An Android App written in Kotlin to demonstrate the usage of Linear and Constraint Layouts, two-way DataBinding, Activity and Fragment lifecycles, Navigation and Android Lifecycle Libraries. The project uses the MVVM architecure.
The project has been created as part of course requirment for Udacity's ND940 NanoDegree program and has been seeded from here.
Clone or download the zip archive of the project and import it to the latest stable version of Android Studio.
Build and run the app in an emulator or on any Android phone.
This project consists of five screens.
- Login screen: Email and password fields and labels plus create and login buttons
- Welcome onboarding screen
- Instructions onboarding screen
- Shoe Listing screen
- Shoe Detail screen for adding a new shoe
The guidelines followed for creating the above can be read here
Shoe images are adapted from SVG icons published at