provides a fast, reliable and
battle-tested ORM and migration management system for Postgres 13+ built in
JavaScript. For those familiar with Ruby on Rails, adds
functionality similar to ActiveRecord to the Node.js, Deno and Bun ecosystems.
We have been using it since 2016 in production at
Autocode where it has managed over 1 billion records in
a 4TB AWS Aurora Postgres instance.
you can:
- Add the Instant ORM and migrations to your existing JavaScript or TypeScript project
- Scaffold new Postgres-backed API projects from scratch using Instant API
- Generate new migrations, models and endpoints
- Migrate remote databases and deploy in a single step
- Connect to any PostgreSQL host: AWS RDS, Railway, Vercel Postgres, Neon, Supabase
- Instantly deploy to Vercel
Are you interested in connecting? Join us on Discord or follow us on X, @instantdevs.
- CRUD operations
- Create, Read, Update and Destroy records easily
- Vector fields
- Build AI-integrated applications and add search by easily creating, updating and querying against vectorized representations of your data
- Query composition
- Build complex SELECT and UPDATE queries with many layers of nested joins and conditional statements
- Transactions
- Ensure data consistency within logical transaction blocks that can be rolled back to prevent writing orphaned data
- Input validation
- Synchronously validate object fields to ensure the right data is stored
- Relationship verification
- Asynchronously validate relationships between one or more fields and external resources before saving
- Calculated and hidden fields
- Automatically populate object fields based on existing data
- Lifecycle callbacks
- Execute custom logic beforeSave(), afterSave(), beforeDestroy() and afterDestroy() to perform necessary build and teardown steps inside of transactions
- Migrations
- Manage local database state via the filesystem to make branched git development a breeze
- Seeding
- Provide custom JSON files so that all developers can share the same test data across development, testing and staging environments
- Code generation
- Automatically generate models, migrations and endpoints for your project
- Installation and Usage
- Getting Started
- Using the
CLI - Using the Instant ORM
- Feature breakdown
- Kits
- Acknowledgements
npm i -g
cd ~/projects/my-awesome-project
instant init
That's it! The command line tool will walk you through the process of
initializing your
project. It will;
- Automatically detect whether this is a new project or an existing one
- Scaffold a new Vercel or Autocode project, if necessary
- Ask for your local database credentials
- Initialize necessary files in the
directory of your project - Create an initial migration
To install the basic auth
kit which comes with a User
and AccessToken
model and associated user registration and login endpoints, use:
instant kit auth
You can read more in Kit: auth
You can look up documentation for the instant
command line utility at any
point by running instant
or instant help
. The most commonly used methods
instant g:model
to create a new modelinstant g:relationship
to create one-to-one or one-to-many relationships between modelsinstant g:endpoint
to automatically scaffold Vercel or Autocode endpoints, if applicableinstant db:migrate
to run migrationsinstant db:rollback
to rollback migrationsinstant db:rollbackSync
to rollback to last synchronized (filesystem x database) migrationinstant db:bootstrap
to reset your database, run migrations, and seed datainstant db:add
to add remote databases (AWS RDS, Railway, Vercel Postgres, Neon, Supabase)instant serve
to run your server using Vercel, Autocode or the command specified inpackage.json["scripts"]["start"]
instant sql
is a shortcut topsql
into any of your databasesinstant deploy
to run outstanding migrations and deploy to Vercel or Autocode
Full documentation for the ORM can be found in the repository. Here's a quick overview of using the ORM:
Importing with CommonJS:
const InstantORM = require('');
const Instant = new InstantORM();
Importing with ESM:
import InstantORM from '';
const Instant = new InstantORM();
Using the ORM:
// Connect to your database
// Defaults to using instant/db.json[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development']
await Instant.connect();
// Get the user model: can also use 'user', 'users' to same effect
const User = Instant.Model('User');
// Create a user
let user = await User.create({username: 'Billy'});
// log user JSON
// {id: 1, username: 'Billy', created_at: '...', updated_at: '...'}
// Create multiple models at once
const UserFactory = Instant.ModelFactory('User');
let createdUsers = await UserFactory.create([
{username: 'Sharon'},
{username: 'William'},
{username: 'Jill'}
// Retrieves users with username containing the string 'ill'
let users = await User.query()
.where({username__icontains: 'ill'})
.orderBy('username', 'ASC')
// [{username: 'Billy'}, {username: 'Jill'}, {username: 'William'}]
users[0].set('username', 'Silly Billy');
await users[0].save();
// [{username: 'Silly Billy'}, {username: 'Jill'}, {username: 'William'}]
const User = Instant.Model('User');
/* Create */
let user = await User.create({
email: '[email protected]',
username: 'keith'
// Can also use new keyword to create, must save after
user = new User({
email: '[email protected]',
username: 'keith'
/* Read */
user = await User.find(1); // uses id
user = await User.findBy('email', '[email protected]');
user = await User.query()
.where({email: '[email protected]'})
let users = await User.query()
.where({email: '[email protected]'})
/* Update */
user.set('username', 'keith_h');
// Update by reading from data{username: 'keith_h'});
// Update or Create By
user = await User.updateOrCreateBy(
{username: 'keith', email: '[email protected]'}
// Update query: this will bypass validations and verifications
users = await User.query()
.where({username: 'keith_h'})
.update({username: 'keith'});
/* Destroy */
await user.destroy();
await user.destroyCascade(); // destroy model + children (useful for foreign keys)
/* ModelArray methods */
users.setAll('username', 'instant');
users.readAll({username: 'instant'});
await users.saveAll();
await users.destroyAll();
await users.destroyCascade();
comes with built-in support for pgvector and the
field type. For full instructions on using vectors please check out the
Instant ORM: Vector fields documentation.
