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Wicked Cool Usage
Got any wicked cool usage of spark up your sleeve? Drop your code snippets here.
Add a sparkline "header" to your terminal (@jaybosamiya)
Shows a random sparkline at the top of your terminal each time you clear. Use the lolcat
version if you want a rainbow coloured line
alias clear='clear; echo; echo; seq 1 $(tput cols) | sort -R | spark; echo; echo' # Non coloured
alias clear='clear; echo; echo; seq 1 $(tput cols) | sort -R | spark | lolcat; echo; echo' # Coloured
Display precipitation data from forecast.io (@davidcelis)
Show the intensity of oncoming precipitation for the next hour. This requires an API Key for forecast.io, as well as jq
and whereami
(brew install jq whereami
curl -Ss https://api.forecast.io/forecast/$FORECAST_API_KEY/$(whereami) |
jq ".minutely.data[].precipIntensity * 1000" |
Display stock data for S&P 500 (@arawde)
You can replace ^GPSC with other symbols (GOOG, etc), and it should work the same. -A 31 gets one month after given date. Dividing field 5 by varying numbers scales the graph to more readable form.
curl http://www.optiontradingtips.com/resources/historical-data/sp500/%5EGSPC.TXT --silent |
grep "20100331" -A 31 |
awk -F' ' '{print $5/20}' |
Record how much time you spend on daily practice (guitar, etc.) (@dbalatero)
Add this script to your $PATH
: https://gist.github.com/dbalatero/6443380
practice record 120 # 2 hours, today
practice | spark # dump out graph
Number of commits in a repo, by author (@holman)
git shortlog -s |
cut -f1 |
Number of commits in a repo, by author, over time plus consistent scaling (@kablamo)
Usually, you cannot compare spark graphs, because the scale not consistent between any two graphs. git-spark solves this problem with its --scale option.
git spark --days 14 Stegosaurus
Commits by Stegosaurus over the last 14 days
total: 95 avg: 7 max: 23
10 15 6 23 5 0 0 1 15 0 17 3 0 0
Total run time of processes (@daveycrockett)
ps -e |
tail -n +2 |
cut -c 16-23 |
sed -e "s/$/))))/" -e "s/:/ + (60 * (/" -e "s/:/ + (60 *(/" |
bc |
Letter frequencies in a text file (@daveycrockett)
cat <file> |
awk -vFS="" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ if($i~/[a-zA-Z]/) { w[tolower($i)]++} } }END{for(i in w) print i,w[i]}' |
sort |
cut -c 3- |
Users' login time since last reboot (@ghedamat)
# get users for a specific group
# needs to be improved
users=$(getent group uquota | cut -d ':' -f 4 | tr ',' '\n')
for i in $users
gr="$gr$(last | sort | grep $i | cut -c 67-71 | tr ":" " " | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0; } {sum += $1*60+$2; } END { print sum}'),"
spark $gr
Number of HTTP requests per day (@Eyjafjallajokull)
cat /var/log/nginx/access.log |
cut -d\ -f 4 |
cut -d/ -f 1 |
uniq -c |
awk '{print $1}'|
Histogram of commits throughout the day by author (@vrish88)
git log --pretty=format:'%an: %at' --author="Bob" |
awk '{system("date -r "$NF" '+%H'")}' |
sort |
uniq -c |
ruby -e 'puts STDIN.readlines.inject(Hash[Array("00".."23").map{|x| [x,0]}]) {|h, x| h.merge(Hash[*x.split(" ").reverse])}.sort.map(&:last)' |
Visualize your hg commit history (@sunng87)
I wrote a hg extension to aggregate commits by week and generate summary for spark.
