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Partial escape in query string to make search work again #321

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion github.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Library
deepseq-generics >= && <0.3,
exceptions >= && <0.11,
hashable >= && <1.3,
http-client >= && <0.6,
http-client >=0.5.10 && <0.6,
http-client-tls >=0.2.2 && <0.4,
http-link-header >=1.0.1 && <1.1,
http-types >=0.12.1 && <0.13,
Expand Down
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions samples/Search/AllHaskellRepos.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module AllHaskellRepos where
import Control.Monad(when)
import Data.List(group, sort)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Time.Calendar(addDays, Day(..), showGregorian)
import Data.Time.Clock(getCurrentTime, UTCTime(..))
import Data.Time.Format(parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale, iso8601DateFormat)
import Time.System(dateCurrent)
import GitHub.Auth(Auth(..))
import GitHub.Endpoints.Search(searchRepos', SearchResult(..), EscapeItem(..),
import GitHub.Data.Repos
import GitHub.Data.Definitions
import GitHub.Data.Name
import GitHub.Data.URL
import GitHub.Data.Options(SearchRepoMod(..), SearchRepoOptions(..), Language(..),
License(..), StarsForksUpdated(..), SortDirection(..),
import System.FilePath.Posix(FilePath)
import Debug.Trace

-- | A search query finds all Haskell libraries on github
-- and updates two files of all packages/authors
updateGithub :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
updateGithub [lastIntervalEnd, authorsCsv, packagesCsv] = do
lastEnd <- T.readFile lastIntervalEnd -- first time: 2008-03-01
start <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat Nothing) (T.unpack lastEnd)
intervals "pass" start 10 -- stop after 10 queries
a <- T.readFile authorsCsv
T.writeFile authorsCsv (dups a)
p <- T.readFile packagesCsv
T.writeFile packagesCsv (dups p)
dups = T.unlines . map head . group . sort . T.lines
-- Go through all github repos, by chosing small time intervals
intervals :: String -> Day -> Int -> IO ()
intervals pass start i = do
let newDate = addDays 10 start -- assuming less than 100 repos in 10 days

-- Remember the last succesfully scanned interval
-- (to update the list and continue when query timeout reached or query failed)
T.writeFile lastIntervalEnd (T.pack (showGregorian newDate))

let query search = search { searchRepoOptionsLanguage = Just (Language "Haskell")
, searchRepoOptionsSortBy = Just Stars
, searchRepoOptionsOrder = Just SortDescending
, searchRepoOptionsCreated = Just (start, newDate)
res <- searchRepos' (Just $ BasicAuth "user" "pass") (SearchRepoMod query)
either (\_-> return ()) appendToCSV res
-- putStrLn (show res) -- for debugging
currentDate <- fmap utctDay getCurrentTime
when (newDate < currentDate && i>0) (intervals pass newDate (i-1))

appendToCSV :: SearchResult Repo -> IO ()
appendToCSV res = do
V.mapM_ extractFromRepo (searchResultResults res)
extractFromRepo r = do
T.appendFile authorsCsv (untagName (simpleOwnerLogin (repoOwner r)) `T.append` "\n")
T.appendFile packagesCsv (getUrl (repoHtmlUrl r) `T.append` "\n")

23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion src/GitHub/Data/Definitions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Types

import GitHub.Data.Id (Id)
import GitHub.Data.Name (Name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +233,27 @@ data OrgMemberRole
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Data, Generic)

-- | Request query string
type QueryString = [(BS.ByteString, Maybe BS.ByteString)]
type QueryString = [(BS.ByteString, [EscapeItem])]

newtype EscapeItem = Esc Types.EscapeItem deriving (Eq,Ord, Show)

unwrapEsc :: [(BS.ByteString, [EscapeItem])] -> [(BS.ByteString, [Types.EscapeItem])]
unwrapEsc qs = map t qs
where t (bs, items) = (bs, map unesc items)
unesc (Esc i) = i

wrapEsc :: [(BS.ByteString, [Types.EscapeItem])] -> [(BS.ByteString, [EscapeItem])]
wrapEsc qs = map t qs
where t (bs, items) = (bs, map Esc items)

instance Hashable EscapeItem where
hashWithSalt salt (Esc (Types.QE b)) =
salt `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int)
`hashWithSalt` b
hashWithSalt salt (Esc (Types.QN b)) =
salt `hashWithSalt` (1 :: Int)
`hashWithSalt` b

