This is a game about a guy and his dog. Aside from some free art and music assets made by the awesome people listed in the credits, I made this by myself in a week and a half for The Programmer's Hangout 2021 Game Jam.
The game features an "overworld"-type area with exploration and puzzles, as well as an action sequence. It only supports 1366x768 resolution right now.
Play for free here on Windows:
07/09/2021 - first release. submitted to TPH game jam
07/18/2021 [NEW] - I got first place for both players' choice AND staff choice! Feeling very grateful to the folks and staff at The Programmer's Hangout for providing me with valuable feedback, hosting the competition, and making some awesome games.
The only major bug I'm aware of right now is that skeletons will eventually stop spawning in the action scene if you make it far enough. It'll also cause an audio glitch. That's because of a pretty obvious bug that I missed in the EnemyManager script, but I fixed that with this release.