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Prebuilt environment with advanced software for Termux (aarch64 only)

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Termux Advanced Root Filesystem

A static root filesystem for Termux. It is based on packages from and some advanced software.

To use this rootfs, you need to get a package from latest release or build it manually from repository clone:

  $ git clone
  $ cd termux-rootfs
  $ ./

Then you need to backup all yor files because everything under Termux prefix will be removed and replaced by files of Termux-RootFS (on first installation). After that you can install package:

  $ dpkg -i termux-rootfs.deb

After installation you need to restart Termux app, and run command:

  $ termux-setup-rootfs


  • AArch64 (ARM64) architecture
  • Android 6.x or 7.x (security features of Android 8.0+ may break some apps)
  • SELinux permissive (if enforced, some apps may not work)
  • Root (a few apps won't work if your device is not rooted)
  • 4GB of free space in /data

For optimal experience, you need to use the following modified Termux apps:

You can use NeoTerm instead of Termux. Patched apk is available here.

If you need to use a QEMU emulator for running an operating system, the best way is to use a Limbo (QEMU x86) Android application.

Password login protection

You can prevent using of termux by unwanted users by setting password with command 'passwd'. If you want to use a such feature, you must use a patched Termux app (./Termux.apk) to prevent login bypassing with a 'failsafe' shell. If you are using NeoTerm instead of Termux, you should know that password login protection can be bypassed in it.

To remove password login, run command 'rmpasswd'.

Available software

admin tools:

  apt, bmon, cpulimit, dnsutils, dpkg, fsmon, geoip, htop, httping, iperf3,
  iw, macchanger, ngrep, nmap, proot, sensors, sslscan, sipcalc, tcpdump,
  tracepath, whois, wireless-tools


  adb, apktool, baksmali, boot.img-tools, buildapk, create-android-app,
  fastboot, mtk-tools, resetprop, sdat2img, smali, sparse-image-tools


  bsdtar, bzip2, cpio, gzip, lhasa, lz4, lzip, lzop, par2, p7zip, tar,
  unrar, unzip, xz-utils, zip

binary file editors:

  bvi, hexcurse, hexedit, hte, radare2

console utils:

  abduco, asciinema, dialog, dvtm, screen, tmux, ttyrec


  mariadb, postgresql, redis, sqlite3

data processors:

  base100, bc, datamash, docx2txt, dos2unix, ed, hunspell, micro, nano,
  pcapfix, poppler, stag, txt2man, urlview, vim (with python), xmlstarlet,

data rescue:

  ddrescue, extundelete, photorec, testdisk


  astyle, autoconf, automake, bash-bats, binutils, bison, cargo, cccc,
  cfr, cgdb, cmake, clang, cppi, cpplint, cproto, cscope, ctags, diff2html,
  diffstat, ecj, elfutils, expect, fasm, fasmarm, flex, indent, jack, gcc,
  gdb, go, gperf, llvm, ltrace, lua, m4, make, micropython, ninja, openjdk-9,
  nodejs, patchelf, perl, pforth, python2, python3, ruby, rust, tcl, texinfo,
  unifdef, valac, yasm


  aespipe, codecrypt, cryptsetup, encfs, gnupg, gnutls, openssl, scrypt,

filesystem tools:

  btrfs-progs, duff, e2fsprogs, exfat-utils, lvm2, squashfs-tools, zerofree


  2048, bs, curseofwar, hangman, moon-buggy, nsnake, nudoku, pacman,
  typespeed, vitetris

generic utilities:

  ag, bash, busybox, coreutils, dash, diffutils, file, findutils, fish, fzf,
  gawk, gettext, global, grep, inetutils, info, less, man, mapscii, mktorrent,
  patch, procps, pv, pwgen, ranpwd, rhash, rsync, translate-shell, tree, tasksh,
  taskwarrior, timewarrior, units, util-linux, xdelta3, zsh


  apr, apr-util, boost, cairo, c-ares, db, expat, fftw, flac, fontconfig,
  freetype, gdbm, glib, gnutls, harfbuzz, harfbuzz-icu, icu, imlib2,
  libandroid-glob, libandroid-shmem, libandroid-support, libcaca, libconfig,
  libconfuse, libclang, libcroco, libcrypt, libcryptopp, libcurl, libedit,
  libevent, libffi, libgcrypt, libgd, libgit2, libgrpc, libid3tag, libidn,
  libisl, libjansson, libjasper, libjpeg-turbo, libleveldb, liblz4, libmad,
  libmp3lame, libmpc, libmpfr, libnet, libnl, libnpth, libogg, libpcap,
  libpcre, libpcre2, libpipeline, libpng, libpopt, libprotobuf, libqrencode,
  librsync, libsodium, libssh, libssh2, libtalloc, libtermux-exec, libtiff,
  libunistring, libutil, libuuid, libvorbis, libx264, libx265, libxml2, libxslt,
  libyaml, libzmq, libzopfli, ldns, leptonica, littlecms, miniupnpc, ncurses,
  nettle, nghttp2, openblas, openjpeg, openssl, opus, pango, poppler, readline,
  c-toxcore, zlib