-- | Count of elements
type Count = Int
Expand Down
157 changes: 154 additions & 3 deletions src/GitHub/Data/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,14 @@ module GitHub.Data.Options (
-- * Repo Search
-- * Data
IssueState (..),
MergeableState (..),
Expand All @@ -56,13 +64,16 @@ module GitHub.Data.Options (
) where

import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, showGregorian)
import GitHub.Data.Definitions
import GitHub.Data.Id (Id, untagId)
import GitHub.Data.Milestone (Milestone)
import GitHub.Data.Name (Name, untagName)
import GitHub.Data.Repos (Language(..))
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,7 +309,7 @@ pullRequestOptionsToQueryString (PullRequestOptions st head_ base sort dir) =
, mk "base" <$> base'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
mk k v = (k, [Esc (W.QE v)])
state' = case st of
Nothing -> "all"
Just StateOpen -> "open"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,7 +406,7 @@ issueOptionsToQueryString (IssueOptions filt st labels sort dir since) =
, mk "since" <$> since'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
mk k v = (k, [Esc (W.QE v)])
filt' = case filt of
IssueFilterAssigned -> "assigned"
IssueFilterCreated -> "created"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,7 +554,7 @@ issueRepoOptionsToQueryString IssueRepoOptions {..} =
, mk "mentioned" <$> mentioned'
mk k v = (k, Just v)
mk k v = (k, [Esc (W.QE v)])
filt f x = case x of
FilterAny -> Just "*"
FilterNone -> Just "none"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,3 +613,143 @@ optionsAnyAssignee = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
optionsNoAssignee :: IssueRepoMod
optionsNoAssignee = IssueRepoMod $ \opts ->
opts { issueRepoOptionsAssignee = FilterNone }

-- SearchRepo Options

data StarsForksUpdated
= Stars
| Forks
| Updated
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)

instance ToJSON StarsForksUpdated where
toJSON Stars = String "stars"
toJSON Forks = String "forks"
toJSON Updated = String "updated"

instance FromJSON StarsForksUpdated where
parseJSON (String "stars") = pure Stars
parseJSON (String "forks") = pure Forks
parseJSON (String "updated") = pure Updated
parseJSON v = typeMismatch "StarsForksUpdated" v

newtype License = License Text
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data RepoUser = Repo | User
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)

data RepoIn = RName | RDescription | Readme
(Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic, Typeable, Data)

type Topic = String

data SearchRepoOptions = SearchRepoOptions
{ searchRepoOptionsKeyword :: !Text
, searchRepoOptionsSortBy :: !(Maybe StarsForksUpdated)
, searchRepoOptionsOrder :: !(Maybe SortDirection)
, searchRepoOptionsCreated :: !(Maybe (Day, Day)) -- period
, searchRepoOptionsPushed :: !(Maybe (Day, Day))
, searchRepoOptionsFork :: !(Maybe Bool)
, searchRepoOptionsForks :: !(Maybe Int)
, searchRepoOptionsIn :: !(Maybe RepoIn)
, searchRepoOptionsLanguage :: !(Maybe Language)
, searchRepoOptionsLicense :: !(Maybe License)
, searchRepoOptionsRepoUser :: !(Maybe RepoUser)
, searchRepoOptionsSize :: !(Maybe Int)
, searchRepoOptionsStars :: !(Maybe Int)
, searchRepoOptionsTopic :: !(Maybe Topic)
, searchRepoOptionsArchived :: !(Maybe Bool)
(Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)

defaultSearchRepoOptions :: SearchRepoOptions
defaultSearchRepoOptions = SearchRepoOptions
{ searchRepoOptionsKeyword = ""
, searchRepoOptionsSortBy = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsOrder = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsCreated = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsPushed = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsFork = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsForks = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsIn = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsLanguage = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsLicense = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsRepoUser = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsSize = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsStars = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsTopic = Nothing
, searchRepoOptionsArchived = Nothing

-- | See <>.
newtype SearchRepoMod = SearchRepoMod (SearchRepoOptions -> SearchRepoOptions)

instance Semigroup SearchRepoMod where
SearchRepoMod f <> SearchRepoMod g = SearchRepoMod (g . f)

instance Monoid SearchRepoMod where
mempty = SearchRepoMod id
mappend = (<>)

toSearchRepoOptions :: SearchRepoMod -> SearchRepoOptions
toSearchRepoOptions (SearchRepoMod f) = f defaultSearchRepoOptions

searchRepoModToQueryString :: SearchRepoMod -> QueryString
searchRepoModToQueryString = searchRepoOptionsToQueryString . toSearchRepoOptions

