A Haxe library offering externs and tool functions leveraging Haxe's excellent type system and compile time macros to offer a strongly typed language to work with the increasingly popular React library.
haxelib install react-next
This readme needs many updates. See changes in #next; other docs available
in doc
This library covers React core and ReactDOM. It does NOT cover: ReactAddOns, react-router or React Native.
We recommend looking into / contributing to the following efforts:
- https://github.com/haxe-react (React native and others libs)
- https://github.com/tokomlabs/haxe-react-addons (various externs to pick)
React doesn't enforce any specific application architecture; here are a few approaches:
Redux, a very popular new approach of Model-View-Intent architecture: global state object, following immutability principles, but the wiring has been re-imagined to use the best of Haxe:
MMVC, classic, battle tested, Model-View-Mediator with state of the art Dependency Injection:
Flux, inspired by Facebook's suggested architecture for React; this is a very quick PoC which probably won't scale well to complex apps, but it shows a good range of React features:
If you have questions / issues, join haxe-react on Gitter.im
Most of the regular React API is integrated (non-JSX example):
import react.React;
import react.ReactDOM;
class App extends ReactComponent {
static public function main() {
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App), Browser.document.getElementById('app'));
public function new() {
override function render() {
var cname = 'foo';
return React.createElement('div', {className:cname}, [/*children*/]);
Note that React.createElement
strictly expects either a String
, a Function
, or a class
extending ReactComponent
. It includes when writing externs for 3rd party JS libraries you
must specify extends
@:jsRequire('react-redux', 'Provider')
extern class Provider extends react.ReactComponent { }
The Haxe compiler (and editors) doesn't allow to use exactly the JSX XML DSL, so we had to compromise a bit...
This library's take on JSX is to use a compile-time macro to parse JSX as a string to generate the same kind of code that Facebook's JSX, Babel and Typescript will generate.
Both classic JSX {}
binding and Haxe string interpolation $var
/ ${expression}
/ <$Comp>
are allowed. The advantage of string interpolation is Haxe editor supports for completion and
code navigation.
Spread operator and complex expressions within curly braces are supported.
import react.React;
import react.ReactDOM;
import react.ReactMacro.jsx;
class App extends ReactComponent {
static public function main() {
ReactDOM.render(jsx('<App/>'), Browser.document.getElementById('app'));
public function new() {
override function render() {
var cname = 'foo';
return jsx('
<div className=$cname>
<App.statelessComponent style=${{margin:"10px"}}/>
static function statelessComponent(props:Dynamic) {
return jsx('<div {...props}/>');
Fragments (React 16.2+) let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.
Two syntaxes are supported:
<span>more text</span>
Still more text
// or short syntax:
<span>more text</span>
Still more text
JSX is not String magic! Do not concatenate Strings to construct the JSX expression
Haxe's JSX parser is not "re-entrant"
In JavaScript you can nest JSX inside curly-brace expressions:
return ( <div>{ isA ? <A/> : <B/> }</div> );
However this isn't allowed in Haxe, so you must extract nested JSX into variables:
var content = isA ? jsx('<A/>') : jsx('<B/>'); return jsx('<div>{content}</div>');
The default ReactComponent
type is a shorthand for ReactComponentOf<Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic>
a fully untyped component.
To fully benefit from Haxe's strict typing you should look into extending a stricter base class:
typedef ReactComponentOfProps<TProps> = ReactComponentOf<TProps, Empty>;
typedef ReactComponentOfState<TState> = ReactComponentOf<Empty, TState>;
typedef ReactComponentOfPropsAndState<TProps, TState> = ReactComponentOf<TProps, TState>;
There are 2 ways to link the React JS library:
By default the library uses require('react')
to reference React JS.
This means you are expected to use npm
to install this dependency:
npm install react
and a second build step to generate the final JS file, for instance using browserify
npm install browserify
browserify haxe-output.js -o final-output.js
(note that you can use watchify
to automatically run this build step)
The other common method is to download or reference the CDN files of React JS in your HTML page:
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.2.0/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.2.0/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
and don't forget to add the following Haxe define to your build command:
-D react_global
Look at samples/todoapp
for an example of this approach.
By default, when building for release (eg. without -debug
), calls to React.createElement
are replaced by inline JS objects (if possible).
See: facebook/react#3228
// regular
return React.createElement('div', {key:'bar', className:'foo'});
// inlined (simplified)
return {$$typeof:Symbol.for('react.element'), type:'div', props:{className:'foo'}, key:'bar'}
This behaviour can be disabled using -D react_no_inline
Setting -D react_render_warning
will enable runtime warnings for avoidable renders.
This will add a componentDidUpdate
(or update the existing one) where a shallowCompare is done on current and previous props and state. If both did not change, a warning will be displayed in the console.
False positives can happen if your props are not flat, due to the shallowCompare.