Class |
Description |
A class for interacting with a conductor's Admin API. | |
A class to establish a websocket connection to an App interface, for a specific agent and app. | |
Identifier of a clone cell, composed of the DNA's role id and the index of the clone, starting at 0. Example: | |
Error thrown when response from Holochain is an error. | |
A WebSocket client which can make requests and receive responses, as well as send and receive signals. Uses Holochain's WireMessage for communication. |
Enumeration |
Description |
The reason why a countersigning session can not be resolved automatically and requires manual resolution. | |
Decision about an incomplete countersigning session. |
Function |
Description |
Decodes a Base64 encoded string to a byte array hash. | |
Generate DHT location (last 4 bytes) from a core hash (middle 32 bytes). | |
Encode a byte array hash to a Base64 string. | |
Generate a valid hash of a non-existing action. | |
Generate a valid agent key of a non-existing agent. | |
Generate a valid hash of a non-existing DNA. | |
Generate a valid hash of a non-existing entry. | |
Generates a key pair for signing zome calls. | |
Parse a clone id and get the role name part of it. | |
Get credentials for signing zome calls. | |
Generate full hash from a core hash (middle 32 bytes) and hash type label. | |
Check if a cell's role name is a valid clone id. | |
Check if two cell ids are identical. | |
Set credentials for signing zome calls. | |
Get core hash from a Holochain hash (32 bytes). | |
Get DHT location (last 4 bytes) from a hash. | |
Get hash type (initial 3 bytes) from a hash. |
Interface |
Description |
The outcome for a single agent who participated in a countersigning session. [NUM_AUTHORITIES_TO_QUERY] authorities are made to agent activity authorities for each agent, and the decisions are collected into [SessionResolutionOutcome::decisions]. | |
Summary of the workflow's attempts to resolve the outcome a failed countersigning session. This tracks the numbers of attempts and the outcome of the most recent attempt. | |
Options for a Websocket connection. | |
Variable |
Description |
Hash type labels and their 3 byte values (forming the first 3 bytes of hash). |
Type Alias |
Description |
Cell id for which the countersigning session should be abandoned. | |
Action hash with the signature of the action at that hash | |
This type is meant to be opaque | |
Cell id for which the countersigning session state is requested. | |
An internal link type index within the DNA, from 0 to 255. | |
Cell id for which the countersigning session should be published. | |
Contains a list of errors of the cells where deletion was unsuccessful. If the key could not be deleted from all cells, the call RevokeAgentKeyRequest can be re-attempted to delete the key from the remaining cells. | |
Any value that is serializable to a Yaml value | |
An internal zome index within the DNA, from 0 to 255. | |