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OpenID Connect Provider Plugin


This plugin allows Jenkins builds to be issued “id tokens” in a JSON Web Token (JWT) format according to OpenID Connect (OIDC) Discovery conventions. The purpose is to permit Jenkins to authenticate keylessly to external systems such as AWS or GCP.

For example, if you wished to access GCP services (such as to deploy to Cloud Run), you could create a long-lived static service account key and store this secret inside Jenkins. But anyone who manages to steal the secret value could quietly access GCP on their own, so you would need to periodically rotate the secret and institute special controls over its usage. Some organizations may even prohibit you from creating such static keys at all.

Or if Jenkins itself were running on GCP (say in a GKE cluster), you could configure “workload identity” so that the Jenkins agent process is preauthenticated to be able to use a specific service account. This is more secure and manageable. It only works within the one vendor, however.

Using OIDC, you can instead rely on what is sometimes referred to as “web identity federation”. Rather than a secret value, what the external service trusts is that the Jenkins administrator is in control over what is served from the known (HTTPS) URL. Internally Jenkins maintains an asymmetric cryptographic keypair. Builds receive a temporary (timestamped) id token signed with the private key; Jenkins serves the public key (anonymously) for anyone to verify the authenticity of the tokens. The service might trust any token from Jenkins, or might match specific “claims” such as the identity of the project or Git branch name.

As a special case, the service being accessed may in fact be a secret store such as Vault or Conjur. Then the Jenkins build can use its id token to access the secret store and retrieve a secret, which then can be used to access something else such as a database which only supports traditional passwords. The advantage is that the database password need not be stored in the Jenkins controller (it would only be used transiently by an agent process), so administrators can apply audit controls, rotation policies, etc. in a full-featured storage service.

The Conjur Secrets plugin uses a similar system, tailored specifically to Conjur. The OpenId Connect Authentication plugin allows OIDC to be used to authenticate users to Jenkins and is completely unrelated to this use case.


Setting up keyless authentication requires a few steps.

Picking an issuer

First, decide what the “issuer” of the tokens should be. By default, Jenkins itself will issue tokens. This is appropriate if it served from an HTTPS URL visible to the Internet (or at least the relevant vendor service).

If the service cannot physically access Jenkins, you may instead designate another issuer URI. In this case you must find a way to host two small, static JSON files under that URL. Jenkins will still sign id tokens with its private key; the public key, which does not normally change, gets served by the alternate issuer. (The iss claim in the id token will also be updated to match.)

Creating Jenkins credentials

In Jenkins, create one of two types of credentials:

  • OpenID Connect id token (yields the id token directly as “secret text”)
  • OpenID Connect id token as file (saves the id token to a temporary file and yields its path)

The credentials id is recommended for scripted access, or you may let one be chosen at random. You may enter an audience URI at this time (see below) but it is optional.

The credential may be created at the Jenkins root, or in a folder. After saving, Update to see the issuer URI. If you picked the external issuer option, you will be given instructions on what static files to serve from it.

To rotate the keypair, simply Update and re-Save (or otherwise recreate) the credentials.

Registering the identity provider

Refer to service-specific documentation for creating an “identity provider” or “pool” etc. You will need to enter at least the issuer URI. You may ask the service to recognize a particular “audience” URI, or the service may specify an audience you should use. The service may allow authorization decisions to be made based on various claims: the iss (issuer), the aud (audience), the sub (subject—in this context, by default the URL of a Jenkins job), or others (currently a Jenkins build number is included by default).

The service may associate an identity provider with a service account, role, etc. This is normally how specific privileges for specific objects are granted.

Use id tokens from builds

When the id token credentials are accessed during a build (typically via the Credentials Binding plugin), Jenkins will generate a fresh id token scoped to that build with a limited validity. Refer to service-specific documentation to see how the token can be used to authenticate.

Configuring claims

If the default claims are not sufficient, you can customize them. Go to Manage Jenkins » Configure Global Security and under OpenID Connect edit the Claim templates… to your liking.

