v1.2.2, 2025-03-17
This project includes a set of Dockerfiles that lets you build the Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL Docker containers.
The containers will execute in the following environments:
Standalone - a pure Docker environment
Openshift 3.x
Kubernetes 1.2.X
The project includes the following containers:
crunchy-postgres - executes Postgres
crunchy-backup - performs a full database backup
crunchy-pgpool - executes pgpool
crunchy-pgbadger - executes pgbadger
crunchy-watch - performs a form of automated failover
crunchy-collect - collects Postgres metrics
crunchy-prometheus -stores Postgres metrics
crunchy-grafana - graphs Postgres metrics
crunchy-dns - standalone DNS server useful for standalone execution
crunchy-pgbouncer - pgbouncer connection pooler and simple form of failover
These containers have been tested on Centos 7, RHEL 7, Openshift 3.1, Kubernetes 1.2.4, and Docker 1.8/1.9.
1) Installing / configuring Docker
On an EL7 system, docker can be installed with the following commands:
sudo yum -y install docker
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker ${USER}
sudo systemctl enable docker;systemctl start docker
TIP: remember to log out $USER for the docker group to take effect!
2) Building the Containers (Optional)
If you don’t want to pull the containers from DockerHub, you can perform a build of all the containers locally on your development host.
Complete build and install documentation is found here: Install Docs. The provided Dockerfiles build the containers on a Centos 7 base image and use the community PostgreSQL RPMs.
Crunchy provides a commercially supported version of these containers built upon RHEL 7 and the Crunchy supported PostgreSQL. Contact Crunchy for more details at link:http://www.crunchydata.com.
Various examples are provided in the /examples directory and described in the documentation for running Standalone and Openshift examples..
See the following link for documentation on the standalone examples: standalone-examples
To run the examples, you will need to set the CCP_IMAGE_TAG environment variable which indicates which version of the container you will pull down and execute, for example:
export BUILDBASE=$HOME/crunchy-containers export CCP_IMAGE_TAG=centos7-9.5-1.2.2
The BUILDBASE is the location of where you cloned the containers github repository.
The CCP_IMAGE_TAG is the version of the container you want to test with. That version is out on Dockerhub.