Mostly the idea is to control a hen house door based on a LDR. I started off with an Arduino Uno and bits. Now I've replaced the Arduino with at attiny85.
- If light stays above a given level for more than 5 mins, tell door controller to open
- If light stays below a given level for more than 5 mins, tell door controller to close
- If button pressed, disable interest in light and move door to opposite of that it is
- While door is open, have LED on
Actual motor controller logic circuit.
- Two reed switches, one at top and one at bottom of door. Triggered by magnet in door moving to top/bottom.
- DC motor with enough power, connected to L298N controller
- Only one input - high for door to be open, low for door to be closed
- AND and Inverter logic ICs convert high/low and triggered reedswitchs into instructions for L298N
Arduino version in DoorController directory
attiny85 version in attiny85 directory