Python script that sends location updates from gpsd to a Kismet server.
Added in Kismet 2022-01-R3, data sources may use the metagps option. This script is intended to be used alongside a Kismet remote capture tool with a source using this new metagps option. Kismet MetaGPS Reference
Special thanks to @ckoval7 and his work on kisStatic2Mobile for the inspiration!
git clone
cd python-kismet-metagpsd
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: Start the capture tool with metagps option before running metagpsd. Kismet needs to create the virtual gps before accepting metagpsd location updates.
WARNING: Prior to 8 April 2024, Kismet's average location will include 0,0 locations that will skew the average. Start metagpsd as soon as possible after the capture tool.
- key1 should have admin or datasource role
- key2 should have admin or WEBGPS (custom) role
$ sudo kismet_cap_linux_wifi --connect <ip>:2501 --apikey <key1> --source wlan1:name=remote0,metagps=remote0 --daemonize
$ python --connect <ip>:2501 --metagps remote0 --apikey <key2>
usage: [-h] --connect HOST_URI --metagps METAGPS --apikey APIKEY [--ssl] [--debug]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ssl use secure connection
--debug enable debug output
required arguments:
--connect HOST_URI address of kismet server (host:port)
--metagps METAGPS should match a data source's metagps option
--apikey APIKEY requires admin or WEBGPS (custom) role