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Pull requests: hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

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Pull requests list

chore(appflow): add dataTransferApi property in appflow CustomConnectorSourceProperties documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/appflow Issues and PRs that pertain to the appflow service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41815 opened Mar 13, 2025 by ChintanpatelTH Loading…
kms: Modernize Go code github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. repository Repository modifications; GitHub Actions, developer docs, issue templates, codeowners, changelog. service/kms Issues and PRs that pertain to the kms service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41814 opened Mar 13, 2025 by YakDriver Loading…
sts: Modernize Go code github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. repository Repository modifications; GitHub Actions, developer docs, issue templates, codeowners, changelog. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41813 opened Mar 13, 2025 by YakDriver Loading…
sns: Modernize Go code github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code repository Repository modifications; GitHub Actions, developer docs, issue templates, codeowners, changelog. service/sns Issues and PRs that pertain to the sns service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41812 opened Mar 13, 2025 by YakDriver Loading…
[Bug fix] fix expanding process for operation_preferences.region_order in CloudFormation StackSet needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/cloudformation Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudformation service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41810 opened Mar 12, 2025 by tabito-hara Draft
ec2: Modernize Go code github_actions Pull requests that update Github_actions code prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. repository Repository modifications; GitHub Actions, developer docs, issue templates, codeowners, changelog. service/ec2ebs Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2ebs service. service/ec2outposts Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2outposts service. service/ec2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2 service. service/ipam Issues and PRs that pertain to the ipam service. service/transitgateway Issues and PRs that pertain to the transitgateway service. service/verifiedaccess Issues and PRs that pertain to the verifiedaccess service. service/vpc Issues and PRs that pertain to the vpc service. service/vpnclient Issues and PRs that pertain to the vpnclient service. service/vpnsite Issues and PRs that pertain to the vpnsite service. service/wavelength Issues and PRs that pertain to the wavelength service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41806 opened Mar 12, 2025 by YakDriver Loading…
No longer export tagging functions generators Relates to code generators. service/accessanalyzer Issues and PRs that pertain to the accessanalyzer service. service/acm Issues and PRs that pertain to the acm service. service/acmpca Issues and PRs that pertain to the acmpca service. service/amp Issues and PRs that pertain to the amp service. service/amplify Issues and PRs that pertain to the amplify service. service/apigateway Issues and PRs that pertain to the apigateway service. service/apigatewayv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the apigatewayv2 service. service/appautoscaling Issues and PRs that pertain to the appautoscaling service. service/appconfig Issues and PRs that pertain to the appconfig service. service/appfabric Issues and PRs that pertain to the appfabric service. service/appflow Issues and PRs that pertain to the appflow service. service/appintegrations Issues and PRs that pertain to the appintegrations service. service/applicationinsights Issues and PRs that pertain to the applicationinsights service. service/applicationsignals Issues and PRs that pertain to the applicationsignals service. service/appmesh Issues and PRs that pertain to the appmesh service. service/apprunner Issues and PRs that pertain to the apprunner service. service/appstream Issues and PRs that pertain to the appstream service. service/appsync Issues and PRs that pertain to the appsync service. service/athena Issues and PRs that pertain to the athena service. service/auditmanager Issues and PRs that pertain to the auditmanager service. service/autoscaling Issues and PRs that pertain to the autoscaling service. service/backup Issues and PRs that pertain to the backup service. service/batch Issues and PRs that pertain to the batch service. service/bcmdataexports Issues and PRs that pertain to the bcmdataexports service. service/bedrock Issues and PRs that pertain to the bedrock service. service/bedrockagent Issues and PRs that pertain to the bedrockagent service. service/budgets Issues and PRs that pertain to the budgets service. service/ce Issues and PRs that pertain to the ce service. service/chatbot Issues and PRs that pertain to the chatbot service. service/chime Issues and PRs that pertain to the chime service. service/chimesdkmediapipelines Issues and PRs that pertain to the chimesdkmediapipelines service. service/chimesdkvoice Issues and PRs that pertain to the chimesdkvoice service. service/cleanrooms Issues and PRs that pertain to the cleanrooms service. service/cloud9 Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloud9 service. service/cloudformation Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudformation service. service/cloudfront Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudfront service. service/cloudhsmv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudhsmv2 service. service/cloudtrail Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudtrail service. service/cloudwatch Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudwatch service. service/codeartifact Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeartifact service. service/codebuild Issues and PRs that pertain to the codebuild service. service/codecommit Issues and PRs that pertain to the codecommit service. service/codeconnections Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeconnections service. service/codeguruprofiler Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeguruprofiler service. service/codegurureviewer Issues and PRs that pertain to the codegurureviewer service. service/codepipeline Issues and PRs that pertain to the codepipeline service. service/codestarconnections Issues and PRs that pertain to the codestarconnections service. service/codestarnotifications Issues and PRs that pertain to the codestarnotifications service. service/cognitoidentity Issues and PRs that pertain to the cognitoidentity service. service/cognitoidp Issues and PRs that pertain to the cognitoidp service. service/comprehend Issues and PRs that pertain to the comprehend service. service/configservice Issues and PRs that pertain to the configservice service. service/connect Issues and PRs that pertain to the connect service. service/controltower Issues and PRs that pertain to the controltower service. service/cur Issues and PRs that pertain to the cur service. service/customerprofiles Issues and PRs that pertain to the customerprofiles service. service/databrew Issues and PRs that pertain to the databrew service. service/dataexchange Issues and PRs that pertain to the dataexchange service. service/datapipeline Issues and PRs that pertain to the datapipeline service. service/datasync Issues and PRs that pertain to the datasync service. service/datazone Issues and PRs that pertain to the datazone service. service/dax Issues and PRs that pertain to the dax service. service/deploy Issues and PRs that pertain to the deploy service. service/detective Issues and PRs that pertain to the detective service. service/devicefarm Issues and PRs that pertain to the devicefarm service. service/directconnect Issues and PRs that pertain to the directconnect service. service/dlm Issues and PRs that pertain to the dlm service. service/dms Issues and PRs that pertain to the dms