Monitoring service writen in Python3 to be hosted on your own server.
Monitor your server and query usage and network information.
/usage - CPU and Memory information
/users - Active users
/disks - Disk usage
/shell $command - Execute shell command
Systemctl service manage
/service start $name - Start service
/service status $name - Status of service
/service restart $name - Restart service
/service kill $name - Send signal to processes of a unit
/service stop $name - Stop service
Backend healthcheck
/health alive - Set healthcheck to alive
/healt dead - Set healthcheck to dead
You do not like me anymore?
/stop - Sign off from the monitoring service
Talk to @BotFather on Telegram
- Type
to start a conversation with the bot father. - Type
and follow the instructions to create our own bot. - Remember the access token - you will need it later.
- You may configure your bot by setting a name or picture.
Configure your linux server
# Create a special user for the bot
sudo adduser telegram --gecos "" --disabled-password
# Install Python 3 and its package manager
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
# Install Python Requests and PSUtil Library
sudo python3 -m pip install requests psutil --upgrade
Download and install Telegram Server Monitor
# Change to the created user
su telegram
cd ~
git clone
cd telegram-server-monitor
# Edit the config file with your favorite editor