LNK & Jumplist Browser
Added support for LNK 64bit target File Size (see the PDF for more info & comparisons):
Maximum 32bit File Size: 4.294.967.295 (0xFF FF FF FF):
64bit File Size: 4.294.967.296 (0x00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00):
64bit File Size: 4.294.967.297 (0x01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00):
ShellLinkHeader => FileSize (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the link target. If the link target file is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF, this value specifies the least significant 32 bits of the link target file size.
Updated ItemID Type: [00] variants
Added support for ItemID Extensions BEEF0013 & BEEF0019:
[Edit ]
Added below "LNK 32-64bit size test files.zip" which includes 3 test LNK (Shortcut) files for testing with other tools:
MD5: DC565990E605662898E899DA4D5566C3
SHA256: 0EE6DADCA477CFC90BF3E653E679734EEDCEF8F55DF6853F64E27F04BBECA303