Small library built on top of the micro:bit radio driver which allows for packets to be address to individual micro:bit recievers via client side packet filtering.
Example of use:
#include "MicroBit.h"
#include "MessageService.h"
// Microbit components
MicroBit uBit;
MessageService messages(&uBit);
// Invoked whenever a message is recieved from the messages system
void onMessageReceived(uint32_t from, uint8_t *buffer, int len) {
uBit.serial.send("Message received: ");
uBit.serial.send(buffer, len);
// Entry point to the program
int main() {
// Initialise the micro:bit
// Set the callback for the messages module
// Start the radio module - First make sure that bluetooth is disabled or
// this is not going to work.
uBit.serial.send("Attempting to start radio module: ");
int result =;
if (result == MICROBIT_OK) {
} else if (result == MICROBIT_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
// Broadcast an example message
// NOTE: Instead of 0 you could enter the serial number of any micro:bit in the area.
messages.send(0, "Hello, World!");
// Terminate the main fiber gracefully so messages can be received after main ends.