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is a facade library for guregu/dynamo and uses the repository pattern to simplify dynamodb operations (save, update , delete and retrieve) on go structs
// NewRepository factory method for dynamo repository
NewRepository(dynamoClient dynamodbiface.DynamoDBAPI) RepositoryInterface
// Key factory method to create struct implement key interface
func Key() *key {
return &key{}
// usage
key := dynamo.Key().
// WithLog enables logging; it accepts LogInterface as logger
WithLog(log LogInterface)
// WithMetrics enables metrics; it accepts MetricsInterface as metrics publisher
WithMetrics(metricsInterface MetricsInterface)
// Get get item; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists; the output will be given in item
// returns true if item is found, returns false and nil if no item found, returns false and an error in case of error
Get(key KeyInterface, item interface{}) (bool, error)
// Save item; it accepts a key interface, that is used to get the table name; item is the item to be saved
// returns error in case of error
Save(key KeyInterface, item interface{}) error
// Update updates item by key; it accepts an expression (Set, SetSet, SetIfNotExists, SetExpr); key is the key to be updated;
// values contains the values that should be used in the update;
// returns error in case of error
Update(expression UpdateExpression, key KeyInterface, values map[string]interface{}) error
// Delete item by key; returns error in case of error
Delete(key KeyInterface) error
// SaveItems batch save a slice of items by key; returns error in case of error
SaveItems(key KeyInterface, items interface{}) error
// DeleteItems deletes items matching the keys; returns error in case of error
DeleteItems(key []KeyInterface) error
// GetItems by key; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists; the output will be given in items
// returns true if items are found, returns false and nil if no items found, returns false and error in case of error
GetItems(key KeyInterface, items interface{}) (bool, error)
// GetWithContext get item; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists; the output will be given in item
// returns true if item is found, returns false and nil if no item found, returns false and an error in case of error
GetWithContext(key KeyInterface, item interface{}, ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
// SaveWithContext it accepts a key interface, that is used to get the table name; item is the item to be saved; context which used to enable log with context
// returns error in case of error
SaveWithContext(key KeyInterface, item interface{}, ctx context.Context) error
// Update updates item by key; it accepts an expression (Set, SetSet, SetIfNotExists, SetExpr); key is the key to be updated;
// values contains the values that should be used in the update; context which used to enable log with context
// returns error in case of error
UpdateWithContext(expression UpdateExpression, key KeyInterface, values map[string]interface{}, ctx context.Context) error
// Delete item by its key; it accepts key of item to be deleted; context which used to enable log with context
// returns error in case of error
DeleteWithContext(key KeyInterface, ctx context.Context) error
// SaveItems batch save a slice of items by key; it accepts key of item to be saved; item to be saved; context which used to enable log with context
// returns error in case of error
SaveItemsWithContext(key KeyInterface, items interface{}, ctx context.Context) error
// DeleteItems deletes items matching the keys; it accepts array of keys to be deleted; context which used to enable log with context
// returns error in case of error
DeleteItemsWithContext(key []KeyInterface, ctx context.Context) error
// GetItems by key; it accepts key of item to get it; context which used to enable log with context
// returns true if items are found, returns false and nil if no items found, returns false and error in case of error
GetItemsWithContext(key KeyInterface, out interface{}, ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
// GIndex returns index repository
GIndex(name string) GlobalIndexInterface
// GetWithContext get item from index; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists;
// context which used to enable log with context; the output will be given in item
// returns true if item is found, returns false and nil if no item found, returns false and an error in case of error
GetWithContext(key KeyInterface, item interface{}, ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
// GetItemsWithContext by key from index; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists;
// context which used to enable log with context, the output will be given in items
// returns true if items are found, returns false and nil if no items found, returns false and error in case of error
GetItemsWithContext(key KeyInterface, items interface{}, ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
// GetItems by key; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists; the output will be given in items
// returns true if items are found, returns false and nil if no items found, returns false and error in case of error
GetItems(key KeyInterface, items interface{}) (bool, error)
// Get get item; it accepts a key interface that is used to get the table name, hash key and range key if it exists; the output will be given in item
// returns true if item is found, returns false and nil if no item found, returns false and an error in case of error
Get(key KeyInterface, item interface{}) (bool, error)
KeyInterface: act as adapter between dynamo db table key and golang model
// TableName returns dynamo table name
TableName() string
// HashKeyName returns the name of hash key if it exists
HashKeyName() *string
// RangeKeyName returns the name of range key if it exists
RangeKeyName() *string
// HashKey returns the hash key value
HashKey() interface{}
// HashKey returns the range key value
RangeKey() interface{}
LogInterface: to support debug, it's necessary to provide a logger with this interface
// WithFields adds fields from map string interface to logger
WithFields(fields map[string]interface{}) LogInterface
// Warn logs info
Info(message string )
// Warn logs warning
Warn(message string )
// Error logs error
Error(message string )
MetricsInterface: to support metrics, it's necessary to provide a metrics publisher with this interface
// Publish publishes metrics
Publish(key string, metricName string, metricValue float64) error
Get example:
// enable log by passing logger interface
// enable metrics by passing metrics interface
user := &User{}
// use factory to create dynamo key interface
key := djoemo.Key().
// get item
found, err := repository.Get(key, user)
if err != nil {
if !found {
fmt.Println("user not found")
// context is optional param, which used to enable log with context
ctx := context.Background()
type TraceInfo string
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, TraceInfo("TraceInfo"), map[string]interface{}{"TraceID": "trace-id"})
// get item with extra to allow trace fields in logger
found, err = repository.GetWithContext(key, user, ctx)
if err != nil {
if !found {
fmt.Println("user not found")
notes * The operation will not fail, if publish of metrics returns an error. If the logger is enabled, it will just log the error.
For more examples see examples/example.go .