  dcraw, ffmpeg, figlet, graphicsmagick, optipng, play-audio, sox, tesseract,


  crunch, cmatrix, ent, eschalot, kona, lolcat, mathomatic, pick, sc,


  aria2, cryptcat, curl, elinks, irssi, lftp, lynx, megatools, netcat,
  socat, syncthing, torsocks, toxic, transmission, tsocks, upnpc, wget,
  wput, zsync

pentesting & cracking:

  aircrack-ng, bettercap, fcrackzip, hping3, hydra, john, keystore-breaker,
  mdk3, metasploit-framework, pkcrack, reaver, udp-amplified-m, vulscan

python 3 modules:

  asciinema, asn1crypto, astroid, attrs, Automat, autopep8, bash-kernel,
  beautifulsoup4, bleach, certifi, cffi, chardet, click, constantly, coverage,
  cryptography, cssselect, cycler, Cython, decorator, dismagic, dj-database-url,
  dj-static, Django, django-bootstrap3, django-ckeditor, django-js-asset,
  django-orm-magic, django-profiler-middleware, django-pygments,
  djangorestframework, entrypoints, et-xmlfile, gevent, greenlet,
  guess-language-spirit, gunicorn, html5lib, httpie, httplib2, hyperlink,
  idna, incremental, iotop, ipdb, ipykernel, ipynose, ipyparallel, ipytest,
  ipython, ipython-genutils, ipywidgets, isort, jdcal, jedi, Jinja2, jsonschema,
  jupyter, jupyter-c-kernel, jupyter-client, jupyter-console, jupyter-core,
  jupyter-fortran-kernel, lazy-object-proxy, line-profiler, lxml, Markdown,
  markdown2, MarkupSafe, matplotlib, mccabe, memory-profiler, mistune, mpmath,
  nbconvert, nbextensions, nbformat, nose, notebook, numpy, odfpy, olefile,
  openpyxl, pandas, pandocfilters, parsel,, pbr, pep257, pep8, pexpect,
  pickleshare, Pillow, pip, prompt-toolkit, psutil, psycopg2, ptyprocess, py,
  pyasn1, pyasn1-modules, PyBrain, pycodestyle, pycparser, pycrypto,
  PyDispatcher, pydocstyle, pyflakes, Pygments, pylama, pylint, PyMySQL,
  pyOpenSSL, pyparsing, pytest, python-dateutil, pytz, PyYAML, pyzmq, qrcode,
  qtconsole, queuelib, redis, redis-kernel, requests, scapy-python3, scikit-learn,
  scipy, Scrapy, service-identity, setuptools, sh, simplegeneric, six,
  snowballstemmer, SQLAlchemy, static3, sympy, tablib, terminado, testpath,
  texttable, tornado, traitlets, Twisted, unicodecsv, Unidecode, urllib3,
  virtualenv, virtualenv-clone, w3lib, waitress, wcwidth, webencodings, WebOb,
  WebTest, Werkzeug, wheel, widgetsnbextension, wrapt, xlrd, xlwt, zope.interface


  minecraft (v1.11.2) server, nginx, openssh, polipo, privoxy, stunnel,
  tor (with obfs4 & meek),


  fakechroot, fakeroot, glibc-container, login, linkchk, myip, passwd, service-manager,
  su, sudo, termux-backup, termux-container, termux-gensslcerts, testport, ubuntu-container,
  update-config-guess, wifi-dump, wifi-jam,


  git, mercurial, tig


  fontutil, libfontenc, libice, libsm, libx11, libxau, libxaw, libxcb, libxcursor, libxdmcp,
  libxext, libxfixes, libxfont2, libxft, libxkbfile, libxmu, libxpm, libxrender, libxt, tigervnc,
  x11-proto, xcbproto, xclock, xkeyboard-config, xorg-server, xorg-util-macros, xorg-xauth,
  xorg-xkbcomp, xtrans

Useful links

Termux on Github:


Prebuilt environment with advanced software for Termux (aarch64 only)






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