Xmlpg allows you to describe a binary message protocol in an XML file and then generate source code to parse the messages in one or more programming languages; Java, C++, C#, Objective-C, Python, and JavaScript languages.
For info about the language see XMLPG.md.
Xmlpg was used to auto-generate the initial source code for the PDU's of the following projects:
The specification files are located here.
The XMLPG tool uses the Maven build system, available from Apache.org.
mvn compile
: Compiles the XMLPG program itself
There are sample scripts runXmlpg.sh
and runXmlpg.bat
that use the sample DIS6.xml
and DIS7.xml
specs and will generate output in target/generated-sources/
XMLPG is released under the BSD license. See LICENSE.md for details.