utiles = utils + tiles
web map tile utilities, batching, serving, python and bears (oh-my)
# __CLI__
# from crates
cargo install utiles
# from source
cargo install --git https://github.com/jessekrubin/utiles.git utiles
# install the oxipng mbtiles/tiles-db wrapper cli
cargo install --git https://github.com/jessekrubin/utiles.git utiles-oxipng
# via the python package (which wrappers the rust-cli)
pip install -U utiles
# __LIBS__
# python (python lib + rust-cli)
pip install -U utiles
# rust-cli
cargo install utiles
# rust-libs
cargo add utiles-core utiles
started off as a python port of mapbox's web-mercator utils
python-library mercantile written
in rust. It has since been expanded into a slim rust crate (utiles-core
a less slim crate with a lib/cli (utiles
), that has a python package wrapper.
For more details on the python package see: ./utiles-pyo3
A mostly drop-in replacement for mercantile written w/ rust, plus several other util(e)ities
- Please do! Would love some feedback!
- Be kind!
- DO NOT USE the phrases
blazing fast
/blazingly fast
in any PRs, issues or docs. - I will happily accept PRs, and add you to the currently (5/26/2023) non-existent contributors list.
zoom info
zoom | ntiles | total | rowcol_range | max_rowcol |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 16 | 21 | 3 | 4 |
3 | 64 | 85 | 7 | 8 |
4 | 256 | 341 | 15 | 16 |
5 | 1_024 | 1_365 | 31 | 32 |
6 | 4_096 | 5_461 | 63 | 64 |
7 | 16_384 | 21_845 | 127 | 128 |
8 | 65_536 | 87_381 | 255 | 256 |
9 | 262_144 | 349_525 | 511 | 512 |
10 | 1_048_576 | 1_398_101 | 1_023 | 1_024 |
11 | 4_194_304 | 5_592_405 | 2_047 | 2_048 |
12 | 16_777_216 | 22_369_621 | 4_095 | 4_096 |
13 | 67_108_864 | 89_478_485 | 8_191 | 8_192 |
14 | 268_435_456 | 357_913_941 | 16_383 | 16_384 |
15 | 1_073_741_824 | 1_431_655_765 | 32_767 | 32_768 |
16 | 4_294_967_296 | 5_726_623_061 | 65_535 | 65_536 |
17 | 17_179_869_184 | 22_906_492_245 | 131_071 | 131_072 |
18 | 68_719_476_736 | 91_625_968_981 | 262_143 | 262_144 |
19 | 274_877_906_944 | 366_503_875_925 | 524_287 | 524_288 |
20 | 1_099_511_627_776 | 1_466_015_503_701 | 1_048_575 | 1_048_576 |
21 | 4_398_046_511_104 | 5_864_062_014_805 | 2_097_151 | 2_097_152 |
22 | 17_592_186_044_416 | 23_456_248_059_221 | 4_194_303 | 4_194_304 |
23 | 70_368_744_177_664 | 93_824_992_236_885 | 8_388_607 | 8_388_608 |
24 | 281_474_976_710_656 | 375_299_968_947_541 | 16_777_215 | 16_777_216 |
25 | 1_125_899_906_842_624 | 1_501_199_875_790_165 | 33_554_431 | 33_554_432 |
26 | 4_503_599_627_370_496 | 6_004_799_503_160_661 | 67_108_863 | 67_108_864 |
27 | 18_014_398_509_481_984 | 24_019_198_012_642_645 | 134_217_727 | 134_217_728 |
28 | 72_057_594_037_927_936 | 96_076_792_050_570_581 | 268_435_455 | 268_435_456 |
29 | 288_230_376_151_711_744 | 384_307_168_202_282_325 | 536_870_911 | 536_870_912 |
30 | 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 | 1_537_228_672_809_129_301 | 1_073_741_823 | 1_073_741_824 |
31 | 4_611_686_018_427_387_904 | 6_148_914_691_236_517_205 | 2_147_483_647 | 2_147_483_648 |
Zoom levels
zoom ntiles total rowcol_range max_rowcol
0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 4 5 1 2
2 2 16 21 3 4
3 3 64 85 7 8
4 4 256 341 15 16
5 5 1024 1365 31 32
6 6 4096 5461 63 64
7 7 16384 21845 127 128
8 8 65536 87381 255 256
9 9 262144 349525 511 512
10 10 1048576 1398101 1023 1024
11 11 4194304 5592405 2047 2048
12 12 16777216 22369621 4095 4096
13 13 67108864 89478485 8191 8192
14 14 268435456 357913941 16383 16384
15 15 1073741824 1431655765 32767 32768
16 16 4294967296 5726623061 65535 65536
17 17 17179869184 22906492245 131071 131072
18 18 68719476736 91625968981 262143 262144
19 19 274877906944 366503875925 524287 524288
20 20 1099511627776 1466015503701 1048575 1048576