searchRepoOptionsToQueryString :: SearchRepoOptions -> QueryString
searchRepoOptionsToQueryString SearchRepoOptions {..} =
[ ("q", plussedArgs)
] ++ catMaybes
[ mk "sort" <$> fmap sort' searchRepoOptionsSortBy
, mk "order" <$> fmap direction' searchRepoOptionsOrder
, mk "fork" <$> fmap (one . T.pack . show) searchRepoOptionsFork
, mk "forks" <$> fmap (one . T.pack . show) searchRepoOptionsForks
, mk "size" <$> fmap (one . T.pack . show) searchRepoOptionsSize
, mk "stars" <$> fmap (one . T.pack . show) searchRepoOptionsStars
, mk "archived" <$> fmap (one . T.pack . show) searchRepoOptionsArchived
mk k v = (k, v)
one = (\x -> [x]) . Esc . W.QE . TE.encodeUtf8

-- example q=tetris+language:assembly+topic:ruby
-- into [QS "tetris", QPlus, QS "language", QColon, QS "assembly", QPlus, ..
plussedArgs = [Esc (W.QE (TE.encodeUtf8 searchRepoOptionsKeyword)),
Esc (W.QN "+")] ++ intercalate [Esc (W.QN "+")]
( catMaybes [ ([Esc (W.QE "created"), Esc (W.QN ":")] ++) <$> created'
, ([Esc (W.QE "pushed"), Esc (W.QN ":")] ++) <$> pushed'
, ([Esc (W.QE "topic"), Esc (W.QN ":")] ++) <$> topic'
, ([Esc (W.QE "language"), Esc (W.QN ":")] ++) <$> language'
, ([Esc (W.QE "license"), Esc (W.QN ":")] ++) <$> license'

sort' x = case x of
Stars -> [Esc (W.QE "stars")]
Forks -> [Esc (W.QE "forks")]
Updated -> [Esc (W.QE "updated")]

direction' x = case x of
SortDescending -> [Esc (W.QE "desc")]
SortAscending -> [Esc (W.QE "asc")]

created' = one . T.pack . (\(x,y) -> showGregorian x
++ ".." ++
showGregorian y) <$> searchRepoOptionsCreated

pushed' = one . T.pack . (\(x,y) -> showGregorian x
++ ".." ++
showGregorian y) <$> searchRepoOptionsPushed
topic' = one . T.pack <$> searchRepoOptionsTopic
language' = one . (\(Language x) -> x) <$> searchRepoOptionsLanguage

-- see <>
license' = one . (\(License x) -> x) <$> searchRepoOptionsLicense

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/GitHub/Endpoints/GitData/Trees.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module GitHub.Endpoints.GitData.Trees (
import GitHub.Data
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import GitHub.Request
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Types
import Prelude ()

-- | A tree for a SHA1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,4 +57,5 @@ nestedTree = nestedTree' Nothing
-- See <>
nestedTreeR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Tree -> Request k Tree
nestedTreeR user repo sha =
query ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "git", "trees", toPathPart sha] [("recursive", Just "1")]
query ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "git", "trees", toPathPart sha]
[("recursive", [Esc (Types.QE "1")])]
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/GitHub/Endpoints/Organizations/Members.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module GitHub.Endpoints.Organizations.Members (
import GitHub.Data
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import GitHub.Request
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W
import Prelude ()

-- | All the users who are members of the specified organization,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ membersOfR organization =
-- See <>
membersOfWithR :: Name Organization -> OrgMemberFilter -> OrgMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
membersOfWithR org f r =
pagedQuery ["orgs", toPathPart org, "members"] [("filter", Just f'), ("role", Just r')]
pagedQuery ["orgs", toPathPart org, "members"]
[("filter", [Esc (W.QE f')]), ("role", [Esc (W.QE r')])]
f' = case f of
OrgMemberFilter2faDisabled -> "2fa_disabled"
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/GitHub/Endpoints/Organizations/Teams.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import GitHub.Request
import Prelude ()

import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W

-- | List teams. List the teams of an Owner.
-- When authenticated, lists private teams visible to the authenticated user.
-- When unauthenticated, lists only public teams for an Owner.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ deleteTeamR tid =
-- See <>
listTeamMembersR :: Id Team -> TeamMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request 'RA (Vector SimpleUser)
listTeamMembersR tid r =
pagedQuery ["teams", toPathPart tid, "members"] [("role", Just r')]
pagedQuery ["teams", toPathPart tid, "members"] [("role", [Esc (W.QE r')])]
r' = case r of
TeamMemberRoleAll -> "all"
Expand Down