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This repository includes bash and Python2.7 scripts written in a conventional form of Kaldi recipes for Korean ASR.


Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit has been such an active project for ASR development but not much work has been available for Korean from scratch. 3 open resources - 1) Korean read speech corpus (about 120 hours, 17GB) from National Institude of Korean Language (NIKL), 2) Korean G2P, 3) Sejong linguistic corpus from National Institude of Korean Language (NIKL) - are fully integrated for Korean ASR in the Kaldi framework


  1. Latest kaldi recipe based on wsj in here

  2. Korean read speech corpus : about 120 hours (17GB)

  1. Korean grapheme-to-phone conversion in Python in here
  • Numerical expressions and non-Korean characters are not supported.
  1. Language model building with Sejong corpus from NIKL


git clone
cd kaldi
git checkout 7e902f5

Careully read tools/INSTALL and install it first. You will need to execute extras/ for LM building, requiring additaion manual downloading. You will find details on the prompt line if you don't have it.

When you pass the above, carefully read src/INSTALL.

You may do the followings if your system is identical with me.

cd tools
make -j 4
cd ../src
./configure --shared --use-cuda=yes
make depend -j 8
make -j 8

Speech corpus preparation

Follow and let know where it is located. You need to locate Sejong corpus as well.

Training and decoding

If you stopped in the middle of stages in, you may want to jump in somewhere to start as follows: --stage 8

After the training is done, you will find the decoding results as follows:

head exp/chain_7e902f5/tdnn1a_sp_online/decode_sp/scoring_kaldi/penalty_0.0/10.txt 
fv19_t18_s01 조상에게 가난을 먼저 배운 아이들 
fv19_t18_s02 좀더 잘 가르치고 싶고 잘 피우고 싶은 네 조국의 아이들 
fv19_t18_s03 나의 살던 고향은 꽃피는 산골 아이들의 노래 소리가 유리창을 넘어 봄바람을 타고 조용한 마을에 퍼진다 
fv19_t18_s04 한 줄은 찰찰이 한 줄은 짝짝이 한 줄은 작은북 큰 목 실로폰 풍금소리 등에 어울려 봄의 심포니를 이룬다 
fv19_t18_s05 악기라고 해야 헌 바가지를 잘라 종이를 팽팽히 발라서 만든 것이고 깡통에 고운 모래를 담아서 흔들거나 사이다 병을 세 젓가락으로 두 박자를 맞추는 것이지만 즐겁고 흥겹기가 비길 바가 없다 
fv19_t18_s06 훈훈한 열기와 고조된 서정이 교실에 가득 차고 아이들의 눈동자는 더 빛나고 초롱초롱해진다 
fv19_t18_s07 아까부터 자꾸만 박자가 틀리던 착한 녀석에게 눈을 흘겨도 녀석은 여전히 틀리고 나를 흙을 쳐다보고는 벙긋 웃기만 한다 
fv19_t18_s08 땐 땡땡 땐 끝 종이 울린다 
fv19_t18_s09 책보를 싸세요 하는 나의 말이 떨어지자 교실은 떠들썩해지고 어수선해진다 
fv19_t18_s10 잠깐 교무실에 다녀온 사이다 

tail exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp_online/decode_sp/scoring_kaldi/penalty_0.0/10.txt 
mw20_t19_s31 그리고는 아 개울에서 알몸으로 않는다 
mw20_t19_s32 그래서 내가 놀던 그 물 속에서 
mw20_t19_s33 되도록이면 어려운 생각을 하지 않는다 
mw20_t19_s34 되도록이면 적게 먹는다 
mw20_t19_s35 되도록이면 적게 마신다 
mw20_t19_s36 되도록이면 적게 담배를 피운다 
mw20_t19_s37 되도록이면 말을 하지 않는다 
mw20_t19_s38 되도록이면 마음을 열어 놓고 산다 
mw20_t19_s39 이렇게 매년 되풀이되는 것이 나의 피어 생활이다 
mw20_t19_s40 그리고 발을 말이면 서울로 올라온다 

You will be able to get WER rate as follows:

cat `find exp -name "best_wer"`
%WER 87.55 [ 5127 / 5856, 219 ins, 735 del, 4173 sub ] exp/mono/decode_nosp/wer_13_1.0
%WER 61.97 [ 3629 / 5856, 602 ins, 192 del, 2835 sub ] exp/tri1/decode_nosp/wer_17_1.0
%WER 17.62 [ 1032 / 5856, 146 ins, 84 del, 802 sub ] exp/tri2/decode_nosp/wer_13_1.0
%WER 12.89 [ 755 / 5856, 165 ins, 44 del, 546 sub ] exp/tri4/decode_sp/wer_14_0.5
%WER 19.38 [ 1135 / 5856, 258 ins, 62 del, 815 sub ] exp/tri4/
%WER 13.83 [ 810 / 5856, 145 ins, 81 del, 584 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5/tdnn1a_sp/decode_sp/wer_10_1.0
%WER 13.76 [ 806 / 5856, 145 ins, 82 del, 579 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5/tdnn1a_sp_online/decode_sp/wer_10_1.0
%WER 22.40 [ 1312 / 5856, 183 ins, 95 del, 1034 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp/decode_sp/wer_8_1.0
%WER 22.56 [ 1321 / 5856, 190 ins, 93 del, 1038 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp/decode_looped_sp/wer_8_1.0
%WER 22.59 [ 1323 / 5856, 170 ins, 109 del, 1044 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp_online/decode_sp/wer_9_1.0 inlcudes CER calcluation although it prints "%WER" prefix. You can get CER rate with the following command.

cat `find exp -name "best_cer"`
%WER 71.56 [ 11484 / 16048, 410 ins, 1882 del, 9192 sub ] exp/mono/decode_nosp/cer_10_1.0
%WER 41.77 [ 6704 / 16048, 541 ins, 700 del, 5463 sub ] exp/tri1/decode_nosp/cer_16_1.0
%WER 9.57 [ 1535 / 16048, 173 ins, 209 del, 1153 sub ] exp/tri2/decode_nosp/cer_11_1.0
%WER 6.33 [ 1016 / 16048, 156 ins, 122 del, 738 sub ] exp/tri4/decode_sp/cer_13_1.0
%WER 6.55 [ 1051 / 16048, 201 ins, 125 del, 725 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5/tdnn1a_sp/decode_sp/cer_8_1.0
%WER 6.59 [ 1057 / 16048, 189 ins, 146 del, 722 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5/tdnn1a_sp_online/decode_sp/cer_9_1.0
%WER 11.88 [ 1907 / 16048, 240 ins, 210 del, 1457 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp/decode_sp/cer_7_1.0
%WER 11.88 [ 1906 / 16048, 246 ins, 205 del, 1455 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp/decode_looped_sp/cer_7_1.0
%WER 11.86 [ 1903 / 16048, 248 ins, 205 del, 1450 sub ] exp/chain_7e902f5_lstm/tdnn_lstm1a_sp_online/decode_sp/cer_7_1.0

If you want to see what has been done in the Kaldi framework, this would be useful for understanding.



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