332 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A330-200 332 A332 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A330-300 333 A333 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A330-800neo 338 A332 Mapped onto older model
Airbus A330-900neo 339 A339 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A340 340 A345 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A340-200 342 A345 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A340-300 343 A343 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A340-500 345 A345 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A340-600 346 A346 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A350-1000 351 A35K Direct match in EEA
Airbus A350 350 A35K Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A350-900 359 A359 Direct match in EEA
Airbus A380 380 A388 Mapped to least efficient in family
Airbus A380-800 388 A388 Direct match in EEA
Antonov An-140 A40 A140 Direct match in EEA
Antonov AN148-100 A81 A148 Direct match in EEA
Antonov An-24 AN4 AN24 Direct match in EEA
Antonov An-26/30/32 AN6 AN26 Mapped to least efficient in family
Antonov An-26 A26 AN26 Direct match in EEA
Antonov An-32 A32 AN32 Direct match in EEA
ATR42/ATR72 ATR AT72 Mapped to least efficient in family
ATR 42-300 AT4 AT43 Direct match in EEA
ATR 42-500 AT5 AT45 Direct match in EEA
ATR 72 AT7 AT72 Direct match in EEA
Avro RJ100 AR1 RJ1H Direct match in EEA
Avro RJ85 AR8 RJ85 Direct match in EEA
Beechcraft 1900 Airliner BE1 B190 Mapped to least efficient in family
Beechcraft 1900D Airliner BEH B190 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 717-200 717 B712 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 727-100 721 B721 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737 737 B734 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 737 73M B732 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-200 732 B732 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-200 73L B732 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-300 733 B733 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-300 73N B733 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-300 (Winglets) 73C B733 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737-400 734 B734 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-400 73Q B734 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-500 735 B735 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-500 (Winglets) 73E B735 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737-600 736 B736 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-700 73G B737 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-700 73R B732 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-700 (Winglets) 73W B737 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737-800 738 B738 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-800 (Scimitar Winglets) 7S8 B738 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737-800 (Winglets) 73H B738 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737-900 739 B739 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737-900 (Winglets) 73J B739 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 737MAX 7 7M7 B734 Mapped onto older model
Boeing 737MAX 8 7M8 B38M Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737MAX 9 7M9 B39M Direct match in EEA
Boeing 737MAX 10 7M1 B734 Mapped onto older model
Boeing 747-300/747-100/200 SUD 743 B744 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 747 747 B744 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 747-400 744 B744 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 747-400 74E B744 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 747-8 74H B744 Mapped onto older model
Boeing 757 757 B753 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 757-200 752 B752 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 757-200 (Winglets) 75W B752 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 757-300 753 B753 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 757-300 (Winglets) 75T B753 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 767 767 B764 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 767-200 762 B762 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 767-300 763 B763 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 767-300 (Winglets) 76W B763 Supported via winglet/sharklet correction factor
Boeing 767-400 764 B764 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 777 777 B773 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 777-200/200ER 772 B772 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 777-200LR 77L B772 Mapped onto newer model
Boeing 777-300 773 B773 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 777-300ER 77W B77W Direct match in EEA
Boeing 787 787 B789 Mapped to least efficient in family
Boeing 787-8 788 B788 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 787-9 789 B789 Direct match in EEA
