Thin wrapper around Linux's Joystick API.
npm install @hkaspy/joystick-linux
Tested on Node.js v14 LTS and v16 LTS.
import Joystick from "@hkaspy/joystick-linux";
const stick = new Joystick("/dev/input/js0");
stick.on("update", (ev) => console.log(ev));
Debian (and other Debian-based OSes like Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu) has quite good out-of-the-box support for joysticks and gamepads, exposing a unified Joystick API.
So if you manage to connect your gamepad, you can most probably use this module - see Debian Gamepad Wiki
new Joystick(
// path to your Joystick device
// first batch of events is the initial state of buttons/axies
// it gets dropped if you don't set includeInit: true
includeInit: true,
// link a mapper function to map these general events to your specific device
mappingFn: (e) => e,
Emitted on each button press or axis value change.
stick.on("update", (data) => console.log(data));
// if this event is from the initial batch
isInitial: false,
// button/axis number
number: 1,
// number of milliseconds since an arbitrary point in time (same point in time for all events in one session)
time: 87465,
// "BUTTON" or "AXIS"
type: "BUTTON",
// 0 or 1 (pressed) for type: BUTTON
// -32767 to +32767 for type: AXIS
value: 0,
Emitted when connection to the joystick is lost.
stick.on("disconnect", () => console.log('disconnected'));
Emitted when there is an error with the joystick device (e.g. the specified path doesn't exist).
stick.on("error", (err) => console.log('Error!', err));
Include your custom mapping function to add more information to the event.
See the included xbox one controller mapper or logitech f310 controller mapper
import Joystick from "@hkaspy/joystick-linux";
import { xboxOneMapper } from "@hkaspy/joystick-linux/mappers";
const stick = new Joystick("/dev/input/js0", { mappingFn: xboxOneMapper });
stick.on("update", (ev) => console.log(ev));
isInitial: false,
number: 4,
time: 87465,
type: "BUTTON",
value: 1,
// friendly button name
name: "LEFT_BUMPER",
Inspired by the joystick module, but implemented as a file stream reader, which is more performant for me. On the other hand, this module doesn't do deadzone and sensitivity.