Set a vector engine via a plugin (OpenAI is the default):
File _instant/plugins/000_set_vector_engine.mjs
import OpenAI from 'openai';
const openai = new OpenAI({apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY});
export const plugin = async (Instant) => {
Instant.Vectors.setEngine(async (values) => {
const embedding = await openai.embeddings.create({
model: 'text-embedding-ada-002',
input: values
return => entry.embedding);
Explain how we want to automatically store vector fields:
File: _instant/models/blog_post.mjs
import InstantORM from '';
class BlogPost extends InstantORM.Core.Model {
static tableName = 'blog_posts';
// Stores the `title` and `content` fields together as a vector
// in the `content_embedding` vector field
(title, content) => `Title: ${title}\n\nBody: ${content}`
// optional, just prevents .toJSON() printing the entire array
export default BlogPost;
And query our vector fields:
const blogPost = await BlogPost.create({title: `My first post`, content: `some content`});
const vector = blogPost.get('content_embedding'); // length 1,536 array
// Find the top 10 blog posts matching "blog posts about dogs"
// Automatically converts query to a vector
let searchBlogPosts = await BlogPost.query()
.search('content_embedding', 'blog posts about dogs')
You can read more on vector queries at Composer#search and Composer#similarity.
const User = Instant.Model('User');
// Basic querying
let users = await User.query()
.where({id__in: [7, 8, 9]})
.orderBy('username', 'ASC')
// Query with OR by sending in a list of where objects
users = await User.query()
.where( // Can pass in arguments or an array
{id__in: [7, 8, 9]},
{username__istartswith: 'Rom'}
// evaluate custom values with SQL commands
// in this case, get users where their username matches the first part of their
// email address
users = await User.query()
username: email => `SPLIT_PART(${email}, '@', 1)`
// Joins
users = await User.query()
.join('posts', {title__icontains: 'hello'}) // JOIN ON
username: 'fred',
posts__like_count__gt: 5 // query joined table
users.forEach(user => {
let posts = user.joined('posts');
console.log(posts.toJSON()); // log all posts
// Deeply-nested joins:
// only get users who have followers that have posts with images from imgur
users = await User.query()
.where({followers__posts__images__url__contains: ''})
// Access user[0].followers[0].posts[0].images[0] with...
// Queries are immutable and composable
// Each command creates a new query object from the previous one
let query = User.query();
let query2 = query.where({username__istartswith: 'Rom'});
let query3 = query2.orderBy('username', 'ASC');
let allUsers = await;
let romUsers = await;
let orderedUsers = await;
// You can also just query raw SQL!
await Instant.database().query(`SELECT * FROM users`);
const User = Instant.Model('User');
const Account = Instant.Model('Account');
const txn = Instant.database().createTransaction();
const user = await User.create({email: '[email protected]'}, txn);
const account = await Account.create({user_id: user.get('id')}, txn);
await txn.commit(); // commit queries to database
// OR...