service. service/docdb Issues and PRs that pertain to the docdb service. service/docdbelastic Issues and PRs that pertain to the docdbelastic service. service/drs Issues and PRs that pertain to the drs service. service/ds Issues and PRs that pertain to the ds service. service/dynamodb Issues and PRs that pertain to the dynamodb service. service/ec2ebs Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2ebs service. service/ec2outposts Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2outposts service. service/ec2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2 service. service/ecr Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecr service. service/ecrpublic Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecrpublic service. service/ecs Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecs service. service/efs Issues and PRs that pertain to the efs service. service/eks Issues and PRs that pertain to the eks service. service/elasticache Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticache service. service/elasticbeanstalk Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticbeanstalk service. service/elasticsearch Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticsearch service. service/elb Issues and PRs that pertain to the elb service. service/elbv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the elbv2 service. service/emr Issues and PRs that pertain to the emr service. service/emrcontainers Issues and PRs that pertain to the emrcontainers service. service/emrserverless Issues and PRs that pertain to the emrserverless service. service/events Issues and PRs that pertain to the events service. service/evidently Issues and PRs that pertain to the evidently service. service/finspace Issues and PRs that pertain to the finspace service. service/firehose Issues and PRs that pertain to the firehose service. service/fis Issues and PRs that pertain to the fis service. service/fms Issues and PRs that pertain to the fms service. service/fsx Issues and PRs that pertain to the fsx service. service/gamelift Issues and PRs that pertain to the gamelift service. tags Pertains to resource tagging. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41797 opened Mar 12, 2025 by gdavison Loading…
feat: add read_from_timestamp option to msk_source_configuration for Firehose delivery stream documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/firehose Issues and PRs that pertain to the firehose service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41794 opened Mar 12, 2025 by sappusaketh Loading…
[New Data Source] aws_ecrpublic_image documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. service/ecrpublic Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecrpublic service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41790 opened Mar 12, 2025 by liljoon Draft
Remove aws_simpledb_domain resource client-connections Pertains to the AWS Client and service connections. documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. linter Pertains to changes to or issues with the various linters. prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. provider Pertains to the provider itself, rather than any interaction with AWS. service/simpledb Issues and PRs that pertain to the simpledb service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. sweeper Pertains to changes to or issues with the sweeper. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41775 opened Mar 11, 2025 by ewbankkit Loading… v6.0.0-beta1
Backup restore testing plan requires name but example didn't have one documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. service/backup Issues and PRs that pertain to the backup service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41768 opened Mar 11, 2025 by AresiusXP Loading…
resource/aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration: Better handles eventual consistency for some regions prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. service/s3 Issues and PRs that pertain to the s3 service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41764 opened Mar 11, 2025 by gdavison Loading…
aws_cloudwatch_log_destinations new data source documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. service/logs Issues and PRs that pertain to the logs service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41751 opened Mar 8, 2025 by hjoshi123 Loading…
Docs: Update RDS Identifier reference in QuickSight data source documentation documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. service/quicksight Issues and PRs that pertain to the quicksight service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. waiting-response Maintainers are waiting on response from community or contributor.
#41749 opened Mar 8, 2025 by Nithishravindra Loading…
Add data_source AWS Account regions documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. service/account Issues and PRs that pertain to the account service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41746 opened Mar 7, 2025 by Skoczek135 Loading…
r/aws_route53_records_exclusive: new resource client-connections Pertains to the AWS Client and service connections. documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. flex Pertains to FLatteners and EXpanders. generators Relates to code generators. prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. service/route53domains Issues and PRs that pertain to the route53domains service. service/route53 Issues and PRs that pertain to the route53 service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41741 opened Mar 7, 2025 by jar-b Loading…
Bug(RDS): Setting performance_insights_* to requiresModifyDbCluster needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/rds Issues and PRs that pertain to the rds service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41737 opened Mar 7, 2025 by rshade Loading…
Added security configuration resource to EMR containers documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/emrcontainers Issues and PRs that pertain to the emrcontainers service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41716 opened Mar 7, 2025 by trina242 Loading…
RDS Aurora storage type back to default needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/rds Issues and PRs that pertain to the rds service. size/S Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41711 opened Mar 6, 2025 by carloscastrojumo Loading…
Allow Usage of sessionCredentialFromConsole in Data Store Selectors enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/cloudtrail Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudtrail service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41704 opened Mar 6, 2025 by hi-artem Loading…
r/cognito_resource_server allow name change without ForceNew enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/cognitoidp Issues and PRs that pertain to the cognitoidp service. size/S Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41702 opened Mar 6, 2025 by mbbush Loading…
Resolving False Change Detection in API Gateway Without Modifications bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. service/apigateway Issues and PRs that pertain to the apigateway service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41695 opened Mar 6, 2025 by case-k-git Loading…
Add RDS Aurora Global Cluster Data Source documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. service/rds Issues and PRs that pertain to the rds service. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41669 opened Mar 5, 2025 by theherk Loading…
Add computeRoleArn support for AWS Amplify enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/amplify Issues and PRs that pertain to the amplify service. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41650 opened Mar 4, 2025 by cirnatdan Draft
Use update timeout value in ec2_instance_state if greater than hard-coded instanceStopTimeout or instanceStartTimeout enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/ec2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2 service.
#41642 opened Mar 3, 2025 by redartera Loading…
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