Ruby-Nessus is a ruby interface for the popular Nessus vulnerability scanner. Ruby-Nessus aims to deliver an easy yet powerful interface for interacting and manipulating Nessus scan results and configurations. Ruby-Nessus currently supports both version 1.0 and 2.0 of the .nessus file format. Please remember to submit bugs and request features if needed.
More Information:
- Documentation:
- More:
sudo gem install ruby-nessus
The below example illustrates how easy it really is to iterate over result data.
require 'rubygems'
require 'ruby-nessus'"example_v1.nessus", :version => 1) do |scan|
# OR:"example_v2.nessus") do |scan| <-- Ruby-Nessus will figured out the correct Nessus file version.
puts scan.title # The Nessus Report Title.
puts scan.host_count # Host Count.
puts scan.unique_ports # All Unique Ports Seen.
scan.each_host do |host|
next if # Next Host If Event Count Is Zero.
puts host.hostname # The HostName For The Current Host.
puts host.event_count # The Event Count For The Current Host.
host.each_event do |event|
next if event.severity.medium? # Next Event Is The Event Severity Is Low. (supports high? medium? low?)
puts if # The Event Name If Not Blank.
puts event.port # The Event Port. (supports .number, .protocol and .service)
puts event.severity.in_words # The Current Event Severity In Words. i.e "High Severity"
puts event.plugin_id # The Nessus Plugin ID.
puts if # Raw Nessus Plugin Output Data.
You also have the ability to search for particular hostnames. In the near future I plan to add the ability to pass the hosts block a hash of options for more complex searches.
scan.find_by_hostname("") do |host|
puts host.scan_start_time
puts host.scan_stop_time
puts host.scan_runtime
host.high_severity_events do |event|
puts event.severity.in_words
puts event.port
puts if
There are a bunch of convenient methods (maybe more then needed) added to make reporting a bit easier to produce quickly from a raw scan file. If you do not pass :version as an option it will default to the 2.0 .nessus schema."example_v2.nessus") do |scan|
puts scan.event_percentage_for('low', true) #=> 8%
puts scan.critical_severity_count # Critical Severity Event Count
puts scan.high_severity_count # High Severity Event Count
puts scan.medium_severity_count # Medium Severity Event Count
puts scan.low_severity_count # Low Severity Event Count
puts scan.open_ports_count # Open Port Count
puts scan.total_event_count #=> 3411 # Total Event Count
puts scan.hosts.count #=> 12
scan.each_host do |host|
puts host.hostname
puts host.event_percentage_for('low', true)
puts host.tcp_count #=> tcp, icmp, udp supported.
host.each_event do |event|
next if event.informational?
puts event.severity.in_words
puts event.synopsis
puts event.description
puts event.solution
puts event.output
puts event.risk
Ruby-Nessus also ships with a POC CLI application for the lib called 'recess':
Recess 0.1.1
usage: recess FILE [OPTIONS]
-f, --file FILE The .nessus file to parse.
-h, --help This help summary page.
-v, --version Recess Version.
Below is example output generated by recess:
$> recess examples/example_v2.nessus
Recess - Ruby-Nessus CLI
Version: 0.1.1
-> SCAN Metadata:
Scan Title: Ruby-Nessus
Policy Title: Ruby-Nessus
-> SCAN Statistics:
Host Count: 2
Open Port Count: 51
TCP Count: 38
UDP Count: 11
ICMP Count: 1
-> EVENT Statistics:
Informational Severity Count: 19
Low Severity Count: 47
Medium Severity Count: 3
High Severity Count: 0
Total Event Count: 50
Low Event Percentage: 94
Medium Event Percentage: 6
High Event Percentage: 0
- IP Address::
- Informational Count: 12
- Low Count: 34
- Medium Count: 1
- High Count: 0
- IP Address::
- Informational Count: 7
- Low Count: 13
- Medium Count: 2
- High Count: 0
- Ruby >= 2.3
- Nokogiri
- Add The Ability to parse the scan configuration and plugin options.
- Building XML (.nessus) files configurations
- Add Support For NBE File Formats.
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2009 Dustin Willis Webber. See LICENSE for details.
Copyright (c) 2017 Florian Wininger. See LICENSE for details.