hg summary | spark
seq 0 100 | sort -R | spark
Print a Git participation graph of last 52 weeks like in GitHub (@shurizzle)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'ruby-let'
class Time
def week
puts IO.popen('spark', 'w+') {|f|
f.write Time.now.let {|now, min=(now - 31536000)|
`git log --pretty=format:'%an: %at'`.split(/\r?\n/).map {|line|
Time.at(line.split(' ').last.to_i).let {|c|
((c.year == min.year && c.week >= min.week) || (c.year == now.year && c.week <= now.week)) ? c : nil
}.compact.group_by {|x| x.strftime('%G%U') }.inject({}) {|res, (k, v)|
res[k] = v.size
}.let {|act|
(0...52).map {|i|
act[(min + 604800 * i).strftime('%G%U')] || 0
Beijing Air Quality Index, PM2.5 (@freewizard, updated by @djbender)
curl -s https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=beijingair |
grep /description |
perl -nle "print \$1 if /PM2.5;[^;]+; (\d+)/" | spark
for day in $(seq 14 -1 0); do
git log --before="${day} days" --after="$[${day}+1] days" --format=oneline |
wc -l
done | spark
(Based on above) Git commits over the last 8 hours for a given author (~ today's activity) (@trisweb)
for hour in $(seq 8 -1 0); do
git log --author "Author Name" --before="${hour} hours" --after="$[${hour}+1] hours" --format=oneline |
wc -l;
done | spark
Changes in LOC per Git commit (@eush77)
git log --stat |ack '^ \d' |cut -f5,7 -d' ' |tr ' ' '+' |bc |tac |spark
Visualize filesize inside a directory(@lemen)
du -BM * |
cut -dM -f1 |
Animation and colors with Lolcat (@secondplanet)
spark 1 18 9 4 10 | lolcat -p 0.5 # Colored graph
spark 1 18 9 4 10 | lolcat -a # Animated rainbow graph
Visualize users created by week on a rails project Caleb Thompson
bundle exec rails r "User.all.group_by{|u| u.created_at.strftime('%W')}.sort.each{|w,u| puts u.count}" |
WiFi link quality (@cryptix)
For windows signal-strength demo, see https://github.com/holman/spark/issues/100#issuecomment-586746196
if [ $(ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | wc -l) -eq 1 ]
_linkQual="`iwconfig wlan0 | grep Quality | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f1`"
if [ $_linkQual -gt 52 ] # >75% link qual
_linkSparked=$(spark 1 2 3 4)
elif [ $_linkQual -gt 35 ] # >50% link qual
_linkSparked=$(spark 1 2 3 0)
elif [ $_linkQual -gt 17 ] # 25% link qual
_linkSparked=$(spark 1 2 0 0)
elif [ $_linkQual -gt 7 ] # 25% link qual
_linkSparked=$(spark 1 0 0 0)
else # < 25%
_linkSparked=$(spark 0 0 0 0)
echo $_linkSparked
Load average (@tsujigiri)
echo "$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d ' ' -f 1-3) $(egrep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo)00 0" | sed 's/\(0\.\|0\.0\|\.\)//g' | spark | tail -n 1 | cut -b 1-9
echo "$(uptime | cut -d ':' -f 5) $(nproc)00 0" | gsed 's/\(0\.\|0\.0\|\.\)//g' | spark | tail -n 1 | cut -b 1-9
atop -P CPL -b 16:00 -e 18:00 -r /var/log/atop/atop_20130215 |
grep -v SEP |
awk '{print $8}' |
Memory usage (@tsujigiri)
total=$(grep 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | egrep -o '[0-9]+')
for mem in $(egrep '(MemFree|Buffers|Cached|Slab|PageTables|SwapCached)' /proc/meminfo | egrep -o '[0-9]+'); do
spark $((total-not_apps)) $total 0 | tail -n 1 | cut -b 1-3
Current SVN status in your prompt (Evan Powell)
if [ -d .svn ]; then
GRAPH=`svn stat | awk '{ split($0, a, " ") arr[a[1]]++ }END{ print arr["M"] ? arr["M"] : "0", arr["A"] ? arr["A"] : "0", arr["?"] ? arr["?"] : "0", arr["D"] ? arr["D"] : "0", arr["!"] ? arr["!"] : "0" }' | spark`
# More descriptive prompt:
#echo "[MA?D!|$GRAPH]"
echo "[$GRAPH]"
PS1 = '<your_prompt_here>`svnstatgraph.sh`\$'
Visualize bubble sort (@onesuper)
array=(4 3 2 5 1)
for ((j=0; j<$arrayLen-1; j++)); do
for ((i=0; i<$arrayLen-$j-1; i++)); do
if [ "${array[$i]}" -gt "${array[$i+1]}" ]; then
spark ${array[@]}
echo '---------------------'
Visualize ping times (@jnovinger)
ping -c 10 google.com | tee >(grep "bytes from" | cut -d " " -f 8 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | spark)
Or perhaps
ping -c 10 google.com | tee >(grep -oP 'time=\K\S*' | spark)
fping -C 5 -q google.com gmail.google.com drive.google.com plus.google.com 2>&1 | awk '{print int($3)}' | xargs spark
Show stats of commits per day by given author (@kstep)
git log --author="Author Name" --format=format:%ad --date=short | uniq -c | awk '{print $1}' | spark
Disk file usage (@gfelisberto)
df -P -x devtmpfs -x tmpfs | grep dev | awk '{print $5}' | sed s'/.$//' | spark
Hourly wind speed data from an NOAA buoy, by author (@efg34)
curl -s http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=wpow1 | grep "<tr bgcolor=\"#f" | awk -F\<td\> '{print $6}' | cut -c -5 | spark
Weather via http://openweathermap.org (@leoboiko)
# dumb json "parsing", could be better with jshon or similar
city="São Paulo,BR" # city="$1"
cityid=$(wget -q -O - "http://openweathermap.org/data/2.1/find/name?q=$city" \
| python -mjson.tool \
| sed -n -e 's/.*\<id.: *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' \
| head -n 1)
wget -q -O - "http://openweathermap.org/data/2.1/history/city/?id=$cityid&cnt=80" \
| python -mjson.tool \
| sed -n -e "s/.*\<temp.: *\\(([0-9.]*\)).*/\1/p" \
| spark
Zabbix API history graph results (@christianchristensen)
(more info: https://gist.github.com/christianchristensen/7406950)
curl -s -H 'Content-type: application/json' https://www.zabbix.org/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "history.get", "params":{ "output":"extend", "history":0, "time_from":"1384134836", "time_till":"1384138446", "itemids":["16"] }, "id": 123,"auth":"ac905749516dd173668f3dbf7b0cac0a" }' \
| grep -o "\"value\":\"[0-9\.]*\"," \
| awk -F\" '{print $4*100}' \
| spark
A moving wave through the terminal (@lemen)
function sine_wave() {
while true
SIN=$(python -c "from math import *;print map( lambda x: ceil(6*sin((x+$i)*pi/5)), range($(tput cols)) )" | tr -d '[]' | spark)
echo -ne $SIN\\r
let i=i+1
sleep 0.05
UptimeRobot response time (@dlc)
$ curl -sS "http://api.uptimerobot.com/getMonitors?apiKey=${UPTIMEROBOT_TOKEN}&format=xml&responseTimes=1&monitors=${MON_ID}" | \
xmllint --xpath '//responsetime/@value' - | \
tr -c '0-9 ' "\n" | \
grep -v "^$" | \
head -n $COLUMNS | \
Bitcoin value over the last 24 hours (@monkeyinmysoup)
Python script in this Gist.
Keen IO open data set visualization (@dzello)
# Bitcoin value over the last 30 minutes
$ gem install keen-cli
$ keen average \
--project 53f3a8687d8cb95095000001 \
--collection bitcoin-prices \
--target-property "USD.averages.last" \
--timeframe last_30_minutes \
--interval minutely \
--read-key 99a06e48fd7fb1279bc40995160eb0b61a9e0efaab8b651b029f0d895f77c0a804ba089282eff28bf8ad07f337422441d0542b7feaac9fea1e92fc153ee7efc51afad3276bda8d7754a338b349d540bfb402cba0dfdc82498c217054efd8abd0f47a0c0bc963bbdf0dc938c91b17d9f2 \
--spark | spark
Visualize streaming data with a scrolling spark line.(@iandow)
Save this script as scroll.sh and invoke with ./scroll.sh datafile
while true; do
printf "%${COLUMNS}s"
echo -ne "\r"
tail -n $(tput cols) $1 | spark | tr -d "\n"
echo -ne "\r"
sleep 1
Monitor Bitcoin price (@overtorment)
Monitor Bitcoin price in hourly popups via crontab
1 * * * * curl https://www.bitstamp.net/api/v2/ticker/btcusd/ 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\,/\n/g' | grep last | awk -F':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g' >> ~/btcusd
2 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0; cat ~/btcusd | tail -n 23 | /usr/local/bin/spark | xargs /usr/bin/notify-send -t 30000 "btc/usd change graph (hourly)"
Get list block device (@cazzhd)
lsblk -b -n | awk '{print $4}' | spark
Specify upper and lower bounds to accurately scale data (@nicvenegas)
will scale the minimum & maximum observed values to 0 and full-height,
respectively. This might not always be what you want, especially with sparse
For example, if your data represents a count of rainy days in a week, you'd
get the following (where 3
maps to the block we'd normally think of as zero):
$ spark 3 5
Add the following to your shell startup file:
function sparkline() {
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo usage: "$0" lower-bound upper-bound values…
spark "$@" | cut -c3-
And compare
$ spark 3 5
$ sparkline 0 7 3 5
Say hi to this red pandas (jhuang59)

#!/bin/bash -e
# Specify the file name
filename="image2 (7).txt"
# Check if the file exists
if [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then
# Read the file line by line
while IFS= read -r line
spark "$line"
done < "$filename"
echo "File not found: $filename"