Each template represent a claim (JSON property) to be set in id tokens. You must include at least sub (subject) in the list. The value may be a fixed string, or it may be use substitutions from build variables. For example, jenkins:${BRANCH_NAME}:${BUILD_NUMBER} might expand to jenkins:master:123. Normally the claim will be set to a string but you may choose a boolean (true or false) or an integer if you prefer these types in the JWT.

You can add claims to all id tokens, those used during builds, or those used outside of builds (for example by other Jenkins plugins accepting string credentials). All applicable kinds of claim templates will be merged.


Some tested usage examples follow. Please contribute others!

Accessing AWS

You will need to create a web identity federation provider, including a role with a trust policy offering sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity and a permissions policy granting specific abilities. The audience should conventionally be AWS requires the TLS certificate fingerprint of the issuer to be saved.

Here is an example of such trust policy with account 1234567890 and Jenkins instance running on, using the default issuer URL, restricting access to a job named my-job:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:oidc-provider/"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "": "",
                    "": ""

If you set the environment variable AWS_ROLE_ARN and bind AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE to a temporary file containing an id token, you can run aws CLI commands without further ado. Every time the role is assumed, AWS contacts the issuer to retrieve the public key.

A fully automated, end-to-end demo is available. This also demonstrates configuration of Jenkins as code. See instructions.

Accessing GCP

You will create a workload identity pool and bind it to a service account (which should have already been created with the desired permissions). Sketch of setup:

[email protected]
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create $POOL \
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc $PROVIDER \
  --workload-identity-pool=$POOL \
  --issuer-uri=$ISSUER \
  --location=global \
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $SA \
  --role=roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
echo audience must be$PROJECT/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/$POOL/providers/$PROVIDER

Using the id token is currently more awkward than from AWS, unfortunately. Sketch of usage from a build:

withCredentials([file(variable: 'ID_TOKEN_FILE', credentialsId: 'gcp')]) {
  writeFile file: "$WORKSPACE_TMP/creds.json", text: """
      "type": "external_account",
      "audience": "//",
      "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt",
      "token_url": "",
      "service_account_impersonation_url": "[email protected]:generateAccessToken",
      "credential_source": {
        "file": "$ID_TOKEN_FILE",
        "format": {
          "type": "text"
  sh '''
    gcloud auth login --brief --cred-file=$WORKSPACE_TMP/creds.json
    gcloud --project your-project run deploy …

GCP contacts the issuer periodically (every few minutes) to retrieve the public key, whether or not the pool is in use. (Your access log will show the user agent as google-thirdparty-credentials.) GCP seems to tolerate any TLS certificate that can validate against a root chain.

Accessing HashiCorp Vault

You will enable and configure jwt authentication and use a role for a specific pipeline job. This way access to required secrets can be granted on a job level. The pipeline will exchange the JWT against a Vault token and then use that token to access a secret. In this example the ID token (JWT) credential will be created in a folder.

Assume there is a kv v2 secret my-secret with the secret engine mounted at kv and a policy my-policy granting read capability to this secret.

In Jenkins, in folder oidc-folder, create an OpenID Connect id token credential with ID id-token. Copy the Issuer URI.

In the same folder, create a pipeline job oidc-job:

pipeline {
  agent {
    kubernetes {
      yaml '''
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          - name: vault
            image: hashicorp/vault
            - cat
            tty: true

  stages {
    stage('vault') {
      environment {
        VAULT_ADDR="<Vault API server address>"
        VAULT_NAMESPACE="<only for Vault Enterprise / HCP, remove otherwise>"
      steps {
        withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'id-token', variable: 'IDTOKEN')]) {
          container('vault') {
            sh 'vault write -field=token auth/jwt/login jwt=${IDTOKEN} > token'
            sh 'set +x ; VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat token) vault read -field=data -format=json kv/data/my-secret'

Configure Vault:

vault auth enable jwt
vault write auth/jwt/role/my-role name=my-role role_type=jwt policies=my-policy \
    bound_subject="https://jenkins/job/oidc-folder/job/oidc-job/" user_claim=sub
vault write auth/jwt/config oidc_discovery_url="<Issuer URI>" \
    bound_issuer="<Issuer URI>" default_role=my-role


Some relevant background reading. Not intended to be exhaustive.



Security considerations

Analogous features in other CI systems

Secret stores accessible ultimately via OIDC


Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE