Releases: ironsheep/P2-vscode-langserv-extension
Releases · ironsheep/P2-vscode-langserv-extension
Bugfixes and Spin2 Lanugage support upgrades
- Repair parser crashes (#17)
- Prevent some toolChain-related actions when toolChain support is not enabled (#16)
- Add language support for Spin2 v44, v45, v46, and v47
NOTE: The new types created with structure support are not yet highlighted. This is upcoming along with v48, v49, etc. support.
Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.3.4
Minor updates to Compiler detection for P1/P2 on Windows
- Repair parsing of PATH on windows and how expected location paths are created
- Extension logging is enabled for now to help us diagnose new-user installations
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2
Minor updates to Compiler detection for P1/P2
- Error if multiple installations are found for a given tool
- Reducing search to unique paths (no dupes from PATH values)
- Extension logging is enabled for now to help us diagnose new-user installations
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
Updates to Compile/Download support for P2
This update improves/simplifies the ability to compile and download code for Spin2 projects
- NEW Automatic Toolchain discovery (paths for FlexProp, PNut, and pnut_ts are now automatically determined)
- NEW Automatic PropPlug discovery
- NEW statusBar control for switching between compile with debug() and without
- NEW statusBar control for switching between download to FLASH / RAM
- NEW statusBar control for selecting amongst available USB-attached PropPlugs
- NEW Setting to select preferred compiler for all projects
- NEW This setting can be overridden for each specific workspace (project)
- NEW Setting to enable all this new spin2 toolchain support (disabled by default)
- NEW Replacement User Tasks file is now universal (all supported compilers)
NOTE This release uses loadp2 from the flexspin installation to download code compiled by pnut_ts.
General Repairs
- BUGFIX Repair crash when system-settings documents are open at startup
- BUGFIX Spin2 Semantic Highlighting: fixed VAR section index coloring
What's Changed
- Flasher - merge toolset support into main extension by @ironsheep in #13
- update user tasks to latest by @ironsheep in #14
Full Changelog: v2.2.18...v2.3.0
- Quick repackage and release to pull cruft out of distribution package (oops!)
Update P2 Only
- BUGFIX: parsing repair detection of alignl/alignw in VAR. Issue(#9)
Update P1 and P2
- BUGFIX: FlexSpin support: implement new understanding. #include includes spin code but no longer needs spin/spin2 file extension. Issue(#11)
- BUGFIX: FlexSpin support: fix highlighting for #include lines
Full Changelog: v2.2.16...v2.2.18
Update P2 Only
- BUGFIX: Syntax: add missing bytefit/wordfit recognition in DAT blocks (#6)
- BUGFIX: Semantic: repair handling of {Spin2_v??} built-in method name support
- BUGFIX: File access issues on Windows (11?) repaired
- Cleaned up the code-fold detection... now handling ORG* forms better (#6)
- Adjusted report key chords for Windows:
- Ctrl+Win+r - Generate Object Hierarchy Report
- Ctrl+Win+d - Generate OBject Public Interface Report
- Ctrl+Win+c - (When cursor on PUB or PRI line) Insert Doc comment below the PUB or PRI line
Full Changelog: v2.2.15...v2.2.16
Update P1 and P2
- Adjust the object hierarchy view to fully expand the tree by default
- [-] collapse and [+] expand icons now work in the object hierarchy tree view
- Adds new Object Hierarchy report similar to that generated during propeller tool “Archive.” The report is available via keystroke [Ctrl+Alt+r] - Ctrl+Alt+( r ) eport from within the spin/spin2 source file.
Update P2 Only
- Add highlighting of object[index] expressions where the index itself is an expression
- BUGFIX Don’t report (@)instance[index].method reference as bad constant use when it really is a method (just without the parenthesis)
- Updates to Preliminary FlexSpin support:
- Update conditional compile support to grey out deselected code
- Add support for #import of .spin2 code
What's Changed
- release latest work: new Object Hierarchy Report, Obj Hier TreeView updates, and P2 semantic fixes by @ironsheep in #4
Full Changelog: v2.2.14...v2.2.15
Update P1 & P2
- Adjust settings/configuration mechanism (turn on/off elastic tabs no longer requires VSCode restart/reload)
- Adjust text-cursor colors for our themes (Make them more visible and consistent with other themes)
- NOTE: this does NOT affect the mouse pointer (arrow, hand, or I-beam), which is colored/size adjusted from your operating system settings
Update P2 Only
- Minor DAT block highlighting fixes
- Adjusted duplicate variable declaration message (clarified meaning)
Full Changelog: v2.2.13...v2.2.14
Update P2
- Fix a broken case of filename parsing (hyphens in filename) in DAT section
Full Changelog: v2.2.12...v2.2.13
Update P1 and P2
- Clean up Syntax recognition of block names - Statements like ‘DAT{{’ caused problems (exposed other potential issues, which are now fixed)
- Clean up Semantic highlighting of code in the presence of statements like ‘DAT{{’
- P2 BUGFIX: Repair VAR array name detection when storage type is not provided
Full Changelog: v2.2.11...v2.2.12