Uses dynamic programming to figure out the best way to play out each game.
Video demo + explanation:
Manually create an input file input.txt with the four card piles (listed in order from top to bottom). Example input:
10 6 8 6 3 7 5 10 10 J Q A K
K 3 A 8 3 4 5 6 3 Q A 2 9
2 J 5 K A Q 7 8 7 2 5 7 9
J J 2 4 9 4 Q K 8 9 10 4 6
Compile the program:
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 -Wall -o cribbage
Run the program. This takes around 20 seconds:
./cribbage < input.txt |& tee out
Follow the directions:
less -RS out
Example output:
Best possible score: 106
Play card from stack 1 (which is a K) scoring 0 total=0
Play card from stack 1 (which is a A) scoring 0 total=0
Play card from stack 1 (which is a Q) scoring 0 total=0
Play card from stack 2 (which is a 9) scoring 0 total=0
Play card from stack 1 (which is a J) scoring 2 total=2
Play card from stack 1 (which is a 10) scoring 0 total=2
Play card from stack 1 (which is a 10) scoring 2 total=4
Play card from stack 1 (which is a 5) scoring 0 total=4