melee overlay - cool thing with a bad name
quick install instructions:
linux and osx only, sorry windows boiz
get a version of dolphin that has memorywatcher stuff. smash ladder netplay version is too old, if you want to be safe just get the latest build
gotta have melee obviously
get python 3 (idk how python 2 will fare) and pyside, via however you install python stuff based on your setup
clone this branch of my fork of p3. i'll eventually pr some of this into the official p3 repo but for now this will have to do. either add the git dir to your PYTHONPATH or take the p3 folder inside the git dir and put it in this folder.
run python /path/to/dolphin/home/dir
, replacing with your dolphin home dir
it's probably either ~/.local/share/dolphin-emu
or ~/.dolphin-emu
for linux
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Dolphin
for osx
run dolphin and start the game, the overlay should do stuff, if not dude idk figure it out
if you run the overlay anytime after the css it probably won't work, safest bet is to go to the css after starting the overlay
to get the transparency to work you'll need a compositor, i use compton