21 21 4398046511104 5864062014805 2097151 2097152
22 22 17592186044416 23456248059221 4194303 4194304
23 23 70368744177664 93824992236885 8388607 8388608
24 24 281474976710656 375299968947541 16777215 16777216
25 25 1125899906842624 1501199875790165 33554431 33554432
26 26 4503599627370496 6004799503160661 67108863 67108864
27 27 18014398509481984 24019198012642645 134217727 134217728
28 28 72057594037927936 96076792050570581 268435455 268435456
29 29 288230376151711744 384307168202282325 536870911 536870912
30 30 1152921504606846976 1537228672809129301 1073741823 1073741824
31 31 4611686018427387904 6148914691236517205 2147483647 2147483648
"max_rowcol": 1,
"ntiles": 1,
"rowcol_range": 0,
"total": 1,
"zoom": 0
"max_rowcol": 2,
"ntiles": 4,
"rowcol_range": 1,
"total": 5,
"zoom": 1
"max_rowcol": 4,
"ntiles": 16,
"rowcol_range": 3,
"total": 21,
"zoom": 2
"max_rowcol": 8,
"ntiles": 64,
"rowcol_range": 7,
"total": 85,
"zoom": 3
"max_rowcol": 16,
"ntiles": 256,
"rowcol_range": 15,
"total": 341,
"zoom": 4
"max_rowcol": 32,
"ntiles": 1024,
"rowcol_range": 31,
"total": 1365,
"zoom": 5
"max_rowcol": 64,
"ntiles": 4096,
"rowcol_range": 63,
"total": 5461,
"zoom": 6
"max_rowcol": 128,
"ntiles": 16384,
"rowcol_range": 127,
"total": 21845,
"zoom": 7
"max_rowcol": 256,
"ntiles": 65536,
"rowcol_range": 255,
"total": 87381,
"zoom": 8
"max_rowcol": 512,
"ntiles": 262144,
"rowcol_range": 511,
"total": 349525,
"zoom": 9
"max_rowcol": 1024,
"ntiles": 1048576,
"rowcol_range": 1023,
"total": 1398101,
"zoom": 10
"max_rowcol": 2048,
"ntiles": 4194304,
"rowcol_range": 2047,
"total": 5592405,
"zoom": 11
"max_rowcol": 4096,
"ntiles": 16777216,
"rowcol_range": 4095,
"total": 22369621,
"zoom": 12
"max_rowcol": 8192,
"ntiles": 67108864,
"rowcol_range": 8191,
"total": 89478485,
"zoom": 13
"max_rowcol": 16384,
"ntiles": 268435456,
"rowcol_range": 16383,
"total": 357913941,
"zoom": 14
"max_rowcol": 32768,
"ntiles": 1073741824,
"rowcol_range": 32767,
"total": 1431655765,
"zoom": 15
"max_rowcol": 65536,
"ntiles": 4294967296,
"rowcol_range": 65535,
"total": 5726623061,
"zoom": 16
"max_rowcol": 131072,
"ntiles": 17179869184,
"rowcol_range": 131071,
"total": 22906492245,
"zoom": 17
"max_rowcol": 262144,
"ntiles": 68719476736,
"rowcol_range": 262143,
"total": 91625968981,
"zoom": 18
"max_rowcol": 524288,
"ntiles": 274877906944,
"rowcol_range": 524287,
"total": 366503875925,
"zoom": 19
"max_rowcol": 1048576,
"ntiles": 1099511627776,
"rowcol_range": 1048575,
"total": 1466015503701,
"zoom": 20
"max_rowcol": 2097152,
"ntiles": 4398046511104,
"rowcol_range": 2097151,
"total": 5864062014805,
"zoom": 21
"max_rowcol": 4194304,
"ntiles": 17592186044416,
"rowcol_range": 4194303,
"total": 23456248059221,
"zoom": 22
"max_rowcol": 8388608,
"ntiles": 70368744177664,
"rowcol_range": 8388607,
"total": 93824992236885,
"zoom": 23
"max_rowcol": 16777216,
"ntiles": 281474976710656,
"rowcol_range": 16777215,
"total": 375299968947541,
"zoom": 24
"max_rowcol": 33554432,
"ntiles": 1125899906842624,
"rowcol_range": 33554431,
"total": 1501199875790165,
"zoom": 25
"max_rowcol": 67108864,
"ntiles": 4503599627370496,
"rowcol_range": 67108863,
"total": 6004799503160661,
"zoom": 26
"max_rowcol": 134217728,
"ntiles": 18014398509481984,
"rowcol_range": 134217727,
"total": 24019198012642645,
"zoom": 27
"max_rowcol": 268435456,
"ntiles": 72057594037927936,
"rowcol_range": 268435455,
"total": 96076792050570581,
"zoom": 28
"max_rowcol": 536870912,
"ntiles": 288230376151711744,
"rowcol_range": 536870911,
"total": 384307168202282325,
"zoom": 29
"max_rowcol": 1073741824,
"ntiles": 1152921504606846976,
"rowcol_range": 1073741823,
"total": 1537228672809129301,
"zoom": 30
"max_rowcol": 2147483648,
"ntiles": 4611686018427387904,
"rowcol_range": 2147483647,
"total": 6148914691236517205,
"zoom": 31