await txn.rollback(); // if anything went wrong, rollback nullifies the queries
// Can pass transactions to the following Class methods
await Model.find(id, txn);
await Model.findBy(field, value, txn);
await Model.create(data, txn);
await Model.update(id, data, txn);
await Model.updateOrCreateBy(field, data, txn);
await Model.query().count(txn);
await Model.query().first(txn);
await Model.query().select(txn);
await Model.query().update(fields, txn);
// Instance methods
await model.destroy(txn);
await model.destroyCascade(txn);
// Instance Array methods
await modelArray.saveAll(txn);
await modelArray.destroyAll(txn);
await modelArray.destroyCascade(txn);
File: _instant/models/user.mjs
import InstantORM from '';
class User extends InstantORM.Core.Model {
static tableName = 'users';
// Validates email and password before .save()
'must be valid',
v => v && (v + '').match(/.+@.+\.\w+/i)
'must be at least 5 characters in length',
v => v && v.length >= 5
export default User;
Now validations can be used;
const User = Instant.Model('User');
try {
await User.create({email: 'invalid'});
} catch (e) {
// Will catch a validation error
"email": ["must be valid"],
"password": ["must be at least 5 characters in length"]
File: _instant/models/user.mjs
import InstantORM from '';
class User extends InstantORM.Core.Model {
static tableName = 'users';
// Before saving to the database, asynchronously compare fields to each other
'must correspond to country and be valid',
async (phone_number, country) => {
let phoneResult = await someAsyncPhoneValidationAPI(phone_number);
return (phoneResult.valid === true && === country);
export default User;
Now verifications can be used;
const User = Instant.Model('User');
try {
await User.create({phone_number: '+1-416-555-1234', country: 'SE'});
} catch (e) {
// Will catch a validation error
"phone_number": ["must correspond to country and be valid"],
Calculated and hidden fields
File: _instant/models/user.mjs
import InstantORM from '';
class User extends InstantORM.Core.Model {
static tableName = 'users';
(first_name, last_name) => `${first_name} ${last_name}`
export default User;
const User = Instant.Model('User');
let user = await User.create({first_name: 'Steven', last_name: 'Nevets'});
let name = user.get('formatted_name') // Steven Nevets
let json = user.toJSON();
Last name is hidden from .hides()
first_name: 'Steven',
formatted_name: 'Steven Nevets'
File: _instant/models/user.mjs
import InstantORM from '';
class User extends InstantORM.Core.Model {
static tableName = 'users';
async beforeSave (txn) {
const NameBan = this.getModel('NameBan');
const nameBans = NameBan.query()
.where({username: this.get('username')})
if (nameBans.length) {
throw new Error(`Username "${this.get('username')}" is not allowed`);
async afterSave (txn) {
// Create an account after the user id is set
// But only when first creating the user
if (this.isCreating()) {
const Account = this.getModel('Account');
await Account.create({user_id: this.get('id')}, txn);
async beforeDestroy (txn) { /* before we destroy */ }
async afterDestroy (txn) { /* after we destroy */ }
export default User;
instant g:migration
Can be used to generate migrations like:
"id": 20230921192702,
"name": "create_users",
"up": [
"name": "email",
"type": "string",
"properties": {
"nullable": false,
"unique": true
"name": "password",
"type": "string",
"properties": {
"nullable": false
"down": [
Reset your database and seed values from _instant/seed.json
instant db:bootstrap
is an Array of seeds. Anything in the same object is seeded
simultaneously and there are no guarantees on order. Otherwise, the seeds are
run in the order provided by the Array.
"User": [
{"email": "[email protected]"}
"User": [{"email": "[email protected]"}],
"Post": [{"title": "Post by Keith", "user_id": 1}]
Five types of code generation are supported:
- Kits: Generated from
, add in complete models, migrations and automatically adds dependenciesinstant kit [kitName]
- Models: Generates a new model and associated migration
instant g:endpoint
- Migrations: Generates a new migration
instant g:migration
- Relationships: Generates a new migration that connect models in a
one-to-one or many-to-many orientation
instant g:relationship
- Endpoints: Generates CRUD endpoints for a model from
instant g:endpoint
Kits provide an easy way to add complex functionality to your
without having to write code from scratch. Currently kits support development
using Autocode and Vercel.
Note that the Autocode CLI comes packaged with
its own HTTP wrapper, where lib
will call /fn/name
on the service
with a POST request. The -a
option is shorthand for providing an
Authorization: Bearer
instant kit auth
Creates a User
and AccessToken
model, as well as corresponding
lib .users.create \
--email [email protected] \
--password mypass \
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
lib .auth \
--username [email protected] \
--password=mypass \
"key": "secret_development_XXX",
"ip_address": "::ffff:",
"user_agent": "curl/7.79.1",
"expires_at": "2023-10-18T22:53:36.967Z",
"is_valid": true,
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:53:36.967Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:53:36.967Z",
lib -a secret_development_XXX
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
lib .users -a secret_development_XXX
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
curl localhost:3000/api/users --data \
"[email protected]&password=mypass&repeat_password=mypass"
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
curl localhost:3000/api/auth --data \
"[email protected]&password=mypass&grant_type=password"
"key": "secret_development_XXX",
"ip_address": "::ffff:",
"user_agent": "curl/7.79.1",
"expires_at": "2023-10-18T22:53:36.967Z",
"is_valid": true,
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:53:36.967Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:53:36.967Z",
curl localhost:3000/api/users/me \
-H "Authorization: Bearer secret_development_XXX"
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
curl localhost:3000/api/users \
-H "Authorization: Bearer secret_development_XXX"
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.866Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-18T22:46:44.940Z"
Special thank you to Scott Gamble who helps run all of the front-of-house work for 💜!
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