Boeing 787-10 781 B78X Direct match in EEA
Boeing (Douglas) MD-82 M82 MD82 Direct match in EEA
Boeing (Douglas) MD-83 M83 MD83 Direct match in EEA
Boeing (Douglas) MD-90 M90 MD90 Direct match in EEA
Bombardier Challenger 300 CL3 CL30 Direct match in EEA
Bombardier Regional Jet 550 CR5 CRJ7 Mapped to least efficient in family
British Aerospace 146 146 B463 Mapped to least efficient in family
British Aerospace 146-100 141 B461 Direct match in EEA
British Aerospace 146-200 142 B462 Direct match in EEA
British Aerospace 146-300 143 B463 Direct match in EEA
British Aerospace Jetstream JST JS41 Mapped to least efficient in family
British Aerospace Jetstream 31 J31 JS31 Direct match in EEA
British Aerospace Jetstream 32 J32 JS32 Direct match in EEA
British Aerospace Jetstream 41 J41 JS41 Direct match in EEA
Britten-Norman BN-2A/BN-2B Islander BNI BN2P Direct match in EEA
Canadair Regional Jet CRJ CRJ9 Mapped to least efficient in family
Canadair Regional Jet 100 CR1 CRJ1 Direct match in EEA
Canadair Regional Jet 200 CR2 CRJ2 Direct match in EEA
Canadair Regional Jet 700 CR7 CRJ7 Direct match in EEA
Canadair Regional Jet 900 CR9 CRJ9 Direct match in EEA
Canadair Regional Jet 1000 CRK CRJ9 Mapped to least efficient in family
Cessna 208B Caravan CNF C208 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Citation CNJ C500 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Light Aircraft. CNA C208 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Light Aircraft (Single piston engine) CN1 C208 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Light Aircraft (Twin piston engines) CN2 C208 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Light Aircraft (Single Turboprop) CNC C208 Direct match in EEA
Cessna Light Aircraft (Twin Turboprop) CNT C208 Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC2 Beaver DHP DHC2 Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC6 Twin Otter DHT DHC6 Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC7 Dash 7 DH7 DHC7 Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC8 Dash 8 DH8 DH8D Mapped to least efficient in family
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC8-100 Dash 8/8Q DH1 DH8A Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC8-200 Dash 8/8Q DH2 DH8B Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC8-300 Dash 8/8Q DH3 DH8C Direct match in EEA
De Havilland-Bombardier DHC8-400 Dash 8/8Q DH4 DH8D Direct match in EEA
Embraer 110 Bandeirante EMB E110 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 120 Brasilia EM2 E120 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 170 E70 E170 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 170/195 EMJ E190 Mapped to least efficient in family
Embraer 175 E75 E75S Direct match in EEA
Embraer 175 (Enhanced Winglets) E7W E75L Direct match in EEA
Embraer 190 E90 E190 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 190 E2 290 E290 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 195 E95 E195 Direct match in EEA
Embraer 195 E2 295 E295 Direct match in EEA
Embraer RJ 135/140/145 ERJ E145 Mapped to least efficient in family
Embraer RJ135 ER3 E135 Direct match in EEA
Embraer RJ140 ERD E145 Direct match in EEA
Embraer RJ145 ER4 E145 Direct match in EEA
Fairchild Dornier 228 D28 D228 Direct match in EEA
Fairchild Dornier 328JET FRJ J328 Direct match in EEA
Fairchild SA26/SA226/SA227 Merlin/Metro SWM SW4 Mapped to least efficient in family
Fokker 50 F50 F50 Direct match in EEA
Fokker 70 F70 F70 Direct match in EEA
Fokker 100 100 F100 Direct match in EEA
Ilyushin Il-76 IL7 IL76 Direct match in EEA
Ilyushin Il-96 IL9 IL96 Direct match in EEA
Let 410 L4T L410 Direct match in EEA
Pilatus PC-12 PL2 PC12 Direct match in EEA
Saab 2000 S20 SB20 Direct match in EEA
Saab 340B SFB SF34 Direct match in EEA
Saab 340 SF3 SF34 Mapped to least efficient in family
Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 SU9 SU95 Direct match in EEA
Tecnam P2012 Traveller T12 P212 Direct match in EEA

Appendix B: Term Mapping Table

TIM terminology ISO terminology
Belly cargo Freight transportation
Cargo Freight
Flight Transportation chain element (TCE), specifically a single aircraft transporting a group of passengers and potentially freight
Flight emissions TCE's GHG emissions
Tank-to-Wake (TTW) Gvo, TCE
Travel journey Transportation chain
Type of flight Transport operation category (TOC)
Well-to-Tank (WTT) Gvep,TCE
Well-to-Wake (WTW) GTCE


  1. This figure is based on Figure 2 on page ix in ISO 14083 (2023).

  2. This figure uses icons from the following libraries, Google Material Design Icons and Material Design Icons. All icons are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

  3. This figure is based on Figure 6 on page 23 in ISO 14083 (2023).

  4. This figure uses icons from the following libraries, Google Material Design Icons and Vaadin Icons. All icons are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.