My name is Jürgen and I'm an Application Innovation Specialist at Microsoft Austria working with customers on topics related to application innovation & migration, containers, serverless, DevOps, and more. I'm also a maintainer of Keptn and I've been a mentor for cloud-native projects in the LFX initiative (read what mentees are saying 1 2 3) and
👯 With Keptn, we are always happy to receive new contributions, checkout our source code and our tutorials to get started!
💬 Ask me about Azure: how to get started and get productive in the cloud.
- LinkedIn juergenetzlstorfer
- X (formerly Twitter) @jetzlstorfer
📖 My latest blog posts (from my blog)
- Your always up-to-date GitHub profile (2 years ago)
- Automating & evaluating load testing with Locust and Keptn (3 years ago)
- Running k3d and Istio locally (3 years ago)
- Part-2: Evaluating Application Resiliency with Keptn and LitmusChaos (use-case and demo) (4 years ago)
- Keptn — simplifying cloud-native app delivery & operations — a review on our journey so far (4 years ago)
- CloudNativeLinz/ - Website and main repo for Cloud Native Linz community (1 week ago)
- jetzlstorfer/plattentests-go - creates a spotify playlist based on most recent record reviews from my favourite music website 💿 (2 weeks ago)
- jetzlstorfer/AOAI-RAG-demo - (5 months ago)
- phbergsmann/ms-ignite-2024-vie - (11 months ago)
- dasMulli/csharp-sk-agent-demos - Demo code using Semantic Kernel in C# to use Azure AI Agents - 1 stars
- DominikStarke/becker_centralcontrol_has - Control your Centronic, CentronicPLUS and B-Tronic devices with Homeassistant. - 7 stars
- CloudNativeLinz/ - Website and main repo for Cloud Native Linz community - 4 stars
- atbore-phx/sbam - Smart Battery Advanced Manager - 18 stars
- sophher/cncf-docker - - 1 stars
- fulyaertay - Fulya Ertay
- SydoxX - Konstantin Papesh
- standardgalactic - Cogito Ergo Sum
- Maximisch - Maximilian Schirm
- efrenmo - Efren A. Mora
- jetzlstorfer/AOAI-RAG-demo
- jetzlstorfer/fhhgb2024
- jetzlstorfer/mygpt
- jetzlstorfer/actions-workflow-demo2023 - demo repo for some github actions demos
- jetzlstorfer/whatsapp-test
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