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JRuby Books
This entry is meant to list books that are specifically JRuby related. Links are shown for the original publisher's page, as well as the listing on Amazon.com. For Ruby related books in general, you can check the Amazon Ruby Listings. Entries are sorted by date, with the most recent first.
Deploy using the JVM’s high performance while building your apps in the language you love. JRuby is a fast, scalable, and powerful JVM language with all the benefits of a traditional Ruby environment. See how to consolidate the many moving parts of an MRI-based Ruby deployment onto a single JVM process. You’ll learn how to port a Rails application to JRuby, get it into production, and keep it running.
- Author(s): Joe Kutner
- ISBN: 978-1-93435-697-5
- Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf (beta 2012-03-07)
- Publisher's Page: http://pragprog.com/book/jkdepj/deploying-with-jruby
- Amazon Page: http://amzn.com/1934356972
- Format(s): Print, epub, mobi, PDF
Now you can bring the best of Ruby into the world of Java, with Using JRuby. Come to the source for the JRuby core team’s insights and insider tips. You’ll learn how to call Java objects seamlessly from Ruby, and deal with Java idioms such as interfaces and overloaded functions. Run Ruby code from Java, and make a Java program scriptable in Ruby. See how to compile Ruby into .class files that are callable from Java, Scala, Clojure, or any other JVM language.
- Author(s): Charles O Nutter, Thomas Enebo, Nick Sieger, Ola Bini, Ian Dees
- ISBN: 978-1-93435-665-4
- Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf (2011-01-28)
- Publisher's Page: http://pragprog.com/book/jruby/using-jruby
- Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1934356654/
- Format(s): Print, epub, mobi, PDF
NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby, an officially endorsed NetBeans project book, is for Ruby and Rails programmers who want to take advantage of the NetBeans IDE to facilitate their Ruby and/or Rails web application development.
- Author(s): Chris Kutler , Brian Leonard
- ISBN: 978-1-4302-1636-0
- Publisher: Apress (December 16, 2008)
- Publisher's Page: http://www.apress.com/9781430216360
- Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1430216360/
- Format(s): Print, PDF
If you're interested in JRuby, you probably don't need a turorial on Ruby, Rails, or Java -- you just need to know how to get things done. This Cookbook offers practical solutions for using the Java implementation of the Ruby language, with targeted recipes for deploying Rails web applications on Java servers, integrating JRuby code with Java technologies, developing JRuby desktop applications with Java toolkits, and more.
- Author(s): Justin Edelson, Henry Liu
- ISBN: 978-0-596-51980-3
- Publisher: O'Reilly Media (November 2008)
- Publisher's Page: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596519650.do
- Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005SNJF28/
- Format(s): Print, DAISY, ePub, Mobi, PDF
Discover how JRuby on Rails can be used to create web applications faster and more efficiently while still taking advantage of the vast power of the Java platform
- Author(s): Ola Bini
- ISBN: 978-1-59059-881-8
- Publisher: Apress (September 26, 2007)
- Publisher's Page: http://www.apress.com/9781590598818
- Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1590598814/
- Format(s): Print, EPUB, MOBI, PDF
[GERMAN] Ruby on Rails für JEE-Experten: Umfassender Einstieg in Rails und JEE-Integration mit JRuby
LECKERBISSEN FÜR JEE-ENTWICKLER Basiert auf Rails 2.1 - Lernen Sie die Vorzüge von Ruby on Rails kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre JEE-Anwendungen mit JRuby integrieren können. - Verfolgen Sie, wie der Onlineshop briefcasten.com in 7 Iterationen entsteht, und erfahren Sie live, wie Rails und JRuby funktionieren. Sie erfahren auch, wie sich Rails-Anwendungen dank JRuby in die Java-Enterprise-Welt integrieren lassen. An einem realistischen Projekt in 7 Iterationen zeigt der Autor, wie ein komplette Web-Seite mit Shop und Abrechnungsschnittstelle zu Paypal entsteht. Aus dem Inhalt: Einführung in Ruby on Rails - Einführungs-Tutorial: Newsfeed-Verwaltung - Testgetriebene Entwicklung - Ruby: Das Wichtigste - Versionskontrolle - JRuby - Projekt: briefcasten.com - Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung
- Author(s): Michael Johann
- ISBN: 978-3446415355
- Publisher: Hanser (1. Oktober, 2008)
- Publisher's Page: http://www.hanser.de
- Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.de/Ruby-Rails-f%C3%BCr-JEE-Experten-JEE-Integration/dp/3446415351/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321560501&sr=8-1
- Format(s): Print, PDF