A python script to optimize .jpg, .png and animated .gif images for the web.
This follows the "Yahoo Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site" about optimize images.
After run it, you have a lossless optimization for the images. A small size saving for each image, but speeds up the load of web pages and reduces the bandwidth cost for a website.
Obviously, first we need is python. If we are in Linux or Mac, usually is installed by default. If we are in Windows, download it from here.
The python version needed for run both scripts is 2.6
img4web.py only uses python standard library modules, no needs any other module.
Uses the program pngcrush, the command jpegtran of the libjpeg library and the program gifsicle.
In linux they are usually available in the most popular distribution
repositories, e.g.:
In debian, Ubuntu as these packages in their repositories: pngcrush
& gifsicle
For install them:
sudo aptitude install pngcrush
sudo aptitude install libjpeg-progs
sudo aptitude install gifsicle
In Windows pngcrush can be downloaded at here, libjpeg can be downloaded (as gnuwin32) at here and gifsicle can be downloaded at here
This had been tested in linux and Windows. Sorry, I don't have a Mac.
You need to run this script into the folder where are stored that images you want to optimize.
Run the script is very simple,
in linux
python img4web.py
in windows
(path where you have installed python)\python.exe img4web.py
At the end, there's a new subdirectory called processed where are stored the new processed images.
That's all! Simple, fun and fast!
After the execution it shows a little report about the image weight savings by type.
It looks like that
Original Processed Save
.jpgs: ( 31) 2.12 MiB ( 31) 1.82 MiB 301.28 KiB
.pngs: ( 10)489.46 KiB ( 10)368.93 KiB 120.53 KiB
.gifs: ( 4)952.71 KiB ( 4)796.06 KiB 156.66 KiB
Total: ( 45) 3.53 MiB ( 45) 2.96 MiB 578.47 KiB
The code is hosted in a Git repository at GitHub, use this to get a clone:
git clone git://github.com/joedicastro/img4web.git
Contributions and Feedback are most welcome. To contribute to the improvement and development of this scripts, you can send suggestions or bugs via the issues.
The script is distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 license